
Monday, September 9, 2013

Screencaps from Recent Video Published on MM's FB

밀양에서 힐링~ 아 여기서 농사하면서 살구싶다ㅜㅠ

English translation: 
Happy in MIRYANG~ Oh, I really want to live here while farming! 

 *Translation credit to:  JeongGyu

Miryang is 29 miles away from Busan... and we all know who was in Busan for the Lotte Hotel Japanese Fanmeeting yesterday, 9/8.  ^-^ 


  1. Happy Monday Gf Snowy...

    It has been a long time never show up here..hahahaa

    Pretty sure I didnt get the meaning of the vid...

    I thought about Renaissance seeing those 'old' stuffs !! lol o_O

    MM eonni, we need a long duration ! More than a minutes or may be an hour ! lol... 하하하하

  2. I'm wondering what does MM wishes to convey in her latest video update. About upcoming project?

    1. We have to wait for the translation of her message.

    2. Sure. I have read translation in fb but seems it is not the exact words. Anyway, thank you GF Snowy for the post.

    3. You're welcome GF. I did try Google and Bing translator also.. Lol! Let's wait for GF Hana to translate it for us.

  3. Is it a documentary, perhpaps? The lighting over the dress above the bed looks spooky. I don't think it's MM's place.

    1. Which Modu? #1 or #2? kekeke Modu #1 was in Busan, remember? #2 was probably home. Now, which house? Busan or Jeju? kekeke

    2. Hahahaha Modu #2 You are naughty today GF YJJ.

  4. what's with the last photo? oh my it gave me the creep! but i really love this video updates from mami. so pretty as always ☺

    1. Hahahhaha. YJJ feels the same.

    2. Because it is creepy. I don't know how to describe how I see it but I won't want to tour a place like that. But, maybe the history to this place is not that bad because I know MM is scared of ghosts too. Remember when she and her bff went to haunted building in an amusement park in Japan for O'live. hahahaha

    3. Do you see the tag on the left sleeve?

    4. waaaaahhhh... I don't think it's a price tag. It looks like a small envelope and who knows what's inside. waaaahhhhh

    5. I think you're, It's too big for a price tag .. What's inside that envelope? Extra buttons or thread maybe? Hahaha

    6. Nice try but I don't think so. They're having a garage sale inside the unit? hahaha I think it has the description of the outfit, etc. I think it's a historical house more so than a cell.

  5. A tag?? or I think is the light switch on the wall. Hmm!!) long plain dress with long sleeves and collard like in the old days plain=no money color dresses=money back then. Sawing machine an important part because woman sawed their own dresses. Showing skin for woman not good back then. MM= long sleeve sweater and long skirt. I could be wrong but Art is Art and everyone will view it differently. Art can be displayed in many ways and can be shown as a form of expression. Example if I want to say something but can't displaying it in Art form is also expressing it. Lets see what the translation say's!!
    P.S. Cool MM.

    1. Hi A... A light switch? Hmmm.. I think you're right. Lol! I agree, that dress was displayed as a piece of art. It just look spooky at a first glance.

    2. Snowy. Abt the light switch! Wahahahahahahaha!!! LOL!!

    3. Hahahaha.... duh! I need to change my eye contacts.... You are good GF A... If I need a PI, I will hire you.

    4. Plain no money a farmer. I was close.

    5. I was confused on what you two were talking about... hahaha it's a light switch. hahaha I reacted to what GF Snowy said as the photo is too creepy for me to look at. hahaha

  6. Oh oh! our couple are on short trip in a Country side kekeke

    1. I remember in an interview HJ said in regards to settling down that he would live with his wife in the country side and raise the kids there. lalalalala

  7. Visiting neighbors??? Oh the white dress reminds me of the costume of the lady in Unbreakable MV...

  8. Yes HJ said in K-WAVE YAHOO ! He wants to live in Jeju, when he settled down... raise their kids there and learn the people way of living...
    Minmin so cute...natural beauty...seems she wants to experience how to live there in Miryang.

  9. Oh! I love this. Yes, living in the countryside and live a simple life away from spotlight. They bought a new house? because there seems to be no furnitures. Preparing for future use? ha ha ha such as sneaking in the country side when they feel suffocated of the busy life in Seoul.

    1. what i mean only few furnitures just table and chair

  10. hmmmm, busan. it could be a weeekend trip, for him to recharge after coming home so tired

  11. on the last part.. all i see is number 2, number 2 and number 2.. btw, what does 2km mean? is it kilometer? lol!

  12. Hey Gfs. Something is on my mind and maybe I might be crazy for looking at this in a different way! Is the Your Story MV that has me tripping! Once MM displayed this Art Gsss I have to tell you how I see Your Story MV maybe someone already saw what I saw but here it goes.

    The 5 Elements are being display. The white flag in the wind= Wind the ocean= Water KHJ walking on earth= Earth The Piano and with the Fire= Fire
    and last on the Elements the love making= Love.

    Where he is standing a black stage= an Altar.
    When he dances= A dancing Ritual
    Being on the Altar he is praying for his love to come back using the 5 elements. Finally committed the biggest sacrifice of love by drowning.

    In this Romeo & Juliet Story only Romeo dies. After looking closely this MV can be interpreted to be a love story in which an ultimate sacrifice of love is being committed which is killing your self for the person you love. through out most of the famous love stories through out history such as Romeo & Juliet a love sacrifice was committed.

    Just me seeing things a different way. Hmmm!!

    1. hmmmm... very interesting. I didn't take you seriously about Emily Dickinson poem yesterday but now, I understand your analysis since you mentioned 'sacrifice' for love. Love, in general, involves sacrifice... whether it's love from a parent to children and vice versa, love for yoru family, friend, country and so on and so forth. Your Story conveys a message of commitment to the love of his life. *clap-clap-clap* Great interpretation.

      The lyrics conveyed a diferent message than the mv.

    2. ??? YJJ did you go back and look at the MV?? and I agree the lyrics don't match the MV when looking at differently.

      Thank you and for the clapping too!!!

    3. To tell you honestly, the video "NO"... as much as I try to imagine the girl is MM, I couldn't. hahaha I've been playing the cd over and over though. But I can vividly recall most of the scenes and understand clealy the elements that you're referring to.

  13. Hi A.... Very interesting interpretation. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us. It's always appreciated.

  14. ??? Snowy did you go back and look at the MV??
    Always A when she unglues her mouth. Lol!!!

    Thank you Snowy.

  15. Not yet A... I will watch it again after work. I can vividly remember some of the scenes in the video you mentioned but I will watch the video again with your interpretation in mind. Hahaha... I like it when you unglue you mouth A... ALWAYS!!!!

  16. Very interesting interpretation GF... they definitely like the quiet life... maybe that is why HJ is working so hard now to prepare for their future in case he has to slow down when they make the announcement...
