
Sunday, July 7, 2013

★ SPECIAL POST: Smorgasbord of YJJ's Observations ★

July is a special month for me as a HyunMin fan.  Why?  Because, 3 yrs ago in the month of July, PK's production camera started rolling and from there on was born the tandem of our beloved, Hyun Joong and So Min. 

But first, let's talk about his latest Party People FM.  I sensed that some fans were not content with the hints captured from there.  I don't blame them as we've been spoiled with various hints from his FMs, concerts, etc.  

Some hints are subtle; some are obvious.

Some of the fancams from Party People I've watched didn't come out clear but luckily we have KE's official video posted today and to add to my list of hints, here are a couple of them that stood out for me.

   2 dancers wearing a headband and white socks w/black stripes.

Black & white outfit w/red neon lights in the background (explanations below).

The other day, GF Snowy asked me why I think black & white are HyunMin's favorite colors and I told her that I already pointed it out in my POV FM-Peru but she hinted that I need to expound to my theory so, here it goes... 

In the Minjoong thread, a commentator posted this screencap and referenced that the color of the outfit worn by HJ's dancer during the promotion of his song Kiss-Kiss were similar to the color of MM's dress in PK FM in Osaka and Tokyo. 

But I had a feeling that it doesn't quite sums it up as I seen another Kiss-Kiss video... 

wherein the dancer had on a pink dress which made me to conclude that the color concept were most likely inspired from the outfit MM wore in some unforgettable scenes in Playful Kiss:
(Epi 8) Wherein we saw skinship when BSJ was teaching OHN play tennis.  ^-^
(Epi 8 & 9) BSJ & OHN'S 1st date.  Again, skinship and boat ride date for the couple. 
(Epi 11) Was the white dress inspired from the white towel on OHN? hehehe 

(Epi 11) it's possible that is was from the 2nd stolen kiss scene. ^-^
(Epi 15) Honeymoon scene in Jeju. I'm sure it was very unforgettable for both.
(Epi 10)*ehem-ehem* How about the night OHN spent the night at BSJ's apartment (and matching color outfit:  black, white, red wine) hehehe
HJ said in an interview that he prefers his ideal girl in black, white, neutral and red wine (and all these colors are prominent in PK). Incidentally, from my search I found this from the official Kiss-Kiss video:
#3 in red wine on his hoodie

Going back to why HJ likes black and white... well, most of us know that he loves 'black'.  In fact, in BFF-Epi 8, he said he wears 'black' only. kekeke  Kidding aside, I have a feeling that the black & white is also inspired from PK.
Confession - Wedding - OHN's dream of being pregnant

What more can be more unforgettable than doing the above scenes with the Little Lady of his life? 

MM also hints in black & white. ^-^

And as I said before it all started in Playful Kiss!

And since we're still in the subject of black and white... from Party People.
 Black and white outfit while singing 'Reason Why I Live'.

 And lastly, another hint/fact from Party People...
 After fans viewed Liz and Lyd's Pedernal video from HJ's FM, a blog viewer "Arie Adam" asked in the comment section to confirm if MM is the girl/woman behind HJ.  I replayed the video several times focusing on that particular photo only.  Luckily, GF Liz Ariza noticed the picture next to it.  GF Cyn asked me if I recognize the picture and, but of course, I did.

HJ & MM received an award for PK.
 Photo taken at the award venue.
"We post, you observe, you decide!" 
Credit as tagged. 
Thank you to Arie Adam for bringing to my attention the picture w/the woman behind HJ from the Photo Album segment in HJ's FM. 

Also, a special thank you to Liz & Lyd Pedernal for capturing every important part of HJ's FM and shared it in the blog. 

And, a huge thanks to GF Liz Ariza for her diligent work in zooming the photo for us to have a better look of it.


Kiss-Kiss ^-^


  1. Yes, it appears to be MM: the lady in the background. Thanks Arie for bringing it to YJJs attention. Wait is it a photo of MM or MM herself standing at the back trying to get herself away from the camera?

    1. You're referring to the small photo, right? I'm not sure as it's very small but clearly the hairdo and collar shape is very similar to the larger photos so no doubt in my heart that it is MM in the photo.

      Thanks again Arie... I hope you get to lurk in the blog one of these days. It took awhile to do this post as it's very material-intensive.

      And, again, thanks to GF Liz A. for the awesome work of zooming the photo and to Liz and Lyd Pedernal for sharing their video.

    2. Yes, I agree GF. Now that you added the photo of MM with similar hairstyle and top, I am convinced that it's MM.

    3. Gf Liz Ariza has eagle eyes...kekekeke.

    4. Thanks to GF Liz as well.

  2. Thanks GF YJJ for the black and white hint. I did not realize that it's the couple's fave color. Hahaha. It reminded me of the Peru FM where the lead dancer wore a black and white outfit. Remember the large MM letters printed on her shirt?

    1. Yes. MM also hints with a black & white outfit. Should I add a collage of photos of her in black & white?

      Well, the last pictures above she was in black & white.

    2. Yes why not. Add the collage G; since you have it already.

  3. The headband reminded me of MM photos from the SKII skin care commercial.

    1. Yes. The male dancer is funny because he's always wearing a handkerchief on his forehead. hahaha It reminds of me OHN wearing a yellow forehead band while studying. hahaha

  4. Kekekeke^^

    Love YJJ special posts!!!!!!

    Happy happy day!!!

    1. You're sugar coating!!! I dont' buy it! hahaha

  5. Hodong wearing a white bathrobe plus that thingy on his head reminded me also of MM. Was Hodong teasing HJ at that BFF episode where the cast visited HJ's STERILIZED apartment? Hahahaha...

    1. I'm sure he was. hahaha That was a funny scene. The expression of Hyori, UEE and Hodong's facial expressions... it's so telling that they know something. hahaha

    2. Oh yeah, I forgot about that scene. The three of them sitting together on the sofa.. Hodng in a bathrobe, the girls appeared to be wearing women's clothes they found in HJ's apartment.Hahaha what a scene. HJ must have turned pale at the sight.

  6. Hi Dear Gf's, Hola Gf Snowita, Happy to read you again Gf YJJ you are the Hints specialist hehehe...About the pic you are welcome hehehe...

    1. And you are our Eagle Eyes, GF Liz. hahaha

  7. Thank you, always love your hints^^

    1. I'm glad you like it, Bella Bee. We're waiting for your next hint. ;)

  8. Inang tahe.. hira na so adong ma karejo ni halakon ! Dang masuk diakkal !... hahahahaha

    Its NOT Mm on behind of Hyun, I saw the photo clearly .. hehehehe

    1. Hi Merianda - we were not referring to the girl behind HJ. It's the girl in the picture next to it (see the black arrow pointing down). If you re-watch the video, you'll see what we're talking about.

  9. omg i'm recovered *.* this made my morning!!
    I LOVE THIS POST!! YJJ unnie you are daebak! *4 thumbs up* my toes are up too now i looked like an octopus

    1. Hola gf Lora!!!

      Hahahaha... want to see a pic of you looking like an octopus.

      Gf YJJ has another fan. We will have to open a new blog just for YJJ...kekeke.

    2. Hellooo!!
      ah...should i?? wahahaha. you need one too!! Ashley unnie is a fan of your craziness, hahahah

    3. Hi Lovelora - I'm glad to hear you've recovered. Take care of yourself always.

      And yes, please share a photo of you looking like an octopus. hahaha

    4. No, it's the blog that have fans not me. Yes, GF Cyn needs a new blog. I can't have a blog as I'm not hacker like you. hahaha

    5. Now everyone knows how I get the hints ¬¬ ...hahahaha. Thanks gf YJJ.

    6. Oops, didn't know it was supposed to be a secret. yeah right! hahaha

  10. Hi Gfs !!! Oh i love Gf YJY special post about Party People Fm...
    Very clear and enjoyable ... she's so great to share us... thanks Gf YJY.
    I love all the photos... yes it's July... Happy 3rd anniversary " Playful Kiss " !!!

  11. Aishhh im such a lateee fatty potato! Huhh!

    Whoaaa thabks gf yoonjj.. arie and gf liz!!!

    Firstly.. we already known that the design of papis dancers and the color are always similar to MM! Especially the white V neck dress and the one in Peru which written Mm ,but now after gf yoonjj has pointed everything.. i can see ALL the hidden hint or fact that i dont know and i couldnt find..the one that looks so evident is the Kiss Kiss Performances!! Whoaaa *clapping hands* ,now i understand the reason behind Black and white!!! awwww!!!!!

    Every single thing started in PK.. in PK Papi Hj has found his reason to live as well as mami MM.. and same goes to us... for me Playful Kiss is miracle full of love! In short.. Playful Kiss is The Reason why we are here.. living our life dull of miracle.. love and happiness!

    The picture in party people.. although i couldnt see it clearly using my phone.. but looking at it.. im very sure its MM the hairdo.. the height the way she smile(it looks like she smile although ita not clear) it makes me certaim Its our angel MM!!!!
