
Monday, February 18, 2013

I feel so close...

I feel so close to you right now
It’s a force field
I wear my heart upon my sleeve, like a big deal
Your love pours down on me, surrounds me like a
And there’s no stopping us right now
I feel so close to you right now...

Feel So Close - Calvin Harris

Credit to: Rukubebe for HJ picture.


  1. Hello dear Hyunmins!!... HOLA!!!

    I love the song and for a long time I wanted to do a HyunMin post with it, but I gues I wasn't inspired... 'til now, kekeke... hope you like it!!

  2. When I read your post while I was working on my post too, I thought "wow, the wordings look like they're from a song" but couldn't remember which song. hahaha I didn't know you had a MV included. hahaha

    Perfect song for the couple, GF. 2-thumps up!

  3. I like this line for the couple... There's no stopping us right now!!!!!!

  4. I should listen to this song! I love cheesy yet meaningful song, especially when its match.with our lovely couple HyunMin!!! Woohoo ! Oh love this post!! Thanks gf! Now i have one more song to add on my list! :D <3 <3 <3

  5. hi gfs ! the songs posted by gf cyn oc is meaningfully close to the message of minmin, last feb.9..."persistent dedication to the ball ".. perfect song for hyunmin couple.
