
Sunday, December 30, 2012

PlayFul Kiss Marathon

Hello HyunMins,

Since year 2013 is just around the corner, would you like to know how to start the New Year off the right way? What about... a Playful Kiss Marathon? It's a great way to begin your new year, don't you think? 

Enjoy all the episodes ^^

Episode 01:

Episode 02:

Epidode 03:

Episode 04:

Episode 05:

Episode 06: 

Episode 07:

Episode 08:

Episode 09:

Episode 10:

Episode 11:

episode 12:

Episode 13:

Episode 14:

episode 15:

Episode 16 Final:


  1. Good morning/afternoon/evening GFs...

    GF CYNI!!!!! What are you doing my friend? You want us to start our year in a good mood? Whoa! A playful Kiss Marathon on New Year's Day? A splendid idea GF!!!... Thanks!

    1. Hello Gfs!

      Hmmm.... Gf Cyn, you gave me an idea on what to do on NY's day... thank you! I will watch Pk all day...hehe

    2. Hello GF Eiren...

      What a way to welcome the New Year right?

    3. Right Gf Snowy! I will welcome the New year with love.. love=Pk :)
      Actually i'm going to start watching in a bit..

  2. GF Cyni, is there an available eng subbed PK videos? Hahahha... Not all of us can understand Korean, you know.

  3. Not me Gfas i have work tomorrow and on jan. 1...hwhehe

  4. woooah...i was planning to catch with a lot of ff on that day...so sad cant going home ....

  5. Good morning amigas!!

    Of course it has subtitles, english subs and spanish subs also. Just open the video on Youtube and you will be able to choose the CC.

    1. Duh, it's good to know.hahaha... Maybe you you should add that important info to your post. Lol?

  6. I am not savvy like you, you know.

  7. thanks cyn oc for the playful kiss marathon. but, so sad all the videos are not working... not available in this country.. here in the phil... anyway i can watch it in viki net, anytime i want too. thanks for the reminder...." happy new year " to all gfs, i love you all gfs !!!
