
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

A Christmas Message from GF A

Yiruma - Moonlight

Credit/yt-uploader:  VampiricLion

 In a world where there is so much chaos, sometimes you can find a place in which a simple response such as "hello" can make your day.  The Hyunmin Gforce who took me in and made me part of their family did that for me and many others.  No matter who you are, they are there to respond and sometimes in your most hardest days they make you laugh!  

Thank You, GForce admins.

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!

~ GF A ~


  1. Thank you, GF A, for the heartwarming message. I love the music that came along with your message. We're very fortunate to meet you too GF! Thank you for everything that you do for us.

    1. The fortunate one is me to have met all of you. Thank You! & Thank You for posting it.
      Don't stop posting YJJs famous hints *wink wink* :)

    2. kekeke No more hints... only facts and nothing but facts. hahahaha

      You're welcome, GF. By the way, you owe us another poem! hahahaha

    3. Oh I have the poem. I'll send it after Christmas! Here is a preview!

      Flashing lights here and there..... ;)

    4. Flashing lights here and there... Blackout??? hahahaha

    5. Hahahaha maybe!!! You know happens when the lights off. Hahahaha!!!

    6. Oopps!! Correction you know what happens when the lights are off!!

    7. Umm... theft, robberies??? what else? hahahaha

    8. Hahahaha! I can't say publicly. What happens! Hahahaha!!

    9. Oh come on... spill, spill, spill! lol Oops we're not talking about HyunMin hints here huh. kekeke

    10. Wahahahahaha nope! Wahahahahaha!!

  2. Gf A thank you for your sweet message... Im happy that i met you here too.

  3. Wauuu GF A , estoy conmovida ,creo que todas nos identificamos con tus palabras, aquí he encontrado verdaderas amigas y estoy muy feliz de ser parte de esta familia hermosa HyunMin Gforce.
    Feliz Navidad GF A!!!.
    Ya se me aguaron mis ojos, necesit un trago, creo que empezare abrir una botella.... Salud GF A !!

    May the timeless message of Christmas fill your heart and home whit joy today and throughout the coming year. ¡Merry Christmas!

    1. GF! Yo tambien estoy muy agradecida de aver la conocido a usted. Y pues dos o tres tragos no hacen nada!!
      Salud GF Ela. :)

  4. Hello GFs Merry Christmas to all.
    GF A = Chaos + heartwarming message = GFNA.
    Nice to know you, you are one of the spices in this blog :)

    1. Merry Christmas, #3! Where's #2?

      Yes, GF A is a chili pepper sometimes. lol kidding GF A. hahaha

    2. Hi, GF Lorna. Although sometimes you scare me with all the squeezing you want to do. Is very nice to know you too!! Merry Christmas GF Lorna.
      A=Chaos =says= don't wrinkle HJ!!!. Hahahaha!!!

    3. Does that mean you agree? Ok, if you were to be compared to a spice.. what kind of spice are you?

      Me? cinnamon! O_O hahahaha

    4. A= depends some days I'm Vanilla others a chili pepper. Spicy Salsa!!!! Hahahahaha!!

    5. GF Idol your not one of the spices....you are the Baker or Chef of this blog :):):)

    6. I was right about the chili pepper... maybe sometimes a habanero pepper! hahahaha

      Don't mess with GF BB -- sometimes she's a Thai Pepper. hahahaha Just kidding GFs. Just making you girls laugh.

      GF Cyn, I think she's a vanilla too. GF Snowy... a cracker jack. hahahaha Peace GF.

    7. I'm a chef alright... I mix chaos (A) with trouble-makers (#2 & #3) with vanilla (Cyn) and cracker jack (Snowy) and the result is.... a big mess! hahahahahaha

    8. GF, how's the potato salad coming along? I hope they haven't turned to mashed potatoes yet! hahahaha

    9. GF, lol! That's all done and in the fridge!!

    10. Oh, ok. Good to know. I don't want to take the blame if the salad doesn't come out right. lol

    11. GF Idol don't forget GF Mazzy, Mhel, BB and Michily. You're the Chef you know what kind of spices they are :)

    12. Hold the thought. kekeke I'll be out of range for 2 hours. hahahaha Your reply to this might not get posted until then so, hang in there -- I will reply to it when I get home.

  5. GF Idol YJJ, Merry Christmas too
    #2 gonna pop-up anytime soon...as always.
    GF A don't worry I won't wrinkle HJ after I squeezed him I return to MM wrinkle free...jejejeje

  6. Thank you gf A. This is so sweet and wonderful... you make me teary *happy tears*

    Merry Christmas to you, all the GForce girls and all our HyunMin girls!.

    1. GF Cyni. Thank you too! Don't stop making fun of HJ hair. LOL!!
      Merry Christmas GF!

  7. Hi GFsss!!!!
    Are you guys missing me ???? kekeke...

    GF A....wooww it's very beautiful words.....hehehe CHAOS can be cheesy type....are HJ influence you???kekeke
    I'm lucky too to meet you and other GF...this blog it's complete my happiness everyday..

    Idol YJJ....whoaaaa...me and buddy #3 are trouble makers....kekeke....but our trouble are very sweet and fun....hehehe

    Happy holidays and Merry Xmas to all HyunMin GF...HJ & MM

    I Love you all
    *give big hug and kiss......muahhhhhhh*

    1. GF Hani. Nice to meet you too!!
      Merry Christmas!!!

  8. Thank you Gf A for a Heartfelt message. And thanks for being one of your gfs :)

  9. thank you gf A for heart warming message and to the admins of this blog for welcoming us all with love and giving us laughter...to all gforce around the world thank you for your unending LOVE,SUPPORT and FUN

    MERRY KISSMAS to you all

    1. GF Rein. Thank You as well!
      But I'm not kissing you hahahahaha!! Just Kidding!

      Merry Christmas to you too!!!

  10. you are welcum GF A..if not a kiss i will be ok with a peck.....kidding

    1. hahahaha Ok, I'm staying out of this conversation here. hahahaha

    2. YJJ, I'm gone as well. See Ya!! Hahaha!!

    3. What? no flying kiss??? Ok, I'll settle with a smooch. mwah-mwah! hahahaha

    4. YJJ yep it flew by you so fast you didn't see it. Hahahahaha!!!

    5. Naahh, I think it was intercepted by GF Lorna... she's in between our states. hahahaha Or, maybe it changed course and went North (GF Snowy). hahahaha
