
Sunday, February 10, 2013

Long Lines for KHJ Lima, Peru Fanmeet Tickets

Long lines? Peruvian fans camping outside the ticket office for hours to be sure they get their tickets? Wow! KHJ fanmeet is the hottest ticket in Lima, Peru! I won't be surprised if the tickets were sold out on the first day or maybe just for few hours as soon as the tickets went on sale.

 Kim Hyun Joong fans anxiously waiting for his Lima, Peru fanmeet this coming February 25, 2013.. .

Photo credit: as tagged


  1. wow !!! kim hyun joong fans waiting for peru fanmeeting... nice post snowy.

  2. Hello GF Shirley, good evening to you.

    Wow, KHJ's fanmeet is the hottest ticket in Lima, Peru. I am glad to know that GF Estanyela and Cyni got their tickets already....

    Latin GForce, I want to see our poster/banner at the fanmeet, arasso? lol! Are you GFs going to meet him at the airport? You better be not working that day!

    1. You are a very demanding HyunMin... kekeke... of course I have to work that day.

      HJ, are you practicing your spanish?. We are expecting to heard some words from you.^^

      Good morning señoritas HyunMin!

    2. You going after work right GF? HJ will be looking for you! He will be looking for the crazy and pretty señorita who posted a fanart in this blog begging for him to visit Peru.

    3. You better not teach him bad Spanish words GF Cyni....kekeke

    4. I'm going after my work, gf Ela will be there in the line.

      I was watching a video about HJ fanmeeting in Perú. It said there are only 4000 tickets and no VIP zone... wahhhh... the lines will be long, hope we can get a good place to watch him and he will be able to read our poster/banner...

    5. I can teach him bad spanish words... hahaha that will be funny to hear

    6. Continue sending your messages GF...hahahaha... I can't wait to hear what gifts you are planning to give him when he gets there.

      GF, you better pay someone to stand in line for you a week before the fanmeet. That will guarantee you and GF Ela the best seats at the fanmeet. Hahahaha. It's funny but it's true...

    7. He will be surprised hearing you girls calling him Papi!

    8. Yes, I think you are right, we better pay someone to stand in line.

      What gifts for HJ???.. we are sending gifts for MM with him...hahahaha.

    9. Papi, here a few lines that you can say:

      Hola Perú!!
      Ya llegó por el que lloraban... chiquitas!!
      Yo amo a So Min!!! (If you say this last line, you will make happy all thr Hyunmins there)

    10. Hahaha...you want Papi to make the official announcement in Peru? Hahahaha You are bad. He should make the announcement here in North America.

    11. Are you using Papi as a gift holder? Hahaha.... Crazy Latina !!!! You have to buy hem a his and hers gifts. One for him and one for her. What is your country known for except for the STWPO drinks? Hahahahahaha

    12. Hahaha... STWPO and only STWPO for him!!

    13. aaah i hate it whn i have to com by mobile... It simply loves to eat my fingers hardwork! Sigh... Well GF Cyni mind translating his * it will sure make u hyunmins jump off ur seats* words?
      And btw i think he wants to do it in SK itself... With all the weaning that is.... *goes back to i cant wait nylonger mode*

    14. Gf Cyn -HJ won't have any problem if u give your gifts for MM through him. :) Other hyunmins have done it. And maybe a share they can share; I.e., bracelet from a chinese fans. hehe

    15. Correction: a gift they can share...

    16. He would be very happy to give it to her...lol! .

  3. This is awesome, lots of fans are waiting. If im in peru, i will surely be there too, lol but sad to say Rome is too far away....

    1. me too mommy mhel... brunei is ttttttoooooo far away as well.. huhu its okay.. at least our latin gforce willl attend papi's fanmeetiing woohooo :D
