Thursday, March 28, 2013

[2013-03-28] The Fifth Okinawa International Movie Festival ~ Kim Hyun Joong: Creator's Factory Best Actor Award Winner ~

CR: MurdererQ


  1. (And as long as I got my suit and tie
    I'm leave it all on the floor tonight
    Lalalalalala la la la la
    Let me show you a few things)

    GOod am/pm Gfs!!!

    Hola Señor Hyun Joong!!!!... you look so handsome!!!!.

    Congratulations for the award!!!!

  2. Replies
    1. Hi Gf Ress he win Creator's Factory Actor for Lucky Guy...Congratulations Hyun Joong ssi

    2. Factory Actor?? Was that a music video awards? For Lucky guy? Now i shud somhow chkout that actual MV lol... Thk u GF Liz
      and Congrats HJssi

  3. hi Gf Cyni..Good Morning/evening Gf's Yes Jefecita Cyni, papi looks so handsome in Mami in wedding dress... You are so wonderful couple We need a new HyunMin Weeding photoshoot <3

  4. Good morning GF Liz-

    Thanks for this post.

  5. A very good handsome KHJ... woohooo

    Smile KHJ!!! You look adorable when you smile.

    1. I agree Gf Snowy he looks so handsome but his eyes looks sad :'(

  6. Is that a trophy he was holding? If it is, a very unusual one.

  7. To: KHJ this might actually be crazy o_O there was a video posted on youtube that actually gave me the courage to write this now I was not going to write or even say anything. But here it goes once you said you wanted to go to space that maybe a little harder to do in one way,but in another you can so there for I bought you a real STAR the STAR is named after you I sent the package to the fan mail. Now I knw you receive multitudes of gifts and letters. But see me writing this actually is crazy bcz thats not the kind of person I am. But is not about me is about you. You are in space by name and also is going to be launched in April. Now having to do a world tour does not mean that you are on top of the world but see bcz of the STAR named after you in the ORION GALAXY which is closest to Earth puts you on top of the world. There for: You KHJ are on top of the world you deserve this to the fullest. If I have room I will write a song for you if not I will post twice. (Twinkle, twinkle little star how I wonder what you are up above the sky so high like a diamond there you shine KHJ) i didnt write the song is actually a kids song but it goes with the STAR. Good luck KHJ. Oops was trying to copy paste and put my finger in the wrong place and this got posted like three times in jointhegforce colum lol! Lol! Big time I never do this kind of stuff see this is why sticking my fingers where they dont belong. LOL!

    1. Hello A40Santo39, welcome to the blog... I deleted your multiple duplicates of the same post.. It happened to some of us as we'll, so don't worry about it.

      I hope HJ will visit the blog and read your touching message for him. You never know right? I heard that he likes blogging. Hahaha

      If you want to post fanarts, articles, write ups, etc. let us know please.

    2. Hola A40Santos39, welcome to the blog^^!!!

      You rock girl!!!!... HJ will be so happy with your gift!!!. Now, we can look at the sky and see Kim Hyun Joong shining for us!!

    3. Hello A40santos 39! Welcome to Hyunmin Gforce blog. I hope we see you more in our blog. Sorry for a late welcome.

    4. Hello A40Santos39....welcome to the blog....

    5. Hello everyone! and Thank you!

  8. You know GFs... I looked at these fabulous photos of HJ by MurdererQ, HJ in black tie attire, he looks so handsome and elegant. He should be in a James Bond movie. What do you think GFs. Do you agree with me?

  9. oh godddd!!! what did i missed???? hahaha

    Hello A40Santos39! :D welcome to the blog!!!!! :D

  10. Very funny Im still awake I think I got infected by blogs diseas or virus bcz Im never up at this time. Im seriously laughing at my self right now. Lol!
    :-D :-D :-D

  11. oh yes... he's so handsome on that awards night. the jury said that hj has a small face , but has a long legs. mr. ocuyama spoke highly and said hj had an aura like 007- james bond, also looks classical handsome man like action film actor... congrats hyun joong for winning that award.
