
Monday, March 4, 2013

Gifts for Mr. Gorgeous and Perfect, Kim Hyun Joong from the Latin Hyunmin GForce


On February 25th, the Latin Hyunmin GForce team gave these gifts to their beloved Kim Hyun Joong at the Peru fan meeting.

                       LOVE ... is Kim Hyun Joong and that's all the Latin GForce  see!

Credit: Ela, Cyni, Liz


  1. I love the eyes of the Latin GForce...the eyes of love for KHJ... hahahaha

    1. Hahahaha... yes... those are our eyes of love... thank you Nievecita!

    2. hahaha Gf Snowy ,are our eyes for the love we have for HJ and Mm.
      I hope you have enjoyed our gifts.
      truth were very cute.

    3. GFs... Hahahaha I enjoyed applying the hearts on your eyes... I couldn't stop laughing while I was doing it. It's perfect right.... Say what you have in your heart, mind and eyes through pictures... Hahaha

  2. hahaha Gf Snowy you can see the true in our eyes hehehehe thanks for share this post!

    1. Yes I do GF Liz.... Now HJ could see it too. Hehehe

  3. We really hope you liked the gifts HJ!!!...

    1. By the way, about thr peruvian jersey. A girl gave him a similar one but has a different number at the back.

    2. And HJ... read the book... ask Mami's help if you have trouble with the translation...kekeke... that book is a gift for PaMi!

  4. Crazy Llama Nieves is there!!!

    1. Yes, she's waiting to be cuddled by HJ. Hahahahah

  5. Okay GFs... Tell us what your banner says. I know you said that HJ saw it, smiled and waved his hand...

    1. Kim Hyun Joong ♥ Kim Yoon Ji

      Kim Hyun Joong ♥ Kim So Min

      Lalalala... love love love!

    2. I mean:

      Kim Hyun Joong ♥ Jung So Min


    3. For awhile there I thought you really put KHJ loves KIM SO MIN...LOL...that will be the day!!..love your gifts..I thought before that the jersey given to him was fr you guys but he held it up and the number was different...

    4. Holaa Gfs!!!!

      How are you?
      I can see that you are full of energy and love<3

      Gf Cyn I saw your intention.... already changing Mami's last name? LOL
      be patient gf .. for the big day<3

    5. Hello HyunMin GForce! Here I am, a HyunMin lover has been lurking for a long time (my poor English tsk.tsk..) But to be honest, I almost giggle alot being here.

      Latin GForce's gifts for HJ (and MM) are cute and subtle. How lovely and thoughtful you guys are! All your preparation and enthusiasm bring happiness not only for Hj and MM, but also for HyunMin shippers.

      Gf Cyn, the " Kim Hyun Joong ♥ Kim So Min" makes me happy for a while, really. Although everyone knows her real name (KYJ),is MM's lastname officially changed into "Kim" whenever she gets married with LG? Hyun Joong ah, you should think over Gf Cyn's hint CLOl...

    6. Hello Ng Peony.... welcome to the blog^^!!... we are happy to have you here!!..

      Hahaha... who knows... maybe Jung So Min will soon change her last name to Kim So Min

  6. Replies
    1. Gf Snowy, I agree. "No wonder he smiled...". But maybe when HJ get home, he grinned from ear to ear recalling the Latin GForce's lovely banner. C'os to him,it's a FACT! And HyunMin shippers help him share this message for love, so HJ must be happy alot

    2. Hello GF Ng Peony... Welcome to the blog GF....Yes a big smile from him because it's a fact. Hahaha It must be difficult not being able to verbally share your happiness with everyone.

  7. aww!! gifts from latin gforce are all awesomeeeeeee!!!!!.woohooo!! :D now.. we can only wait PaMi to wear the tees! flipping the pages of.the album, reading the books an all! woohoo

    hola gfs good 1AM! LoL vampire.is awake! lalalala... gfs.. wheres the banner? i want to see! :D

    1. as its taking time to.load the.pics.. i didnt see.the banner just noe.. but now.. i can see the pics.of our beautiful latin gforce with the banner an and and.. with loveeees on their eyes!!!! hahahahahahahahahah

    2. Kiddo Vampire Mazzy is here... full of energy
      ... yes is our look of love for PaMi

    3. Hahahaha... That's the Latin GForce Hyunmin love wave style.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Aigoo im.late in commenting here...but better late than never...

    For sure Hj ishappy with your gifts, Latin Gforce....

  10. good afternoon gf snowy i'm late in commenting, but i would like to ask about the ladies. are the ladies, the hyunmin gfs.. the latin ladies holding the banners ? are they gfs cyn, ela and liz ? wow !!! they were very beautiful and smarts ladies, i'm stunning on them...

    1. Hi GF Shirley...

      Yes, the three ladies holding the banner in the photo are Ela, Liz and Cyni.
