
Friday, July 5, 2013

★ GForce HyunMin: Contest #5 Results ★

Apology to everyone for the delay in announcing the results of Contest #5; Best HyunMin Hint.  My co-admins and I had a difficult time choosing the best hint as they are all good.  Plus, the commotion in the comment section in the blog made it difficult to tally the votes.  ^-^ 

We'd like to thank all participants:  Marienda, Bella Bee, Ms. Anon and Mi7Chimes for sharing their hints. If you have more to share, please just email us and we'll be glad to post it here.  ^-^
Here are the vote tallies from commentators, admins and judges:

Entry #1 - Blanket:  0
Entry #2 - Hug:  2
Entry #3 - Strong Heart:  6
Entry #4 - Blue Shoes:  2 
Entry #5 - Giraffe/Tonight video:  1

Congratulations to Bella Bee (Entry #3:  Strong Heart) for winning the $100 cash prize.

Bella did a great job in presenting her hints very well.  Her observations and  thorough analysis were spot on.  And more importantly, she captured the other interpretation of MM's message to her family.  A single word from 'precious' to 'lucky member' makes a huge difference and we don't have to guess who MM was referring to.   

Our consolation prize winners are Marienda and Ms. Anon - both will receive an HJ's Tonight cd !

Marienda submitted her hints prior to some of us seeing BFF, episode 9.  A great catch on her part to notice the similarity of the hug and HJ's question of YSY's ex-gf height.    

Also, a great catch for Ms. Anon to spot the couple's blue shoes.  Might not be considered a couple shoes because of the difference in style but we're talking about HJ here sporting a dressy blue shoes.   
MM's photo, by the way, is a bts photo during the filming of CWGM while HJ's photo was from a movie premiere event about a month ago.  And if I may add, their outfit are so PK-related.    ^-^
Again, congratulations to all the winners!  Mi7Chimes, thank you so much for joining. 


  1. Congrats to the winner!!! Ms. Bella Bee!!! and to the ladies who will get HJ's Tonight CDs (I also want one!!...kekeke).

    1. Well, you should've submitted an entry to, at least, try to win the cd. Not too late, we have another contest... you never know, we might have extra cds to give away as a prize. ;)

      Congratulations to all participants -- good job, good job. Please hunt for more hints to share.

    2. Hahahahaha me tooooooooooooo!!

    3. You won't win, if you don't join the contest. I will work on the announcement for the next contest this weekend. I expect you and GF Cyn to join in. No entry; no cd. hehehe

    4. Hahahaahahhahahaha then gf chyn and i will join hahahaha we ll see what contest is coming up woohooooooooooooooo

      Hwaiting!!! hahahahha
      Oh god need to off to my lalaland gfs!!!! hahahaha have a good day gfs.. and good night to me mwaaaaaah

    5. Kekeke... Depends on the next contest, What will be? Best HyunMin Loca??.. for sure I'll win...hahaha.

      Good night kiddo Camilita Mazzy^^.

  2. Whoaaaaaaa congratulations Bella Bee!!!! yeheeee treat us for a dinner tonight okay? Hahahahaha anywayyyy youre daebak!!!! woohoooooo

    1. Certainly Mazze, if you girls come to Bangkok, I will take care of you.
      Or shall we meet in Korea when someone ring their wedding bells.^^

    2. Congratulations Bella Bee.

      Even if we are not invited, we should all go to SK to celebrate their union.

  3. Congratulations everyone. I want to add that this contest was a hit. We can't help but notice that the # of views increased when all the hint entries were posted.

    Thanks to all the Hyunmins who participated in this contest. We love all of them.

  4. Congratulations to the winners! Walaaa GF YJJ, Its always my pleasure to join in!! :D

  5. Congrats to all the winners!!!

  6. ah was that true that I won? and get Hj's album??? waaahhhh how happy I am, but it was not me! My name Merianda, whereas above its written "Marienda"... hehehehe O_o
    hahahhaha #jokes

    I know what you meant it's me, it just any typing errors,coz there's no participant named Marienda! lol
    Simply call me Merry/Mery *Merry Christmas* #jokes

    I would like my gift excahnged wth their(Hyunmin) "wedding invitations". #jokes

    1. Congrats Merianda. If we could why not. Hahaha

  7. Thank you so much to all participants, voters and viewers. Thanks GFs for the love of our couple.

    1. Hi Bella Bee - congratulations for winning the best hint.
