
Sunday, October 27, 2013

COUCH KIMCHI: Kim Ji Suk Falls for Jung So Min in...



I haven’t been ignoring KBS’s upcoming drama special You Came to Me and Became a Star.  I have been quietly following updates on it, especially because it’s Jung So Min‘s new project since Can We Get Married?  It partners her with Wonderful Mama‘s Kim Ji Suk, so, that has increased my interest in the show.

The first time the two artists stepped foot on the same set was on Lee Dong Wook‘s debut episode of Strong Heart, and I thought at the time that she had great chemistry with Ji Suk’s bud and fellow guest Lee Jin Wook.  She acted with him in a short, improvisational skit that elicited impressed reactions and laughter from other guest celebrities.  Now, here she is, and her pair-up with Ji Suk isn’t too bad either. (I’ve always maintained that she looks good with just about anyone.)

You Came to Me and Became a Star will follow the ups and downs of tenants at a gosiwon/gositel.  The story will primarily focus on Kim Ji Suk’s Kang Seok, a school teacher, and Jung So Min’s Ha Jin, an employee at a toy company.  Based on the stills and the preview (with the beautiful music), they will find romance—or at least, an emotional affinity—with each other amidst their personal struggles.

The special will be airing November 3rd on KBS.

Source:  http://couch-kimchi.com/2013/10/25/kim-ji-suk-falls-for-jung-so-min-in-you-came-to-me-and-became-a-star/


  1. yes i see kim ji suk ,lee dong wook and MM in strong heart...
    but iam more interesting MM and dong wook kekeke
    good evening GFs,..,still can't wait this drama,

    1. Hello GF Cepty, me too can't wait for their drama.

    2. HI Cepty - same here... would love to see her paired with Dong Wook.

      Interestingly, so it wasn't only fans who noticed her chemistry with Lee Jin Wook in Strong Heart. hahahaha GFs, remember when we talked about that in AFF? hahahaha

      And, woooohoooo Couch Kimchi acknowledged that MM looks good with just anyone she's paired with. SM C&C did you hear that??? bring on the best project and best actor for our MM.

    3. If I may add, I vaguely remember telling GF Mhel that I would like her paired with Ji Suk and it came true. hahahaha Let me see... who should I request to be paired with her next? ummm...

    4. Those 30 something men are the guys HJ wants MM to be paired with hahahaha

    5. GF YJJ, send all your list to HJ. Hahahahaha

    6. I wish that too GFs...
      Lee Dong Wook is one of the best actor in SK. Next to Hyun Bin kekeke

    7. HJ, after all, has the final say. hahahahaha

      Hi GF Row - I've never seen his drama. Is he really good... well, he attended the same University as MM so he must be good... but, he failed the twice before making it. kekeke MM, on the other hand, made it in scholarship program. So proud of our dongsaeng.

    8. Common now, Lee Dong Wok looks too old for MM. Hahahaha.

    9. Hi Gf YJJ!
      I watch some of his drama in I like it.
      I will not mention the title because our lovely gfs might kill me hahaha

    10. The emcee, GF? No he doesn't look too old for MM. I think Jin Wook is older but he still looks and would be a good pair for MM. For me as long as they have the looks and are good actors, they have my vote. hahaha

    11. hahaha It's okay GF Row... I'll google it. kekeke

    12. Right kekeke
      But the final decision still in HJ's hand hahaha

    13. I have seen some of his dramas. He is a good actor. For me... MM is still young. I want to see her in roles that is appropriate for her age. The only problem is, would HJ approve the younger men she would be paired with for those type of roles?

    14. I want to see LDW paired with MM because I think he and Jin Wook was slightly smitten with MM in Strong Heart. hahahahaha

    15. What are you saying GF Snowy? HJ would prefer MM paired with his sunbaes? hahahaha He doesn't like younger guys paired for MM... because they're more aggressive? hahahahaha

    16. Gf Row....lalalalalalalalalalalal

    17. GF YJJ...Yes! Hahahahahaha... He trust his sunbaes because they are already in a relationship or secretly married. Hahahaha

    18. Gf Snowy.... Spill it........hahahaha

    19. What? I have nothing to spill. Hahahahahaha

      Where's Royal... I think we need her to ask some of our questions right now. Hahahahaha

    20. Gf Snowy, already in relationship or married like Him hahahaha
      Just kidding Gfs lol

    21. hahahaha You mean just like *cough-ant-cough*. hahahaha Ok, he has point there... secret wedding of celebrities in SK are rampant, aren't they?

    22. GF Rowshe.... Lalalalalalalalalalalal hahahahahahja

    23. Yeah right, GF Rowshe... we all know it's a fact. hahahahahaha

    24. GF YJJ.... Yes. They like money so much that they are willing to hide their wives and children forever. Hahahahah

    25. I hope it's not the case with our couple. A quiet life in the country-side we can accept but please tell us when and where hahahahaha

    26. Waaah I hope HJ and Mm will not wait till they are in their 40s to announce that they are together. Hahaha

    27. We cannot allow baby Kim's being hidden somewhere. We want to spoil them....

    28. Like how we spoil them now. hahahaha aigooo...

    29. We will treat and take care of the Baby Kim's better than the parents . Hahahaha

    30. Hahahaha...whooaaaaa...secret married...sound interesting..kekekeke...
      Yes GFs...We will treat and take care of the Kim Babies..hahahaha......

  2. aku sudah tidak sabar untuk menunggu tanggal 3 november, somin semanggat:)

    1. Hi ! GF larasati thanks for visit our blog again.^6

  3. hai GF bella , aku senang sekali dengan adanya hyunmin gforce jadi aku bisa melihat tentang kegiatan Hyun Joong dan Jung So Min, juga komentar teman teman suka ada yang lucu hingga membuatku tertawa :). terima kasih hyunmin selamanya.

    1. holla GF larasati
      setuju dganmu adanya blog ini buat qta makin semangat dan makin percaya sma hyunmin it memang benar2 nyata hahaha good night

  4. Seven days in counting Gfs !!!!
    Who is excited?

  5. Hello Gfs !!! all of us are excited waiting Minmin's drama !!!
    Thanks Gf YJJ, for the post of Couch Kimchi on Minmins drama with Kim Ji Suk
