
Sunday, June 9, 2013

Hyunmin One Shot - M & J Love Story part 9


The day of the event came and both went to the venue together.  Upon seeing the crowd, Monae felt the jitters all of a sudden -- she stood frozen. Jihoo noticed her uneasiness, he knew that Monae is feeling overwhelmed. He walked closer to her to give her a word of encouragement but when he got too close, he decided to hug her and said...

"No need to worry, you'll do just fine... trust in yourself!  Get changed as they'll be calling your name in a few minutes."

Monae was shocked but happy with Jihoo's gesture....

They both became shy and silent after the hug and to break the awkwardness, Monae said, "I'll get changed... thank you for the support" with a sweet smile and ran to the dressing room without looking at Jihoo.

After a moment, the emcee asked for everyone's attention to pay homage to the national anthem.  Shortly after, Monae was introduced as the special guest to pitch the first ball.  She was escorted by the team's mascot to the field.  She felt nervous but the thought of Jihoo's word of encouragement gave her strength and courage.

Jihoo on the other hand can't help but admire the little lady who walked with poise in the field -- he gave his killer smile when he saw her looking at his direction.

On the field, Monae was briefed where to position herself and which direction to pitch the ball.  The crowd started to scream and cheer her name...  Monae... Monae... Monae...

After the briefing, Monae positioned herself... clasped the ball in the glove protected by her pitching hand, raised her left  leg to waist level to give the other half of her body power to precision her throw then, she released the ball.  Viola, the hitter missed the ball -- an almost flawless throw! 

Jihoo was shocked to see how well Monae pitched.  He thought a girl with lady-like demeanor doesn't play baseball; not to mention like any type of sports.  "This little lady is really something else -- she's full of surprises," Jihoo murmured to himself.

The audience was impressed, stood up, applauded and cheered while Monae was handed a giant finger glove.  Feeling shy, she bit her lip and looked at Jihoo's direction and raised the glove with the index finger pointing in the sky to gesture #1.   

After acknowledging the audience with a bow, Monae walked off from the field and headed to where Jihoo was situated - waiting for her.  He greeted her with a sweetest smile and congratulated her for accomplishing a job well done.

To be continued....

By: Mhel
Story edited by:  YJJ


  1. Woohooo Jihoo and Monae are back!!

    Thank you to the dynamic duo: Mhel and YJJ.

    When we will have a Kiss?????... ^^

    UPdate soon!!!

    1. You reallt want the kiss? Tsk tsk...help me for the next update Gf, hehehe

  2. wah! i've been waiting for this one shot, like, forever!! love this! begging you for part 10, Ms.caraMhel!!

    1. Thanks lovely lora..... We will try, kekeke.

  3. amazing !!! gfs mhel and yoon ji joong... love story from the sport, love it !
    congrats gfs... you made my day... happy !!!
    i'll be waiting for the next part ???

    1. Tjank you Gf Shirley...just be patient for the next part, ok!!!!

  4. Wow, J and H love story update is here... thanks for the update GF Mhel.

    When is the kiss part going to happen? hahahaha

    1. Eh, you're asking for the kiss too? Still thinking about it, Gf....

  5. Love the photos included in this ff.Very appropriate. Jihoo enjoying himself watching his lovely best friend Monae throwing the first pitch.

    When is the confession going to happen?

  6. Love the story and photos so much. I'm excited for the next part :) Update please :)
