
Thursday, June 6, 2013

~Fanvid~ Celebrating Kim Hyun Joong's 27th Birthday with Personal Birthday Wishes From GForce Team and Friends


  1. Replies
    1. ela can u make it available on mobile.. Pls pls pls...

    2. Hola gf Ress.
      I'll tell gf Ela to make the video available for mobile. The thing is she will be very busy in the morning, won't be able to access her laptop.

    3. yes yes she can take her time... Hubbyboo will probably let me listen... Hahaha..

      Btw am i the only person who is giggling? N who didnt introduce herslf? It totally skippd my mind... *bangs head*

    4. Gf ress.. Because im using phone too.. I download this link through tubemate.. And you can rewatch it anytime you want :D Im sure it can help you yeehee!!!! :D

    5. thks mazee but my phone is such a DABBA no good apps.. well i came hom anyway.. now watching on bros lap "D

  2. Yeeeeeheeeeeeeeheeeeee!!!! You know.. By listening to each one of our voice.. I do feel like its gforce first reunion.. As in meeting face to face! Hahaha ohhh how i wish it can happen now!

    Ohh papi KHJ.. Saengil chukha hamnida~~~ saengul chukha hamnida~~ saranghaneul Kim Hyun Joong Shii~~ saengil chukha hamnida ~~~ <3 <3 <3

  3. Hahahaha, sorry Gf's but i love Diego's greetings...kekeke

    1. Hahaha.
      Diego is pissed with mommy Ela because she tricked him. He didn't know his voice will appear in YT...hahaha

  4. Tanti, tanti auguri, Kim Hyun Joong!!!!

  5. WOW! im really happy right now! its my first time hearing your voices and now i know how much you love papi and how thoughtful you are.. im playing it again and again hehehehe
    i really hope that Papi will see this video and send a message like what Mami did^^

  6. Waaaaah... I was laughing hard after hearing our voices again. Everyone's voice sounds so sweet except mine. I think I had some loco pills when I recorded my message.

    GF Ro has the sexiest voice.

    GF Ela thanks for recruiting Diego. Is he our new GForce member?

    Kim Hyun Joong you are a lucky dude for getting the attention and lots of love from us, the sexy and hot GForce girls. Woohoo! Happy birthday! Aishh, I am on loco pills mode again. hahaha

    I love you girls. Due to their busy schedule,GF YJJ and Mhel were not able to join us. T_T

    1. Hahaha...very funny and embarrasing...hahaha.

      Gf Liz singing for Papi. Nice and sweet voice!!...kekeke. Love the part where she says Colombia!!.

      Row's sexy voice... HJ will wanna meet her...hahahaha.

    2. Hahaha we will join next time....

    3. You better join us next time GF Mhel. You will have to sing next time.

    4. I cant wait for next time! Insha Allah its gonna be Dabbbakkk! Lol

    5. Next time we will serenade the couple. Everyone will sing. Hahaha is that possible GF Ress. Maybe your brother will help us?

    6. We ill get all the help we need! *.*

  7. GF Ela, thanks for the fanvid. Great song choice GF. We all know this was our couple's favorite song when they first met.

    1. Gf Ela is the best!!!

      Gracias Ela!!!

    2. i love how quick she is... Considering i am so lazy... Envious! LOL

    3. Yeehee! Terima Kasih GF Ela!! Mwaaah

  8. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KHJ!...WISH U good health, more success & a HAPPY ENDING W/ MAMI!!!

  9. GF Ela.. Thanks for making this possible waaaaaa I love you!! We love you!!!! Mwaaah

  10. This vid makes me go 'Awww'because of its sweetness...
    seriously i'm nearing tears what's wrong with me *sniff*

    1. Kekeke. We didn't scare you??

    2. nooo gforce voices are really sweet..and sexy. no joke.

    3. You are so sweet GF Lora. Don't worry, the next one, you will be in it too.

    4. Lora see.. i managed something.. so last minute n so lazy of me...

    5. huh? me? but my voice sounded like..pikachu. :p

    6. what is is, Ress sunbae? a fanvid?

  11. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAY, HYUN JOONG! Sorry for the late greetings but I've been so busy at work lately - I'll make it up on your next bday. hehehe As if you're really expecting my greetings. hahaha

    I won't ask for the best since you already have the best beside you and that is MM. :) Good health and a content life. Love you from Ate.

    Waaaaahhh... the voices of the GForce. hahaha Cute and sweet. :)

    1. Hola YJJita!!!

      HJ was wondering why his Ate didn't leave a HBday greeting for him. I told him you were busy knitting a scarf. Kekeke.

    2. Hola GF Cyn. I wish I had a way to but my cel phone doesn't have the feature and it was really crazy hectic at work. I'm finally able to catch up with sleep today.

    3. Next time we do it GF YJJ, you will be in it. I'll send you a voice recorder. Hahaha

    4. do i get one too Snowy?? *...*

    5. You don't need one GF Ress... It seems like you know all the available apps out there for communication. Hahahah

    6. that u got right Snowy! i am so techy.. wish i got somones credit card toh! hahaha

  12. omo !!! i was lucky and felt very happy, hearing all your greetings gfs...
    so cute, sweet and sexy all your voices...on my mind , all of you gfs are so beautiful !!!
    but, gf snowy is missing, i didn't hear her voice and gf yoon ji joong...
    i replay this for many times...it gives me full of happiness.
    i'm lucky to be a member of hyunmin gfs... truly, i love you all gfs...muwah !!!!
    " saengil chukha hamnida " kim hyun joong.. raphael.. jin zian zhong... baek seung jo !

    1. Hola gf Shirley!!!!

      Gf YJJ and Mhel couldn't record their messages.

      Gf Snowy's voice is there. She is the first one in the video.

      Glad you like it!!!

  13. sorry my dear gf snowy, you're the first one to great 'cause of my excitement, i thought your voice was not there..i'm really sorry. yoon ji joong is the one i didn't heard..your voice is very clear. liz ariza has a very great singing voice..gf cyn heard a little shy greeting, but cute voice !!!! saranghae gfs... chukahae to all of you !!!

    1. How could you have missed my voice GF Shirley. Hahaha... Glad that your ave time to watch the fanvid and listen to our messages. Maybe next year you will join us?

  14. oh, now i know gf mhel is not there.. i miss her voice with gf yoonji joong !!!

    1. Hahaha Gf Shirley dont worry, Gf Yoonji and I will join next time and maybe you can join too, we want to hear your sweet golden voice too....

  15. Hello Gfs

    Im only stopping by for a few mnts wow!!! you guys really have out done yourselfs. Impressive!!!


    Kim Hyun Joong: Pretty much everyone has said everything they can possibly say for your Birth Day. All I can say is Happy B-Day from: A aka Chaos!! All the way from Georgia. Good Luck KHJ!!!!

    Gfs you are AWESOME!!!

    1. Hello A...Ms Georgia Peach! Happy that you dropped by GF...

    2. Hey C!!!

      Snowy: lol!!!

      P.S decided to follow gforce on twitter.

    3. Great! Getting your blog updates while on the go.

  16. I just heard it! first off thank u GFs for letting me be a part of it.. OMG there are a lotta voices in there! n Liz u can sing.. thats a gorgeous voice n i can hear variations in there! ofc we ill use it next time :P
    Ela u did a gr8 job as always with the compilation - and ofc Diego was the cherry on top! hugs to him.
    Cyn i could barely hear your voice... maybe you were shy like me..
    Mazze n Michi n Row were bang on..
    n i was .. ofcourse the only one who giggled. did any of even hear me? >.<
    wait did i miss u Snowy? naaah! u were right.. u have a ver sophisticated voice.. a true business woman kindof... from all the teletalks with the Ate eh??? :P
    Love u all n thank you agn.. *squeeshy grp hugs*
    n yes.. happy happy year ahead for u HJssi... :DD

    1. Everyone here should really hear your voice GF Ress. You have a beautiful voice and you could really sing.

      We have to thank HJ and MM for bringing us all together.

    2. Have been listening to me n my Ates convos?? bad snowy! >.< now shhhhh.. abt it!

      Yup lets thank hyunMin n remember them n only them... forget everything else.. *does shoo shoo on snowy to erase her bad memories* :P

    3. Wasn't shy. I was at work and couldn't speak so loud.

      (back to work!) U_U

    4. hahaha...but That means i am the loner shy girl... even when i was al alone in an appartment while i recorded... O.o *ress goes back to sleep*

  17. GF Liz, aside from having a pretty face, you also have a sweet voice.

  18. You know, it is also GF YJJ's birthday today. Happy Birthday GF YJJ... The other 4D. My gift will be a little late but it's coming!

    1. Hawwwww? u mean today as in 6/6?? gr8888! HappyBday GF YJJ... may you have a very blessed year ahead.. lots of love.. n lots of time for the blog.. n ofcourse a sharper eye for the HINTs.. neh FACTSSSS! HappyBday..

    2. Ow, happy birthday Gf Yoonji....wish you all the best! Mwahhhh

  19. Sorry I'm late, HJ! happy birthday to you...May all your birthday wishes come true.
    GFs! you rock girls. It's nice to hear your voice.

  20. wuaaa goodbye to my anonymity on the internet and it is best to not send where I go singing the happy birthday song, because there if that an attack gives me, now I will have lifetime trauma hahaha, thanks to GF video Ela for doing this beautiful and the voices are all beautiful

    oooh and of course Happy Birthday to Papi you're very happy next to Mami forever & forever
