
Friday, March 8, 2013

Video and Trans - Kim Hyun Joong & Naoto Inti Raymi on Makuhari on Sukkiri, NTV

Video credit: elleyable66

Sukkiri Trans:

Translated by OnlyKHJtimes via theartofkimhyunjoong@tumblr.com

 Hyun Joong joked Naoto saying “Nice to meet you“ (as we’ve known, they’re close friends)

 Naoto answered “It’s not the 1st time we meet!“. “He (hyun joong) drinks a lot. i’m always beaten up (when they go to drink together?)“ 

MC: Are you guys really close friends? (Do you really get along well?)

 HJ: We often play football together, meet and go to eat when (I’m) in JP. We have had a concert together. (hyun joong spoke in Korean.)

 MC: Which language do you use (when you communicate)? HJ: (it’s because of) football, (the communication is) pace. (spoke in Japanese)

 Naoto: pace MC: ah~, so word is…

 HJ: We don’t need words. (spoke in Jp)

 Naoto: yes, that’s right, we don’t need words, we communicate though a ball. For the last msg, hyun joong n Naoto said “we’re gonna come to play at the studio.“



  1. Replies
    1. lol u r welcome snowy... I found it coz i wanted to know wht kept him smiling.... He looked so damn cute.... Aishhhh!

  2. Hola chicas... they look so happy... kekeke^^

  3. Latin Force, así que a Papi le encanta ir de tragos con Naoto... apuesto a que Ela aguanta más el trago que Naoto...jajaja... Peace Ela!!!^^

    Naoto: "HJ, un par más y nos vamos"

    HJ: "mmmm... espera"
    (HJ textea a Mami para solicitar su permiso y Mami acepta)

    HJ: "Afirma!!... cerrao... pero solo un par!!"

    Y ese par se convirtió en una docena...jajaja

    1. Cyn what are you saying??? Lol

    2. OK got it... But HJ I really don't like people who drink... I never liked it, even before I was a doc and saw what it can do to you... *sad face*

    3. Hola Ress... it's a joke for my spanish girls...

    4. Lizzzz!!!... hagamos un concurso... HJ vs Ela y Pisco.

      A que Ela le gana....jajajaja... Ela es brava!!!

    5. Hi Dear Gf's Jefecita Cyni, Mami sabe que cuando Papi bebe no se habla de solo un par de tragos si no de un par de docenas de tragos, ella lo conoce jajaja

    6. Cyn I translated it... N got it! He he
