Monday, April 15, 2013

Funny Faces of Kim Hyun Joong

These recent pictures of Kim Hyun Joong playing soccer just go to show that even gorgeous, famous entertainers have their awkward moments too!
I love how the ss501 leader shows us that he is not vain… he doesn’t have to always be seen in makeup and upholding that cool artist image! He looks adorable even when he is completely natural- even when making some silly faces! :)
To end, I give you a picture of that naturally beautiful smile we know and love!

Credit to


  1. WAHAHAHAHA .... I want to know what HJ feels or think about these photos.

    1. He feels like the 3rd photo...kekeke.

      Peace Señor Alien! ♥

  2. Ahjussi HJ!!!... hahaha, nice pics!!

  3. though gorgeous in each of em... he looks tired... Makes me #SAD

  4. Hahahahaha! Thanks for the pics I have also wonder what in the world do they just click! click! click!!. I also wonder if he does it on purpose. Either way cute!! and funny.
    :-D :-D :-D :-D he he he.

  5. why am i seeing little HJ is exactly the same...reminiscing your childhood HJ? kkkk

  6. He looks like his father!!!! Wait.. i dont mean that he looks old.. But his face looks like his father on his family potrait :D hehehe :D

    Only Alien knows how to make face like this hahaha.. Papi is The AA!! the Adorable Alien!!
