
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

KHJ's 25th Message: Happy White Day!

Translated by: HOWLOVELYLALA

[En Trans❤HyunJoong's 25th msg]

 I did retro candy-ppopgi (*which is a kind of darts game and winner will get a huge carp fish shaped candy) on the street with the manager, scuba-diving instructor and film maker bro.

me : It's been so long, why don't we try that?????????
SCI : okie. Let's try it.
candy ajuma : come on, come on. it's only 1,000 won for one game~~ come on
me : How to do this???????????????????
candy ajuma : just rotate the plate and throw the darts. when you get the number, you will have the prize on the number.
me : wow. What if I dart this carp fish????????
candy ajuma : Try first.. It's possible.

I played again and again but couldn't get small bird-shaped-candy or pistol-shaped-candy.........even stick candy.

me : oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pissed me off............................. one more game
one more game
one more game
candy ajuma : aigoo~~~~~~~~~~~~~ you can't. I will give you this instead, take this.
Candy ajussi was not interested in here and just reading a newspaper.. He might have been laughing up his sleeve.
me : Ajuma, can I change the number of choice????????????????
Ajuma : aigoo... I don't think you can. if you change, it will be harder. just keep going on. I've n ever seen people succeed with changing.

However I changed the last choice from 66 carp-fish to 52 carp-fish and threw the last great dart
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No.52................................I got the carp-fish
I and all the people were screaming and the ajuma said

Ajumuni : Ho..ho..honey...,he got c...ca...carp-fish..((looking back)ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

I am spreading this hard won candy for the Whiteday.

Oppa is cool??????????????????????ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Credit: KHJ Oficial Page  http://www.hyun-joong.com/bbs/view.asp?


  1. Fish candy for White Day ,so sweet and funny...love your smile

  2. Error BTW what is this White Day??? :/

  3. Ohhhh wue lindo fetalle Hyun Joong ssi me encanta como luces tu sonrisa de oreja a oreja...luces como un niño que acaba de ganar un premio en una feria jejeje en realidad es algo parecido jejeje... Juego de numeros otra vez HJ como la portada de Lucky Guy 66 por tu cumple y 52 por? Ese numero si que trae suerte incluso ganaste el pez de dulce...será por los años que cumple MM alrevez ese numero...mensaje numero 25 y cumple 25 años Mm deberias jugar la loteria con esos numeros seguro ganas eres un chico muy afortunado...Gracias por la carpa de dulce esta genial!

  4. oooh no me habia fijado que el mensaje decia 25, muchas similitudes (no creo en las coincidencias) hasta que me di en la cabeza y reaccione, esa sonrisa por dios, amo cuando sonrie pero esta sonrisa deslumbrante me deja boba y para quien sera ese dulce en forma de pez carpa, se ve rico

    1. Hi Ayita el mensaje dice 52 y si adoro la sonrisa autentica de Hyun Joong ssi jeeeejejeje

  5. Hi dear Gfs thanks Ela for share with us the HJ message...sorry I Comment before in Spanish here is 1:00 am o clock too late for me...I am a zombie now...Thanks Hyun Joong for this message and the Candy fish is so cool!

  6. whpaha yes oppa is cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! whoahaha *this is my first time calling.him, oppa..im not used to this haha but since he called hinself Oppa, then i will do so hahah)

    i also wonder what is White Day.. hmmm

    1. Sorry GF Mazzy, his message .... Oppa is cool????????????????????????????????????? Is for his special someone.... He worked hard to get that fish candy....hahahahaha

  7. White Day is a romantic holiday celebrated in Japan, Taiwan and South Korea. The holiday falls on March 14, one month exactly after Valentine’s Day. Tradition in these countries holds that women are supposed to give men romantic gifts on Valentine’s Day, while men are supposed to return the favor on White Day.

    1. shud i cozx my hubby to start celebrating this yr... Yayyy! Lol

      thks Lina for thhe info

    2. Oh this might be one of the exchange favor, Tita....lol

    3. Thanks for the "White Day" info. GF Lina

      Hmmm since "Oppa to MM" HJ is a 4D and also a very cheesy and romantic guy, what gift do you think he gave to the love of his life?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hello Kak Long... Thanks for dropping by. I'm glad that you visit us everyday and enjoying reading our comments. I hope you will join our fun in this blog when you get the time....

      I saw your comment and you are right... Why? Hahahaha... I have to make that complaint as well... Hahaha

    2. Hello Kak Log!!... Thanks for your visit.

      I think he was sending a hiding message for his MM... "your Oppa is cool"

    3. Yeah...a direct message to MM from 4D Oppa....hahahaha

  9. So min is a pisces sign, it is a fish..hmmm..what a coincindence, a fish candy! whom you going to give that oppa?^ ^

    1. You got it!!!!!....another HINT!!!.....LOL!!

      full of HINTS today....hehehe

    2. Yeah GF Zygil... Not a coincidence... It's a big hint... Or a fact. Hahahahah... Now we know why he has a big smile in that picture... A fish for his Pisces honey. Hahahaha... MM is Oppa HJ cool???????????????????????????????????????

      GF Cyni... OMG, I know you are having a great day seeing his exclamation marks.... Hahahahaha that's a long one! Hahahaha

    3. I just woke up gf!!!...hahaha...very late for work... aishhh... I'll go to work after lunch...hahaha...I'm to happy to miss this...lalalala

      Hola Lina!!

    4. Good morning, GF Cyn OC!

      Have a wonderful day full of hints....don't miss it....LOL!!!!!!

      We want more HINTS!!!....let them coming up!!!!!!!!!!!

    5. Absolutely GF...mucho hints today!

  10. MM's Oppa HJ, I am so happy to see pictures of you having a real good time. I love that big smile on your face my boy.... Keep on smiling and laughing and the world will smile with you!

    Thanks for sharing with your fans on how you got your carp fish shaped candy. That's a huge candy HJ. Are you sharing it with MM or it will be on display together with your trophies??????????

    I love seeing your chain of exclamation points HJ. When I see your message without it, I feel that there's something missing. I love seeing them... Hahahaha I know my dear friend from Peru, GF Cyni, loves it too. Hahahaha

  11. I love hus never give up attitude...he didn't stop until he get the price...

    To many exclamation marks for today Gf Snowy...hello to you!

    1. Hello GF Mhel..... I know those exclamation marks very well... They are precious to me and it is so HJ....You will know what I am talking about if you personally receive it from him...hahahaha

  12. Good morning mis amigas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hola cool Oppa!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hahahaha lover your dialogue!!!!!!!!!!.... wonder where did you learn to make dialogues???????????????

    Exclamation marks!!!...I missed you!!!!!!!!!

    1. Hahahaha..... It seems like you are having an exclamation overload! Are you having seizures from happiness right now? Hahahaha

  13. Did anyone guess why HJ picked 52??? hahaha

    1. Gf Yjj, HJ picked 52 because MM's turning 25 on Saturday...
      He just reverse the number...hahaha
      That's my guess Gf...but it's another HINT...lol

    2. *ding-ding-ding* You guessed it correctly, GF! I was right, you're a good student. hahaha

      *cough-cough* GF Cyn, here's the answer... you need to get rid of the contagious slow ****** virus soon. hahahaha

    3. hahahaa... and I was thinking in the age of other person...hahahahaaaaaa

      Hola RoW, hola YJJita!!

    4. What do you mean? If HJ was hinting his gf's age is 52? Isn't that a bit too hold for him??? hahahahahaha

    5. hahahahahaha... too old!.... way too OLD!!!!!

    6. And another 'coincidence'... HJ's 25th message on MM's 25th birthday! mmmm... these two really are so playful! hahaha

    7. Hola Gf Cyn!

      Thanks Gf YJJ! I have a good teacher too...hahaha

    8. Gforce are really Smart...hahaha

    9. GF Cyn, I'm gonna be good... because I have respect for elders. I don't want Ate Elsa, I mean Ninang Elsa to get mad at me. wahahahaha

    10. Waaahahahahahaaaa

      Ate Ela is gonna be so pissed

    11. Wow, another coincidence... hahahaha you have Ate Ela and I have Ate Elsa. wahahahaha

    12. *Oops!!... Typo Error

      Ate ELSA!!!

    13. Poor Ate Elsa..... Yoohooo Ate Elsa. Where are you? You are being abused by the Ahjummas in this blog.

  14. then wht was 66??
    Mayb 6 is supposed to be ur luckuy number HJoppa?? *blush* my first time too with oppa... I have heard u say how u donot appreciate younger women calling u only by name... I am though less thn a yr younger... But still i lik this Oppa... Haha... ''HJ Oppa'' is so COOL!! Hahaha

  15. coinkidink...neh..i dont think so...dont troll us please KHJ...lalalalala

  16. Waaahhh another HINT...the number coincides everything....LOL!!!

    Have a wonderful day, Hyunmin Lovers!!!

  17. yes gf snowy, june 6 is papis b'day... then another 6 is june , when you count the month by no. june is no. 6 and the day is 6.. put them together 66... he lost, so he change to 52 and us you said, he reverse the no. 25 his mamis b'day...

  18. oh yea GF snowy i figured one 6 was the date... Forgot June is the 6th month... Foolish me.. Hahaha...

  19. wuooo, I had not thought about in the numbers 66 and 52
    After reading their conclusions
    I started to burn neurons and reaches the conclucion that.
    if 66 could have been
    June 6 your birthday then
    52 may be May 2
    May 2/2011 was the first FMPK in Osaka
    02 Anniversary Day???????????

    1. GF Ela...hahahaha. May 2 is 52... You are good GF Ela... HJ, nothing passes the Hyunmins boy.... Hahaha

    2. Hi gf Ela -- actually, if u switch #52 is 25 (mm's age). I'm sure he just switched the numbers around to be playful. Yes, 66 for his bday. Remember he also included her age with his lotto # picks 2 yrs ago.
