
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

[Translation] Jung So Min and Playful Kiss Producer Interview - Video -

Translated by: Junsukono 
Thank u for sharing

Mm: how have you been?
PD: you look like you lost weight!
Mm: no
PD: is such a talk impolite?
Mm: i lost weight at once but i have gained weight
PD: i was surprised because you looked plump before but you became slim
Mm: because for my work
PD: this is a seat which khj should sit down but i sit down now, so i feel a little out of place
Mm: i'm so glad

- What is the scene which remains in memory the best?

Mm: the kiss scene in rain was very cold remains in memory. it was very cold because sprinkled with water by sprinkler and i had am upset stomach. i remembered well because i suffered troubles.
PD: i remembered the scene which drying all sorts of noodle at noodles making factory. the scene is talking with her father while noodles are hanging. in fact shooting expense was expensive.

Mm: the scene which doze off while studying, khj really slept. i heard his breathing quietly.
the director praised that it is acting with a reality. this work was very hard but it was worth doing. i shoot without sleep. i became so sad when shooting was finished because it was so hard.

- What is a role which you want to challenge from now on?

Mm: i played cute role on this work so i want to play more lady role. i want to appear the work with a reality which is likely to happen in the actual world.

PD: there are many works which i preparation so i have to pass a script.
Mm: please give me a script quickly.


  1. Thanks GF Ela for posting the video with translation...

    The PD really said that she used to be plump? Hahahaha T_T
    Of course she wasn't , in my opinion. If she was, I guess our boy likes his woman with some meat on her...hahaha

  2. Hi Gf Snowy, I totally Agree with the PD, this is HJ Seat hahaha! he is HyunMin hahaha! He would like to see MM Hj with onscreen together as much as we hehehe

    1. Hahaha...if he is smart investor, he should invest on HJ and MM tandem again. It would be a guaranteed blockbuster worldwide.

    2. Hello girls!!

      Yes, ahjussi PD... you look like a smart man, we want HJ and MM together, on screen, again!!

    3. If you don't GF Cyni will take back what she said. Hahaha

    4. Yes Ahjussi... don't force me to take back my words.

  3. I like the PD. is a very intelligent man for something he said HJ should be there instead of him. He is also a Hyunmin
    realized they offered him a script to MM,did the same with HJ when they met in the musical Gong.

    1. I wonder why he said HJ should be sitting next to MM instead of him. He was saying that the rightful owner of the seat next to MM is HJ and he felt uneasy sitting on it... Waaaaah.... He was teasing MM and at the same time, he was giving the viewers a hint. Hahahaha

    2. It's morning here and I see this.
      Lots of PK-related things coming out
      We want Playful Kiss 2!!!
      And I love what you said about the PD hinting at something when he said KHj should be the one on the seat next to MM instead of him!!!!

      What a way to start my day, HyunMin Love!!!!

    3. Hello Florilyd...

      Yeah, after I read that part, I said...ahuh! You know something...hahaha

      Yes, PK2 would be a dream come true for all the Hyunmins and for anyone who liked PK.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Holaaa Gfs!!!!

    yes!! Ahjussi PD
    please make another k-drama with them as protagonists .. you are a Hyunmin .. You understand us ... I want a k-drama more mature with kissing scenes as "We Got Married" please .. I'm being too demanding? O.O LOL ^.^

    1. Please Ahjussi PD... hear Mary's plead!!!!!

      We want Papi and Mami in a new drama with a lot of hot kisses between them...kekeke

      Hola Mary!!

    2. Hola Cyn!!

      yes!! hear me.. will be a hit.. jajaja.. really =)

  6. I bet sure that PD knows HJ& MM together so he said that.

  7. Tralalalalalala!!!

    What the PD said was another HINT!!!!

    Good day, beautiful GF Ladies!!!!

  8. nice interview !!!very obvious producer song byung yoon likes minmin as an artist... he gave his words , preparation for the script... yes gfs, we want pk 2 or a romantic drama for hyunmin couple. i'll pray for that gfs.. my patron is st. jude thaddeus, patron of impossible things and lovers..since i love hyunmin couple, i always praying for them to st. jude. i thought he answer my prayer, when hyun joong giving us many hints..don't bash on me gfs, thats my believing . thanks gfs...

  9. what i want to say, all gfs have said for me! whoahaha PD, please mke papi and mami act again in a new drama that has lots of M scenes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! okay im demanding much, lalala but pleaseeeeeeee! hear our plead! make it comes true!!!!! wooooooooohooo!!!!!

    1. Aigoo, crazy mazzy the kiddo asked a drama with more Ms...lol....

    2. hehehehe it has been a long time i didnt request Ms whoahahahaha i hope Mr. PD hears our non stop plead!! whoahaha

  10. oh yeah!!thanks for the translation..i've been looking for this..hmmm...seem PD knows a lot between KHJ and Somin..I like the answer of MM that i'm glad...oh. oh. oh

