
Friday, December 28, 2012

HINT #15

Hyun Joong's Ideal Type

On Aug. 25, 2011, HJ guested in "Just Love JK Show" in Taiwan, to promote his album "Breakdown".  JK complimented HJ for his patience as the supposed to be high-5 w/fans segment was held outdoors but HJ patiently stood and waited in the down-pour rain.  HJ shook hands with fans instead of high-5.  Now, on with the game...   

HJ little secret?  Was he even aware what kind of game he was about to play?  kekeke

The game is to know what Hyun Joong's ideal type looks like.

The show gathered face features from their 5 famous female idols and separated them in to puzzle pieces.  HJ is to piece them together into his ideal type. 

 First one:  hair style and HJ picked the above.  HJ prefers a simple style.   

He thoroughly checked each features before choosing.  Then, he was asked "Is there any particular type of eyes he prefers?"

HJ:  Eyes that looks kindhearted.  

He affirmed that he doesn't have a problem with either single or double-lid eyes... just like what he said in 1st Love in Bali.

When they got to the lips portion, HJ went through all 5 pieces of lips but didn't like any of them and he said "Seems like this girl looks better without lips".  kekeke 

The emcee said to HJ... "in Korea a lot of the female artists have very fancy hair but you choose a simplest style.  HJ said:  I don't like style that are over fancy.  

HJ said he picked that particular nose because it feels very kind.  lol

This is the overall look HJ likes... simple hair style, kind hearted eyes, nose... a face that looks warm and kind. 

How many times have we heard HJ say in his interviews that his ideal type of girl is kindhearted.  And how did he describe MM when asked in a radio interview:  Kindhearted

I can't decide which picture above is the closest to the puzzle HJ completed - the picture on the left or right?  ^-^  *yjj*

Video credit:  Onlykhjtimes
Credit as tagged.  

 Shirley Luna:  thank you for your suggestions.  I'll work on the other two videos next.   


  1. Good morning,afternoon,evening to you GFs...

  2. Is the reason HJ did not add lip feature was because he did not want to give his secret away? Lol!

    1. Hello Gfs, Gf snowy the truth is that none of the Taiwanese actresses have lips chubby like those of MM.

    2. Gf snowy here is in English sub: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ljQOLetmlM&playnext=1&list=PL5EBFE2570518D338&feature=results_video

    3. GF Ela, thanks. I'll post the video with eng sub

  3. It seems like HJ is conservative when it comes to choosing the woman he wants to be with... kindhearted, warm, simple and I remember he said he wants to be the one to approach or pursue her. Meaning he doesn't like aggressive women.

    Who do you think GFs fits HJ's ideal woman and who he was thinking of when he was answering the questions?... We all know the answer right?

    1. Good Morning Gf Snowy!

      you're right gf we have the same answer :)

    2. Hmmm Hmmm... Let me guess.... the one and only Lucky girl: Kim Yoon Ji!

      Hello Rowshe! .... good morning to you!

  4. If he will add the lips it will surely looks like MM...

    Hello Gfs.....im on my way to Terni now..

  5. Good morning girls!

    Shirley your wish was granted!

  6. No lips????... hahaha... nothing like Mami's lips??

    1. When he chose the hairstyle, it was already a big hint...lol!

    2. Hahaha yes... he just had asked "do you have a pic of Jung So Min?"

  7. thanks, yoon ji joong for your effort. i love it so much. you made my day complete... nice and wonderful hint. i think so , cyn oc maybe he asked to look all the pictures, before the show will aired. hyun joong very obvious he don't add the lips. just to hide the face of minmin.. love you all gfs....

    1. Hi Gf Shirley...we are glad that you are happy reading Gf Yjj's post...for sure more to come from her... Right, Gf Yjj?
