
Sunday, October 6, 2013

10.06.2013 °•●○ Jung So Min Facebook Update ○●•°

KBS드라마스페셜 '나에게로와서별이되었다' 첫 촬영날이에요! 새벽 3시에 일어나서 헤롱헤롱..@_@ 그래도 설렘설렘하는 마음으로 즐겁게 촬영하고 있어요. 가을날 아련한 멜로예요. 황인혁감독님과 김민정작가님과 김지석선배와 함께해요. 기대해주세요^^
11월3일 11시35분 방송입니다. 많은 시청 부탁드려요! > <


This is the first day of filming KBS drama-special 'One Came to Me and Became a Star'! I got up at 3 a.m. so I'm messy ...@-_@ but i'm doing it with pleasure . It's a melo of autumn. I'm with director Inhuk Hwang, writer Minjung Kim and actor Jisuk Kim. Please have some expectations^^ It's for November 3rd, 11:35. I wish I can meet you then!> <

Cr. to JSM Facebook

Filming location of MM's drama posted in FB.  Credit to Youngeun Ryu (yerypd).


  1. Hola sweet MM!!


  2. Beautiful Mm in the first day of shooting. Don't worry we surely support you on your new drama. Fighting Mm!!!

  3. Hi, MM you look happy!! and very pretty. ;)

  4. Replies
    1. Hey Cyni, Esa tipa tiene que tener problems mentales porq Mira q jode!!
      Me esta enfogonando!!

    2. Si, a mi también. No me deja dormir... espero que se canse pronto.

      Pero la mayoría de veces me causa much risa... jejejeje... la troll loca nos mantiene entretenidas. De hecho que tiene problemas mentales y por lo visto no tiene nada más que hacer. Eso pasa cuando no tienes vida... seguro que ni tiene perro que le ladre.

    3. Chacho!! Tienes razon!! Pero Ella parece q no sabe q aqui se dio con Latinas e y Hispanas. Mira le va a ir Como pandereta!! Y si aveces me da risas. Que obsession!!!!

  5. MM has sexy lips!. HJ is a very lucky dude...kekeke.

  6. Love love seeing MMs beautiful face. She look vey happy!

  7. Hello lovely MM.

    I see an.old car behind her which means the setting is from 50's 60's or 70's? Very interestimg. And HJ.s drama is also from an old period. That's probabaly why he ok'd the script for this drama - maybe no kissing scenes.

    1. YJJ did you find another hint!! Hahaha!!

    2. I sure did, Gf A. hahaha I'll busy myself with that hint for now. Happy Sunday to all. woooooohooooo this blog is so alive.... so much love in the air. wahahahaha Ugly troll -- your face will soon hit the floor.

  8. Hahahahaha

    Someone is getting so desperate!!!

    All I can say is that you entertain us!!... and because of you more girls are supporting us. We will never close this blog... NEVER!!!!

    Do you understand that?

    1. She's hallucinating. What made her think that we would close this blog for her delusional thoughts. hahaha What? Power tripping? hahaha Maybe in her country.

  9. Hi GFs.. I am reading the blog's comments while having dimsum in Chinatown. My hubby is getting upset with me because I keep on laughing with your comments especially about the troll and I wasn't laying attention to what he is telling me. Hahahahaha... You guys are having fun on Sunday morning/afternoon/night. I love seeing my GFs happy and chatting away while the troll is getting crazy with frustrations.... She is saying we might be shock? Maybe we will shock her of what we all know about our HyunMin couple..., the real couple. Hahahaha

    1. Correction: I wasn't paying attention

    2. Snowy oopps did not mean to make you laugh in front of your hubby especially with the K Y JELLY comment. Tell him I'm sorry. But use a sad face when doing so!!! LOL!! Snowy you are not the only one having problems earlier I tripped because I was laughing my phone my not make it pass this year it flew!!!! Believe me it looked like my phone had a dream to fly!!!. hahahahahaha

  10. oops, was the mad and stupid doggy barking in our blog again???

  11. Mm looks so hapy, cute and beautiful. So excited for her new project.

  12. Woah MM you look absolutely beautiful! I think that length oy your hair now suits yo so well! Good luck on yoyr drama! I can't wait for November!

    And hello girls! I've been a silent lurker of this blog since I discovered it (which a looong time ago) and I think it's time to get out of my shell and comment, at least for now. Hehe :p Thank you for all the goodies that you've shared to us!! This blog really keeps me up to date with our couple, from their individual activities to spazz worthy hints! Or should I say facts? Lol! You girls are totally 대박! Keep it up! Spread the love and happiness of HYUNMIN! ;)

    1. Hi, Elle Yey!! Nice you decided to comment!! Uhuu!!

    2. Hello Elle - welcome to the blog. Glad that you finally came out of your shell - you don't want to end up like the unhappy troll. hahaha Anyway, enough of her. It's way more fun to join the fun with us. The couple would very happy to know that there's so many of us around the world supporting them.

    3. Hola Elle, Welcome to the blog!!!... Happy to have you here^^

    4. Thanks for the welcome A, Mhel and Yjj :) really apreciate it!

      And yjj, you had me at the 'unhappy troll' hahahahahahaha! Yeah i dont want to end up like her, because I know what to believe in ;)

    5. Adding up cyn for my thanks! ;)

    6. Hello Elle!
      Welcome to our blog :)
      I hope to see you often, sorry for the late welcome.

  13. This person has attention seeking personality disorder. She intend to create situations where she could be the center of attention. She is an emotionally immature person which has low self-esteem, low self- confidence and insecure. By being the center of attention it somehow alleviates her insecurities and inadequacy but it is temporary relief and she keep coming back in this blog because this feelings remains and the root cause of her problem is unaddressed. This person exhibit bullying behaviors, manipulation and deception such as telling us to close the blog, distort our perceptions telling us delusional, resort to lying and other negative words which will surely bring emotional injury to us to cover up their insecurities and true nature.

    1. Woahh, Gf Elle welcome to our blog. We are glad to see you here... Hope you will enjoy your visit here and hope to see your comments more... Welcome again Gf...

    2. GF Retta I know! What I explained earlier is true. What I also said is that Cyber bullying is illegal! I do not know if she knows this. But for the moment is quite interesting!! The part that she does not understand is that this blog is for fun!!!! GF we cannot get involved with psychological advise at this point! Or we are going to have to charge!! Per hour.

    3. I am trying to understand her behavior. I'm kind enough to give her online advise if she want. Take note per hour charge. Ha ha ha. What do you think GF A? I agree with you, for the moment this is interesting and more fun. Let us give her the attention she wants.

    4. GF Retta. Correct if this is the way she feels she needs to express her self then let it be it!!
      P.S. Per hour charge sounds good. LOL!!

  14. Lol! Trollynut do not understand english!!!

  15. Hyunmin will drown her with english words!!

  16. Glad to see Minmin happy on her first shooting day.. HJ and Minmin working in same network..
    Praying.... Minmins drama, can get good rating while airing in Korea...
    I read a news.... her drama will start on Nov. 3 at 11:45 a.m. but i'm not sure on that news, i only read that from another blogs of Minmin...

  17. Mm posted it in her fb the drama sked

  18. I'm so happy for MM! Woohhhoooo congrats MM you deserve it! I will sure watch your drama hopefully dramafever will get it so I can watch. Not sure if I have korean channel in my location here in US

    1. Hello Chie -- I posted this in the previous page.

      U.S. based fans can check for KBS schedule here: http://www.kbs-america.com/schedule/schedule_channel.aspx

    2. Thanks YJJ, for the info. I had a Time Warner Cable, so it's channel 159 in TWC.
      KBS LA station is so near in our place,

    3. You're welcome GF Row. I'm so excited GF.

  19. I wish * Viki Net.com. will feature Minmins drama... they earned too much viewer during PK, and received an award for having millions viewers and giving fans different subtitles ...
    Dailymotion and Dramacrazy net can watch here in the Phil....i'm watching BFFS on that network... thanks it's free online

    1. Thank you GF Shirley for the info!!! Nice to know is free. Cool
