
Sunday, September 1, 2013


In commemoration of Playful Kiss' 3rd Anniversary, here are my favorite scene(s) in each episodes. 

 Episode 1:  The 'stolen kiss' in Hani's dream -- although this gif was taken from the bts.

 The strong bond between friends.  Who among us didn't have one or two best friends in school?
 When OHN showed that she has a voice and cannot be underestimated.
 Episode 2:  BSJ saved OHN from the flasher.
A girl w/the smarts is good.
What can we say BSJ?  OHN is not as dumb as you think.

Who doesn't find MM adorable in this scene?  hahaha

 Episode 3:  BSJ slowly showing his soft side to OHN.

And who doesn't find this cute?
 Episode 4:  I love this scene.  BSJ about to give OHN a 'present' as he claimed.
 Upon remembering the socks incident, OHN in attempt to get even with BSJ tripped...

 which made her more angry and tried to chase BSJ but slipped.  What I find ironic is that the supposedly cold BSJ again showed his soft side by attempting to help OHN.
HJ looked so happy here being chased by MM.  MM might be in character.... not sure about HJ anymore.

 Again, I find their friendship so special -- it reminded me so much of my high school days.
 I just find MM so cute and funny in this scene.

 Episode 5:   Oh geez, who didn't wish to be MM in this scene?  hahaha
OHN shared with the confused BSJ her grandma's advice.
 Episode 6:  BSJ conveyed in his speech OHN's grandma's advice on how to tackle life.
 During graduation ceremony, OHN day dreamed her wedding with BSJ.

 OHN's souvenir picture from the graduation. 

BSJ confronted OHN for humiliating him at the graduation celebration.

BSJ & OHN's first kiss!

To be continued...


  1. *Happy 3rd Anniversary PK * !!!
    Wow ! Gf YJJ, nice scenes from PK... Love all your post for every episodes.
    Can i request Gf YJJ... can you post epi. 5, when BSJ and OHN leave alone in the house...OHN cooked for their dinner... and the last one epi.16, BSJ got jealous after they arrived at home, from BJG opening fast food.
    Thanks Gf YJJ for giving my request... if you can't do, i'm not sad... its same feeling thank you very much... I Love you Gf YJJ... ^^-^^

  2. Happy 3rd anniversary PK!!!

    This is such a great post GF YJJ, a collection of all the favorite scenes... makes me want to watch PK again for the nth time...

    Thank you very much GF YJJ for all your effort in putting the highlights of PK together...

    1. Yup! Yup! yup! Me too! I feel like i want to watch it again for thr nth times! Aigooo

  3. Thank you GF YJJ for sharing to us some scenes in PK episodes. It is so nice to reminisce because it is where it all begun from reel to real.

  4. I need your kiss kiss i want your kiss kiss~~~ Happy Happy Happy 3rd Anniversary Playful Kiss!!!!--- 3rd Round! ;D

    Woohoo thank you ate ku!!! For this post! I am very happy to see these scenes!! All are my favourite, of course!!!

    It has been three years! Oh em ji! But PK, is my one and only favorite drama ever!! BSJ and OHN are my favorite characters!!! HJ and MM are my favorite real couple ever!!!!!! I love erverything and anything related to PK, BSJ OHN and HyunMin!!!!!!!!!!! Whoaaa!! Love love love!

    Hola GFs!! Good AM/PM!!!!

    1. Nice GF YJJ esp. The second kiss scene... The alley kiss.

    2. Hola GF Mazzy... Where is your fan confession part 2?

    3. i like the scene where hani chasing bsj...because of this screencap i realize that khj is no longer acting anymore..hehehe

  5. the 2nd episode where hani said that x is alphabet is cute too,lol at the scene

  6. these are all my favorites specially the one when bsj saved ohn from the flasher oooohh my heart is always melting whenever i watch that scene. my other favorite on this batch is when ohn ranked 50th and she kept on saying thank you to bsj didn't control his smile while walking away. yah that smile is very priceless because that smile belongs to ohn's hardworks :-)

    1. and how can i forget the drunk ohn and the piggyback ☺ hihihi sweet!

    2. Hello GF Pat.... That was BSJ and OHN first close contact, correct? The flasher scene. I love that scene too.
