
Saturday, March 2, 2013


As promised... 6 things I noticed in the Smile fanvid from HJ's FM

#1 - Male dancer's shirt

#2 - Medieval Cross Pendant
#3 - Female dancer with a headband

#4 - Main female dancer w/bangs

#5 - Motif of HJ and dancers outfitblack & white

PK Press Conference in Osaka

PK FM in Tokyo
Did it all start here???  kekeke
#6 - Letters Mm on the lead female dancer's shirt... need I say more???


HJ's expression:  PRICELESS!!!

Do you recall HJ's reactions @ the Lotte Fanmeeting?


Credit as tagged.


  1. GF Snowy, Ress, Chie, Bang and Shirley -- per your request.

    1. Thanks, Gf YJJ for this HINTS post...
      You're the best... waiting for the next one...hahaha

    2. Good morning, afternoon and evening to everyone! Waaaahhhh! Thank you so much gfYJJ!!! What a good way to wake up on a Saturday morning! I'm smiling like there's no tomorrow. Thank you again you're the greatest! Hahaha!

  2. Hahaha, i waited for this since last night... Aigoo too many hints here...what i missed Gf was the head band. Remember i said i found five...lalalala

    happy mode!

  3. i have som extras to add to ur points GF YjJ... Hehe.. Ill do whn i get bk hom l8r tonight...

    1. Good day my darling GFs...

      WAHAHAHA GF YJJ has sharp eyes and good memory. May I add to the list GF are 1) the lyrics of the the song in the video.. "SMILE" and the female lead dancer was wearing short shorts. You know MM likes to wear short shorts.

      GF Ress... Another Hyunmin with sharp eyes.. Can't wait to see your addition to the growing number of hints in this video GF.

    2. Gf, + 1 hint? + with Gf Ress, i think we could come up to 10 hints. Lol...

      Good morning to you Gf!

    3. Yoohoo gf Ress... hurry!!!

  4. Replies
    1. Hi Kleng, good to see you here and welcome in our blog...

    2. Hello Kleng... Thanks for stopping by and joining the fun. I hope we will see you here again...

  5. Thank you so much GF YJJ, the Queen of HINTS and FACTS....hehehe

    1. I thought the queen was retired but what a comeback!!!....

    2. She is not allowed to retire yet Gf. And can she retire if hints are flooding in front of our eyes...lol

    3. Hahahaha... It's raining hints!!!

    4. I agree with you Gf Mhel, she's not yet allowed to retired...
      Because, more Hints are coming... right Gf Yoonji... hahaha

      Hello GFs... Snowy, Mhel & Cyn :)

    5. GF Rowshe, thanks for sending the link of the video to me and pointing out your keen observation.

  6. Hello, GF ladies!....all the HINTS are true!!!...Let's enjoy the fun!!!...*wink*

    1. Hello to you too Tita Lina, good to see you here... Yes, lets enjoy the fun brough to us by Hyunmin...

    2. Hello Lina!!... nice to see you here^^!!

    3. Hello, Mhel, Cyn OC!...I enjoy spazzing here & reading all your comments makes me smile ear to ear...Congrats GFORCE for the wonderful blog....keep it up!
      For the love of HJ & MM, CHEERS^^!!

    4. Hi! Tita Lina!
      We're on the same boat,when it comes to Hyunmin ^_^

    5. Hello Lina...

      I'm so happy to see more Hyunmins visiting the blog and leave comments. We started the blog for everyone who loves MM and HJ.....

      Thanks GF Lina.... Hope to see you again ...and again..and again...hahaha

    6. Because of that HINTS my HYUNMIN blood is kicking & alive now lol!....HJ's latest fave song, "Nobody Can Stop Me Now"...what is your next HINT, Bunsoy.....hehehe

    7. Aigoo Tita Lina Hyunmin drives us all crazy here.. and one thing for sure nothing can escape from GForce sharp eyes...lol

      Just reading the title of the song its a very positive sign, Tita...

    8. Yes, that's an appropriate song... "Nothing can stop him now" or " nothing an stop THEM now" hahahaha

  7. Hi all my dear and cute Gf's I am in Bogotá. this afternoon comeback to my Citytown and home finally... about the things one of the most I like is the papi expression seeing the PK poster....but for me my favorite reaction was: papi answering the MC question " tienes enamorada?

    1. Hola Liz!...

      Se demoró en responder verdad... tu ya conoces mi teoría al respecto y todo me hace pensar que estoy en lo correcto.


    2. si Jefecita Cyni no solo se demoro en responder sino que tambien se sonrío picaramente antes de responder jajaja lo penso mucho para dar su respuesta ahhhh papi por que eres tan obvio jejeje

    3. Si... yo creo que estaba probando las aguas, para ver cuál eran las reacciones. Cuando salió el poster de PK, todas las fans se emocionaron y gritaron... y creo que a él le gustó esa buena reacción.

      Papi para la próxima, debes traer a Mami.

    4. What MC question? What answer??? Lol

    5. Hahahaha... just post your other hints and I will tell you the rest.

    6. OK GF Cyn, since I can't do caps and pics right now ( my lappy Is screwed up Lol.. So moi watching a movie.. And I'll do pics after that),

      Well as for the hints...
      I think each male dancer represents HJ and each female MM
      Well for starters HJ is HJ, girl with bangs n MM on her blouse is MM
      The next guy.. Check out his skull pendant... He would be HJ n the girl check out her hair.. Something like MMs hair in the garage fight scene!
      Though I can't see the third guy in any video.. The third girl sure is MM with her bunny band... Remember MMs bunny band in the making of SJ Jr. Epi... Hahaha

      Next HJs pregnant I think I'd crown on cross.. N not just cross... I can't be hundred percent sure coz the pics are not revealing in zoom.

      Then a minor thing is the gif I posted earlier... I think that's more of my imagination though
      Than ofc as Snowy pointed out the Song itself I'd one big hint... And to end it all with that "PRICELESS" expression GF YJJ pointed out... It sure I'd raining hind this summer... Hahaha

    7. Hahaha is not pregnant ... Is pendant... Lolz! Hahaha... HJs pregnant hahaha... Blame my autocorrect which I'll work even if I have it turned off... Aishhhhh!

    8. GF Ress, it happens all the time with me to. When Im in a rush, I tend not to double check what I wrote, hence the funny and " What is she talking about" errors. Hahahaha

      I agree GF Ress, for me the big hint is the song itself and to top it all, he was singing it to a girl with MM on her shirt. What's interesting about it, is they or he wants the MM letters seen from afar. He did not want the fans to miss his big hint and a fact... Hahahaha

    9. HJ's pregnat....hahahahaa.... hahaha... that surprise me...hahaha... typo error huh?... that happens a lot.

      Thanks for your hints gf Ress

    10. GF Liz Ariza... You finally showed up after your trip to Peru... Have you recovered? Have you recovered from the shock of seeing the and some face of a Hyun Joong? Hehehe

      Your fan account is next GF Liz....

    11. Omo GF Cyn that's all??? Where is the question and answer hahaha...

    12. What was HJs facial expression that you like when he was answering the MC's questions GF???

    13. Hahaha... I was teasing you gf Ress!

      MC made the question and HJ was giggling about it... then you can see in his face the expression "what should I say" and finally hee said NO... I don't have a gf.

      It took him time to give his answer. Hahaha... well, I already have my theory about it... you know my theory Gf Snowy and you and YJJ think the same way.

      The MC made the wrong question...kekeke^^

    14. Hahahahahaha... Yes GF. I think our theory is correct...Lalalalalalalalalala

    15. Wait I am coming online now... Hopefully my lap will be good...

    16. somone changed my wifi PW.. grrrr... GF Cyn.. cant com onlin.. where art thou?? which FM are u talking abt??

  8. Good morning, afternoon, evening HyunMins!

    Thanks YJJITA for the post!!!...

    Love the "hehehe" gif...hahaha.

    I guess we all know: HyunMin started with PK

    1. GF Cyni, I am wondering why HJ chose Peru to drop this huge hint....hmmm I remember we've been teasing him in this blog to make the announcement in Peru. Do you remember our previous comments in the blog girls? Hahahaha he did not not say it verbally in Peru. What he did was show it to us on stage and we do the interpretation.

      Why Peru? Because he knows he is in Hyunmin country! ... Ole!

    2. I was requested for the HyunMin confession happens in Peru...but I guess is not the time yet, but he gaves us great hints!!!... He knew the Latin Gforce will be there. Thank you so much HJ!!!.

      Peru is other HyunMin country, like Japan... kekeke

    3. Sorry for the grammar errors...hahaha... cleaning and commenting... multitask mode!!!

    4. Remember GFs he I'd coming back to Peru later... Maybe for hahaha

    5. Well GF, putting MM on stage next to his face, is the answer to what you were asking him to do.... Hahaha... Be happy that he did it in Peru....

    6. Hahahaha... that was a direct answer!!...

  9. Same here GF Mhel...waiting for this post since yesterday...as I mentioned previously, if our dear Papi has a say on everything that has to do with his fan meetings or concerts, then these hints are his ideas...his is already conditioning his fans for the inevitable event that will make us hyunmins very happy (wish!)...

    1. Hello gf Lissie... He is sending HyunMin messages...kekeke.

      I can't wait for that day!!!^^

    2. I agree with you 100% GF Liz P. I also believe that HJ is slowly preparing his fans ... I've been saying this since the SG FM..

    3. But Gf we are all prepared for the announcement long time ago....kekeke

    4. Gf Mhel, we are all prepared for that Big announcement... But, how about some of HJ fans... You know what I'm talking about right...*wink*

    5. Dont worry Gf Weng, i will give all.of them an earbuds so that they cant hear special announcement..lol

  10. Just got back home.. My lappy is acting all weird again... Have to do some working before I can post hahaha..

  11. good evening gfs, thanks gf yjj, for the hints you gave us. i'm glad to know those things..i like most the poster of pk which papi starring with sweet smile.. i'm waiting more hints for every fm /concerts he'll be doing this year.

    1. Hello Shirley... let's wait for his next concert in Japan, maybe he will give us more hints

  12. omg......just look at his reaction while he's looking at the PK photo....like a kid giggling over her crush

    1. Hi Elisanieva...welcome to the blog ...... I love his cute reaction. He looked like a shy little boy!

    2. Hello Elisa... welcome to the blog!!!...

      We are happy to have you here!!

    3. Hello Lis, dont want to call you Ate...hehehe...finally you are here...happy to see you, tita Lina ang kleng here...for our love to Hyunmin....welcome in the blog!

    4. I better call you Gf Elise so no.confusion to Gf Lz Ariza and Ate Liz...

  13. GF Snowy and Ress - I beg to disagree that the song SMILE is the biggest hint thus far because although they're meaning lyrics anyone can claim them as no name was mentioned.

    Definitely the "Mm" is biggest hint and if you take a good look at the picture labeled #6 above... HJ's hand gesture is saying "fans/ladies: this is who makes me smile!'. ^-^


    1. hahaha... GF YJJ we r just saying... Haha... But wht do u thhink abt the other dancers.. Wht i mentioned?

    2. Hahahaha.... Yes...GF YJJ... The biggest Hint/Fact is the MM

      MM shirt + Smile song = ???? Woohooo !

    3. Agree! Agree! Agree! With all of the above!!!

  14. Lol!! Do i need to say moree? When GF YoonJJ has pointed all the hints of the fact!!! :D :D :D whoahaha thanks GF YoonJJ!!!! :D

    the Mm tee and the song smile are the biggest prove! <3 <3 <3 wait wait wait!! And one more!the expression of papi that we rarely see.. Are obvious when PK is shown <3 <3
