
Sunday, February 24, 2013

MM's Twitpix Message - English Translations

 받자마자 인증샷 찍느라..초췌해서 미안요ㅜㅠ하루종일 방콕했더니...이해부탁....선물 고맙습니다 잘쓸게용

I was taking picture right after I got it... sorry I look tired :( I was in the room all day... please understand... thanks for the gift I use it usefully.

Ate Liz님과 Ate Elsa님이 선물해주신 아이패드미니❤ 감사합니당 너무 예뻐요! 이걸로 대본보면 되겠다 히히
Ipad mini from Ate Liz and Ate Elsa, thank you it's so pretty! I would see my script with it... hehe
A big "thank you" to Hana and Gf Rowshe for the translations -- you're the best! 


  1. Its better now that there is a translation. Thanks to Weng and to your friend for the translation...

    1. Yes GF, it's so much better than the online translations. hehehe

      Isn't it also a good feeling to see her happy to receive them and confirmed that they're useful? I feel so happy about it. :)

    2. Yes, i agree...lucky to have someone that could give us a better understanding about the messages...

  2. really thk u GF Rowshe and friends for the translation! Google gave me such weird interpretations.. Lol

    btw useful eh.. MM... And she is saying she took that picture right aftr she got it? Or is there another snap tooo? Now i hope to see HJ wearing the other half at Latina land! Lalalallala

    1. :-O can somone shut me up... Coz i am gonna spill my wildest imagination now! *ress smothers herslf*

    2. hahaha why? you can share it in a subtle way, can't you?

    3. Sorry for disappearing... My hubby doesnt know why i was smothering myslf... Haha.... Since u already caught the script hint GF YJJ... This is forr u... N whn its for u... I shud b careful haha... So She toook it right aftr she and somone returned from Japan .... Obviously must b tired aftr all the FMs.... And she was resting... But Aishhhhh! Look at her eyes she is not kidiing whn she said i am tired.... :(

      Only thing i dont get is,,, why tweet it now....?

    4. You're as observant, as I am -- you make a good 'hint' writer for us. hahaha

      Why? Several reasons. hahaha waaaahhh... I can't answer your questions bluntly... I suggest you analyze the events/occasions that transpired after Japan. hahaha

    5. Observant! Well i guess i was taught that at med school... But look where i am applying it! Hahaha...

      Events after Japan... U lost me now! *ress scratches her head*

      all i can think of is.... "I wanna tell u i love u... N i ill miss u...." Haha

    6. She muyst be tired if she just came back fr Japan (with someone)..my crazy idea is it might even be this someone who took the picture of her with His bracelet..remember the boxes had label for him and for her..she would not have opened his box if he was not there to say its ok to open his gift...your translation GFs are the best!! You make us all go Hyunmin crazy!!

    7. Hahahaha... So it wasn't a mistake then. I am smelling something good.... Lalalalalalalalalala

      Thanks GF Lizzie P.... You are wonderful GF. Thanks for providing your fellow Hyunmins this important detail... Waaaaaahhhh

  3. MM says: I would see my script with it (referring to the Ipad Mini) -- is she implying that she has an upcoming project? Could it be a movie or drama? woooohoooo I hope it's a romantic/comedy (with no kissing for LG's heart sake). hahahaha And it would even be great if it's with no less than... HJ! hehehehe Hey, there's no harm in wishing! ;)

    1. The Ipad mini is a lot lighter than the Ipad 2or 3. It would be easier for her to carry it around wherever she goes. Aside from downloading her scripts into her new Ipad mini, she could also take good pictures with it....then send the photos to us...hehehehe wishful thinking!

    2. No, it's a valid wish. Take photos behind-the-scene of her new project and send it to us. hahaha You never know, she just might grant our wish. hehehe

  4. Yes, our wish might be granted...hehehe It will make all her fans and the Hyunmins really happy...

  5. Ahh i always late in commenting! LOL

    thanks GF Rowshe and.friends for the translations.. Its really good to finally able to read her messages! :D

    haha.gf yoonjj.. You are fast and good in sensing about (hint of her new drama or movie) although.its just our wishful thinking.. But i hope it will come true.. Woohoo i want to see mami in new drama as well without Kiss scenes LOL

    im suggesting..that mami picks a drama or movie which focus on dancing movie.. Hehe i really want to see her dance.again!

    1. Hello GF Mazzy... I thought you want to suggest to Minmin, no kissing scenes unless the love interest in her new drama is Kim Hyun Joong. Hehehe

    2. No, it's not a wishful thinking. I won't be surprised if she received an offer for either a drama or movie even before CWGM ended. It happened in the past -- Big Guy to PK and also Standby to CWGM -- so not surprising if it happens again. ;)

    3. The industry does see her talent! And a very good sign...

  6. i agree to gf yjj, i don't like her in kissing scenes in a drama.. when i watched cwgm i escape the kissing scenes. as gf zm mazze said i like her as a dancer.. maybe a teacher of ballet or a historical drama..
