
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Kim Hyun Joong and SY Awkward Moment (BFF episode 17 screencaps)

KHJ and SY the "Flower Boys" made a stop at a rest area to have lunch while en route to Mansang Beach.

                                                                          Pork cutlet with white rice for SY

                                                                       Buckwheat noodles for KHJ

                                                   SY attempts to fork feed HJ with pork cutlet.

HJ looks stunned for few seconds, did not know what to do. hahaha


                                      You don't like men feeding each other HJ? kekeke

        Hahaha...Try your luck next time SY!


  1. Hahahaaa.... a sweet Bromance moment.

    Good morning gfs!.

  2. Remember in playful kiss special ep , so min also fed hyun joong ? and why is it always when HJ Is with SY , playful kiss scenes are "replayed"? ( the first one was the hugging then now the feeding ) ... Coincidence ?

    1. Oh yeah, OHN spoon fed HJ in PK. hahaha... These two are funny when they are together.

    2. Good a.m. GFs. Why YSY? Mm's name is Yoon Ji, right? That's why. Hahahaha

    3. Hahahahaha.... That's a good one GF YJJ.

    4. Hahaha If you think about it, it could be true. Who wouldn't be chummy with a guy whose name is Yoon Si Yoon? I bet HJ slipped and called him 'Yoon Ji' sometimes. Hahahaha

    5. That's a big possibility... Yoon Ji instead of Yoon Si Yoon. Hahaha

  3. I think YSY is HJ's accomplice :-), I wonder when he said they went diving together if its out in the sea and MM was with them...

    1. YSY and MM did the NII CF together before... so maybe :-).

      Thanks for the post GF!

      Good am/pm to all the lovely HyunMin GFs!!!

    2. I did not know that YSY and MM did a CF together. Hmmm kekeke

    3. Yup they did it together with members of CN Blue, so maybe MM, HJ and YSY are well introduced to each other :-)... There is definitely bromance between the two and they are so fun to watch, I wish they will do a comedy flower boy drama together

    4. Flower Boys Bromance and HJ is the leader of the pack. Hahaha....

  4. i love this post and the possible connection to hyunmin. they are so funny together (hj and ysy) coz they are so different from each other. it is good tha they were pIred for this episode. hello all!

  5. i really laughed hard to ysy and hj!!hahaha..sorry ysy only MM can feed to hj...hahaha

  6. When i watched this scenes i laugh HJ, he is so shy... when Yoon Shi Yoon forcing him to eat that piece of pork.... they were cute while talking !!!
    Yes Minmin has a shot CF, with YSY and JONG HWA of CN-BLUE... they were all cute together !!!

  7. it feels good when this two good looking men are together in one screen... it's like a feast in the eyes kekeke... you're right gf zyrene only mami can feed papi..

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. u dont like even when a girl feeds you? eh Papi? lets ask Mami.is it tru..?? . lol

    KILLER >> "I feel like i just got dumped!" bwahahahaha
