
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

HyunMin GForce: Trivia Game Q#2


Trivia Game Q#2

I guess the first question was a bit difficult as no one gave the correct answer.  We'll move on to the 2nd question and also give you time to search for the correct answer for question #1.  

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GForce blog admins are prohibited to play!

Rules of the game:  The answer must be precise or complete as some questions might have follow-up questions (for example:  In PK, where did the first stolen kiss happen and in which episode?)

Important noteYour answer must be in the comment section to be counted (must have google account in order to access the comment section.)  

The first person to answer correctly wins a prize. We move on to the next question tomorrow, if the  correct answer is not given.
Prizeplease refer to announcement #1 for the photos.  

 Good luck to all participants!!!

Question #2

How many times did Baek Saeng Jo piggy-back Oh Hani and in what episode was the 2nd time?  

As mentioned above you have another chance to search for the correct answer for question #1.

Question #1

How many total episodes of Playful Kiss 'diaries' have been published?   


Noona, you're cramping my style!!!  kekeke



  1. hahaha... love the gif!!!

    Gf Coordi leave the kids alone!!!... kekeke

    1. hahaha HJ is so funny in that bts. hahahaha

    2. hahaha... yes, Gf Coordi appeared when he was trying to make a move...hahaha

    3. I know! She was clueless... HJ was giving her the look and then MM. Duh, coordi! hahaha

  2. Wahhh... c'mon girls...the gifts are waiting for you!!!

  3. I wonder if Mazzy knows the answers to Q#2?!?

    1. Kiddo Camilita Mazzy, knows all the answers!!!...

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Hi GF Row! You'll come up with questions for tomorrow or the following day, right? ;)

    4. Sorry! I accidentally deleted my comment;(
      the following day, that's why I'm re-watching PK again for the 100x...hehehe
      but if I can't give you my questions, ask Gf Cyn or Snowy...kekeke

    5. It's okay GF. I'll have to re-watch PK this weekend. hehehe

    6. urmmmmm... do i know the answer? naaaah~~~ lalalala

    7. whoahaha everyone is doing a watching marathon! hahahahaha

      i hope there's a winner this time... if not.. then all the prizes are mine!!!!! whoahahahahahahah

    8. You don't the answer? I'm so disappointed... even Cyn bragged that you know all the answers! tsk-tsk-tsk sigh!

    9. aishh that chynitaaa hahaha she was just saying things.hahaha .. if i know the answer.. thn of course im going to spill it.. giving them a clue.. hahahaha

  4. Baek Seung Jo piggy backed Hani 2x. The second time was on Eposide 8

    1. *ding-ding-ding* Correct!

      Please refer to Announcement #1 and choose a prize you like then let us know where to send it @ gforce.hyunmin@gmail.com

      Congratulations, GF Liz!

    2. Woohooo!!!... congrats gf Liz!!!!

  5. were 2 times and the second was in Chapter 8 when Oh Ha Ni is injured the ankle practicing tennis

    1. Hi GF Aya! Your answer is also correct but Gf Liz's answer came in first. :( Try next trivia game, ok? Thank you for playing.

    2. Ayita!!!... te ganaron por unos minutos. Espero que para la próxima ganes tu!

    3. si por unos minutitos, justo cuando estaba respondiendo se pego el netbook y ahi perdi minutos valiosos pero no importa para la porx. sera ^^

      congrats a Gf Liz ^^

  6. yup 2 times if u dont include the jeju photoshoot! N the second time was in epi 8 during tennis practice.

    1. haha.. Being away frm hom is not helping me... Haha... Congrats Lizzieeee.... *hugs*

  7. Good afternoon/evening/morning!!!
    Thank you for sending me the bracelet photos, many many thanks!
    The answer of #1 is 39 diaries + 1 epilogue have been published, is it right????

  8. baek seung jo piggyback oh ha ni 2 times.. episode 3 when she is drunk, then episode 8, when she got injured practicing tennis. i'm reading your question this morning and i found no one yet answering , but when i'm back, there's an answer.. its too late. i thought the answer need a good explanation, thats why i'm late to answer... congrats gf liz pedernal for winning...

  9. Yey! I won! Lyd (Florilyd) and I are actually watching PK now (again for the nth time)...are we allowed to win multiple times?..LOL..just in case...this is fun!! Hyunmin is fun!!!

  10. Wooww.. actually I know the answer.. i'm late to answer it ,because of my school.. :(
    kkekkeke :D
    btw ,congrats GF liz :))

  11. uhmm.. can i answer this question again ??
    i think the diary that have been publish is ::
    -BSJ's diaries = 16
    -BSJ's Diaries YTspecial = 7
    -BSJ's Diaries Epilogue = 3
    -OHN's diaries = 1
    -BEJ's Diaries = 2
    -BSJ's Diaries The Second Kiss = 2
    The total is 31 ,is it correct ?? :/

  12. whoaaaaa Congrarulation GF Liz!! woohooo

    to the others, dont be sad.. there are more questions coming up.. hence, more prizes to win! :D

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Hello GFs...

    GF Liz P, congratulations for being the winner of Trivia Question #2.... Woohoooo

    Yes, this is fun. Even I did not know there are other PK diaries aside from BSJ's. I started watching Eun Jo's diary on YT yesterday.

  15. copy pasting here tooo my 2nd Ans for trivia #1

    ok.. If so... i ill count agn..

    BSJ Diaries - 16
    BSJ Second Kiss - 2 Parts
    BSJ YT spl Diaries - 7
    BSJ Epilogues - 3
    BEJ Diaries - 4
    OHN Diaries - 2

    total - 34
    *headchin at my previous mathematical mistakes.. And wht not*

    + there are 2 staff diaries in imbc site... Which i am not sure abt.. Lol... Cant get the page translated frm mobile! Ishhh..

    1. oh shud be 33 coz second kiss is just one diary with 2 parts! Aigoooooooooooo! This is confusing! Reallly... Who came up wiith this Q?? GF YJJ?? Lol

    2. GF Ress... I don't know who but I think the question is good for everyone. It makes us think hard. Hahahahaha Continue with your search GF. We will announce who every gives the right number we are looking for.

    3. that means its not 33??...
      N yu are right a very good question! It was actually a compliment! Very good question indeed!
      Is it 35 thn? Adding the two staff diaries? I hav to get that imbc page translated... Lol can do only whn i get hom.. Not happng soon!
