
Sunday, October 20, 2013

10.21.13 ~ Jung So Min Facebook Update ~

어제! 송유진디자이너님 패션쇼 갔다와서~ 오랜만에 스모키스모키~ 씐나~


This was yesterday! After I went to designer Song Yujin's fashion show. I wore smoky make-up ~fun~

Cr. JSM Facebook


  1. MM looking so beautiful and sexy!.

    I see Modu at the back ^^.

    Thanks MM for the update! ♥

    Good night HyunMins.

  2. Good day / night Gfs !!!
    Hi Gf Cyn...yes Minmin is so beautiful !...
    Her face is flawless !
    Thanks Gf Cyn for the post... thanks too, Minmin for the update !!!!

  3. Thanks for your beautiful picture MM♡♡♡
    Thanks for the post GF Cyn.★★★

  4. Hi Gfs GN/ GM. So lovely MM :3
    Thanks for the post GF Cyn.

  5. Gfs Bb, Bescaca, Shirley, Ela, Cyni hello... Happy Monday to all of you!

    Hi also to our sikent readers,lurkers...

    Mm is so cute and adorable, right Gfs! I cant get enough of her beautiful face...


  6. Good morning GFs or Good evening!!
    Pretty MM

    Thanks Cyni for the post

  7. Good day GFs....

    Good evening to you MM... You have such a clear and beautiful skin.... Are you sending this photos to Papi? Are you giving the lucky guy a message? Hahaha we live you and LG and I hope you and your baby are always happy...

    Good luck on your upcoming drama! ...mwah... I love you!

  8. Good am/pm Gfs worldwide!!!
    Gfs, love you always, we love your 2 Modu also.....

  9. oh sooo gorgeous!!!,
    Modu is at her back..the surrounding is so familiar..hahaha oh my crazy mind again...pft,pft,...

  10. Hi Gf's, It looks like KBS has changed the broadcast date "You Came To Me and Became A Star" to 10th Nov, 2013...why they change it all the time?

  11. MM you are so lovely! Papi must miss you so much... thanks for sharing your pictures, and we love it that we see your baby Modu on the background...

  12. Replies
    1. Hello Baek Hani, welcome to the blog!

    2. Hello Gf Mhel...thanks... nice to joined in happy blog ( Hyunmin blog ).

    3. Hi, Baek Hani, Welcome to the blog!!

  13. Good AM / PM GFs
    Hello I'm Hyunmin fan from Indonesia. ^_^

    1. Hola HaNi^^!!

      Welcome to the blog!!! - We are happy to have you here.
      Thanks for the support to the HyunMin couple.

    2. Hola Gf Cyn
      Your Welcome...thanks too for the post and welcome mat.
      love u all Gfs team...that made my day always happy... ^O^

    3. Welcome to the blog GF Ha Ni Baek.

      Yay...another HyunMin from Indonesia. Cool!

    4. Thanks Gf Snowy..
      Yeah there are many hyunmin fans from Indonesia. Woohooo !!!!!

    5. Hello GFs.

      Welcome to the blog, Baek Ha Ni. Invite all your HyunMin fans in Indonesia to visit the blog.

    6. Hello Gfs YJJ
      You are my favorite Gf, I' your fan kekeke
      Your analysis and eagle eyes to made special post hint or fact or BTS were very PERFECT.
      You are the best ...BANZAIIIII...

    7. Hello GF Ha Ni. Thank you. I'm flattered to know that I have a fan. kekeke

    8. Yess.. i really your fan kekeke
      if you come to Indonesia please give me your autograph...hahahhahahaa

    9. hahahaha I would love to visit Indonesia some day. hahahaha Why? But, my autograph isn't worth anything. I'm just one of the crowd. hahahaha

    10. You're world famous now Gf YJJ ..... YJJ the HyunMin Coincidence, Hint or Coincidence expert. Hahahaha. GF YJJ only reports the truth!

    11. Shhhhh... if I have a fan that could only mean I may have a basher too. hahahaha I hope you'll defend me when the time comes, GF. hahahaha You too GF Hani. hahahaha No need to create a blog for me. I'm content here. hahahahaha

      Yeah, the truth and nothing but the truth.

    12. Hi Gf HAni don't worry when Gf YJJ go to SK she will definitely drop by Indonesia...hahaha I make sure it's in her E-ticket....lol

    13. No no you are not the crowd but you are entertainer who has always give us special post hints / facts and BTS that made us happy.... love u gf YJJ huahhaaahhhaaaaaaa ....

    14. hahahaha Did you hear that GF Hani? GF Lorna is paying for my tickets to SK and Indonesia! woooohoooo hahahaha

      I feel so love here. I love you too GF Ha Ni - just the name alone reminds me so much of PK and our beloved MM. hahahaha How can I not love you! hahahaha

    15. Hi Gf Lorna nice to meet u here.

    16. YJJ the HyunMin Fact, Hint and Coincidence expert and she only reports for the GForce Blog exclusively.

    17. Yup and truth be told, I didn't really want to in the beginning to protect them. GF Snowy and Cyn can attest to that. Actually, the hints and facts are courtesy of the couple... I'm just observant and have eagle eyes sometimes so I use those as a tool to share.

      And truth be told the cheesy quotes that you all have read in the secret blog and here are really from none other than Mr. Lucky Guy.

    18. Yes, Gf YJJ is a very protective sister. She's been scolding us for spilling!!!!! Now she unglued her mouth and you better watch out. Spill more Gf YJJ !!!!!

      Lucky guy is in love.... His best secret is Sheismylife!!!!!! The one he keeps in his heart forever. If you are looking for MM, check HJ's heart. She's in there!!!!!

    19. Yes, when GF Snowy and Cyn are misbehaving in the blog I purposely don't join in to prevent myself from spilling.

      I'll just concur what GF Snowy said... yes according to Lucky Guy, MM is the only who keeps him alive. Awwwww, isn't he sweet?!?

    20. Yes... like hyunmin gforce slogan LOVE IS KIM HYUN JOONG AND JUNG SO MIN AND THAT'S ALL WE SEE.
      HJ , MM , PK LOVE FOREVER....

    21. And when HJ keeps on saying that he doesn't have a girlfriend (to protect MM from crazy and harmful fans) we just smile. He loves his baby very much and he would do anything to protect Sheismylife, his pacemaker...his only one!!!!!

    22. Yes GF Ha Ni Baek!!!!! We see nothing but the HyunMin couple...hahaha

    23. And he had said that in some of his interviews and some of the lyrics of his songs that he will protect only the girl he loves. Even though he always claim he doesn't have time to have a girlfriend. Up to this day, he uses the same excuse... no time. Sure. hehehe

  14. Perfect MM = beautiful in & out + smart ................!!!!

  15. Halo gf giani kamu dari Indonesia mana ??
    Aq dari Malang Jawa Timur, senang bertemu denganmu disini ^_^

    1. aq...dari jombang jatim mbak,,,!!! :) bisa share Fb or app chatting mbak,?

    2. holla hani dan giani aq jg dr indonesia lam kenal y hani sejamat bergabung di gforce

    3. Hi Giani ... wah Jombang dekat dengan Malang... Fb Q Pipit Sri Partini tolong di add ya.. ^_^
      Hi Cepty lam kenal balik kamu dari Indonesia mana ??

    4. aq magelang jawa tengah wah sneneng di gforce ad yg sama bahasa indonesia senangnya

    5. aq magelang jawa tengah wah sneneng di gforce ad yg sama bahasa indonesia senangnya

  16. Hi MM, you attended Song Yujin's fashion show? Any photos of you from the event that you could share with us?

  17. Minmin had a flawless skin,a beauty that can't compare.Its refresshing to see this kind of beauty.

  18. Beauty and cuteness of MM :)

    wants to send a kiss for someone or those photos were taken after k*s*ing * ??? hmmmm... hahahha

    good morning gfs :)
    may your day will be full of love and laughter as our couple does everyday :)

    1. Hi Gf Merianda, how are you? Where have you been?

  19. MM - would love to see your photo with smokey eye make-up... I bet you looked dashing. But just the same, you look great w/out or less make-up... simply gorgeous and beautiful.

  20. Hey trool... hahaha you got the nerve. You're probably uglier than an Oger. And you're probably too ignorant to know what that is. Well too bad.

    1. And let me add you're as blind as a bat. Saying that MM's eyes is too chinky. Let me tell you something you ignorant Oger, her eyes are beautiful and original... she doesn't need to get surgery to make them beautiful. She was born beautiful inside and out... not like you... you ugly Oger.

  21. In all fairness Oger, you acknowledged that MM has beautiful lips... well, guess who said the same thing. hahahaha Yes, HJ himself. kekeke And he also loves her beautiful face... yes, he said that too. But you wouldn't know that. hahahaha But most of all he loves her heart because she's kindhearted. hehehe Just thought I'd share. *wink-wink*

  22. Huh! As expected,the stinky troll left a comment specially for MM. You are calling our darling and beautiful girl ugly????
    Can you show us a picture of you and see if you can call someone ugly. Why are you bashing MM? What did she do to you to hate her so much. Are you in love with Kim Hyun Joong???? You want him for yourself you ugly troll? We know who you are. You leave comments on every Hyun Joong's videos, in you tube. I could sense that you drool and sweat like a sex maniac while typing your comments. You want Hyun joong for yourself that's why you hate Mm so much. You know there is truth of what we've been saying in this blog and you could not accept that. For sure if Hyun Joong finds how sick you are as a person and you love him for yourself, he would vomit and say YUCK.

    You are a pathetic and rotten creature who has no right to call anyone ugly. Look at yourself in the mirror and you'll see what's the real meaning of the word ugly and a good example of how ugly looks like. YUCK!!!! Go away and play with yourself in a dark cave. Tell me where you live and I'll send you a Kim Hyun Joong's standee so you can drool and play with yourself 24/7 while looking at him.

    Ugly Troll... HyunMin Couple is real... Their love for each other is real!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Gf Snowy don't send OGErrrrr HJ standee I thought you gonna sent to me not the troll....hahaha..Coz even the standee can't stand troll ugliness, HJ standee gonna puke on troll face...hahaha.

      Ugly slimy troll
      Hyunmin Couple is Real and Secured!!!!!!

    2. Sorry Gf... Hahahaha I thought that's the only way to make the Hyun Joong " obsiss" troll.

      You're right, HJ's standee might kick her a_. Hahahahaha

  23. Psssstttt slimy OGERrrrrrrr. You need eyeglasses and LASIK surgery so you can see better. MM beauty is the definition of fresh and natural she don't need cosmetic coz' she's flawless...GF YJJ don't forget He said "SheisMyLife" got that Oger beat it.....lalalalala

  24. Owweee what happened here anyway? What are u talking abt ? Who is the troll that u meant???

    Gf snowy@ I am here as always. but my assigments kill me and do not allow me to set apart of being a loyal commentator !!!! hahahahahahahaha

    1. Hi Merianda. There's an "obsiss troll" ( that's how she spells troll and obsessed) who hates MM and keeps on leaving nasty comments about MM in our blog. We have been deleting her comments because they were nonsense and like a mad woman, keeps on repeating the same lines. Since I am bored and have nothing to do this evening, I decided to say something to the troll to make her more crazy. The troll knows that HyunMin is real and could not handle the truth that's why she's attacking MM. Hahahaha A JEALOUS LUNATIC!!!!!

      I'm glad that you visited us on your break GF Merianda!

    2. GF Lorna - regardless of what we share here -- the big oger doesn't understand English so, we're just wasting our breath. If she has any brains she would know the difference between real and reel (script). And in addition, she's too blind to see what real beauty is because for her anyone who had anything done on their face by plastic surgery is beautiful. hehehe

      Hello Merianda - there's an insecure and threatened fan of someone who keeps leaving comments against our beautiful MM so we're merely speaking our minds. Sometimes its a bit too much. I just wish someone who'd bully her too one of these days so she knows the feeling... that karma is a b****.

    3. The creature spells troll as trool

  25. Hahahaha hahahahaha Go to hell, you witch! that's where you belong. hahahahaha

  26. MM you look so beautiful. How old are you? You look only 18 years old to me!!!!!!!!

    1. And if I may add -- she's all natural -- no surgeries done on her face. ;)

    2. I agree with u Gfs ..
      the troll is jealous of the beautiful MM, MM look like an ANGEL... love u MM ^_^
      i want a daughter like MM

    3. Gf Snowy troll is Ajumma...too old to see...too old hear..to old for HJ..hahaha

    4. Ihahaha. She is an obsiss Ahjumma .... Hahahaha. An Ahjumma with Alzheimer's Disease because she keeps on repeating herself. Hahahaha

    5. I think you hit the nail on the head. kekeke An obsiss ahjumma who doesn't like a beautiful angel like MM for HJ.

      Oger must not be a real fan of HJ then because a real fan of HJ should be considerate of his feelings.

    6. Hello GF Ha Ni. Thanks for joining our conversation. Yes, MM looks like an angel. I too want a daughter or younger sister like her. Her parents did a great job raising her... she's well grounded, kindhearted and sweet.

    7. Oger don't have heart that's why don't have feelings.

    8. Yup. That's why Oger is a good name for her/him or whatever it is. hahahaha

      I mean we don't care if she wants somebody else for HJ, correct? We're not stopping her but why insist what she believes in here? It's understandable that this is a place to express opinion about the HyunMin couple because this is proper place. Why can't she go to the proper place to express her liking for her idol. It's beyond me why she can't understand something simple as that.

    9. The IT could joy understand due to mental disorder!!!! The IT is an obsessive mental case!!!!

    10. Ding-ding-ding GF. You hit the nail on the head again GF. That's exactly the problem of Oger... mental disorder. That's why she's so clueless of what's going on. I mean every hint post in this blog has proof... the comment sections has a little bit of revelations.... my goodness gracious what else can a fan ask for?!? hahahaha

    11. *correction...the It could not understand

    12. You got that right....

      There's nothing going on their camp coz' they don't have a Fact or hint to bridge their idol.

    13. A mentally defective Hyun Joong "obsiss" and MM hater.

    14. I agree with u gf YJJ ... MM parents did a great job raising her... she's well grounded, kindhearted and sweet. I should learn to them kekekekeee.
      Gf Snowy the troll was lonely that why he/she/it joined with us to made disorder...let's give the troll poison so that he/she/it will died soon hahahahhahahhaa

    15. A lot of people can learn from their parents. Actually, HJ's parents did a great job too. Both HJ & MM both kind of rebelled at a young age because their parents didn't want to them to pursue their dreams but everything turned out well. They both have matured in the process and are very close to their respective parents now.

    16. Hyunmin is destined to each other, Matched made in heaven

    17. Correct. They're fated to meet in PK as they're match made in heaven. :)

  27. Why???.. Satan open the gate of hell one of his minion spreading hatred in our lovely home that full of Hyunmin Love. Troll GForce'S our hearts has mind of it's owned our heart beats on one thing Hyunmin LOVE

    Haterssss not belong here it belong to blazing HELL..

    1. Because haters are too ignorant to make their own blog so they prefer to mess with our world. They're too unhappy in their ship because nothing is happening there but again they're too ignorant to recognize it. In other words they are too lost, for lack of better term.

  28. Gf YJJ I think B.....witch don't have a broom coz' Gf A use on her Halloween decoration...hahaha

    1. Oh yooohooo GF A, can you please lend your broom to the big oger. hahaha If she breaks it because you know ogers are usually heavy-set, I'll replace it with a sturdier one... a steel-made one. hahaha

    2. GF YJJ and Lorna. Well I can't the Oger is already sitting on it right side up. I thought I mentioned that I prop the Oger up on a stick!!

    3. The Oger is ready for the Halloween....... Good job Gf YJJ.

    4. Opps sorry, I mean GF A!!!!!

    5. Gf A maybe you have extra stick...hahaha

    6. GF Lorna I have little ones medium size, large ones and some un cut fire wood. Is nice and thick. Hmmm not sure if I want to use it on the Oger. I needed for the fire pit. Hahaha!

    7. You don't want yo waste those precious firewood for the stinky troll

    8. Hahahah...Gf A you need that to cut the wood winter is around the corner. We need chainsaw for troll cut her to pieces send her remain A...to hell.

    9. Yup don't waste nature's creation on it. Oger is not worth it... let's send her to outer space instead. Since she/he/it is too crazy about HJ, maybe it'll hitch a ride to Mars. Oger can ride in the tail and HJ can drop it to pluto. hahahaha

    10. Hahaha..Planet pluto will freeze him/her to death...

    11. hahahaha That's the whole idea GF. hahahaha

  29. Replies
    1. Let's replace it with sharp nails and put them at both ends. hahaha A definite sure shot. hahaha

    2. Bull's eyes, we want. We want it right on the dot. hahahaha

    3. Let LG pull the trigger he'll be happy to do it.hahaha

    4. hahaha I'm sure he would. Yeah, he's the most affected when his Little Lady is being bashed but he understand that it comes with the territory of being a public figure. He too has bashers.

  30. Good morning/afternoon/evening Gfs...

    Seems like everybody had fun while on my dreamland! Hahahaha

    1. Hi GF Mhel. hahaha Yes, you missed the fun.

    2. Hi Gf Mhel
      Zapping troll is fun in hyunmin world..hahaha

    3. hahaha As much as we don't want to stoop to Oger's level sometimes you have to especially when it's too much.

      I hope the other readers or silent viewers don't think that we like doing this. We don't make a habit of going to other blogs or forum because we respect who they want to support but we expect the same respect too. It's as simple as that... "RESPECT EACH OTHERS BELIEF".

    4. Hello Gf Yoonji and Gf Lorna...

      Hahaha she just loves us to death that she can't hold herself not to visit us.

    5. RESPECT is to gain not to give...

    6. Gf YJJ
      There are times you need to stoop not to be in their level, but to protect people you love and I witnessed how you love hyunmin couple. They both lucky to have you :)

    7. Correct. And Oger and her/his/its accomplice lost their respect from us because her/his/its rude behavior in our blog.

    8. You cant gain respect if you dont respect yourself. It should start within your self. Someone's character depends on what kind of surroundings and family lives with. Mostly, people who make a nonsense things have a bad personal background, they want to pull others on the same level that they have.

    9. Yes, GF Lorna. Sometimes you have to stoop to their level to speak out for your love ones. Yes, I definitely have that character and will protect the HyunMin couple from haters.

    10. Yes, GF Mhel. Those kind of people never learned the meaning of the word 'respect' from their home that's why she/he/it thinks that it's okay to mess with our space because it's okay to be rude in their home. Well, there comes a time that someone needs to give them a lesson... that there are rules or law to abide. We may not have the law on our side now but their bad deeds will eventually catch up with them.

    11. Bad deeds bite them in the A.....s

    12. Exactly. hahahaha

      Good night GF Lorna and Mhel. Talk to you tomorrow.

  31. Gfs
    Hate and love can't be in one place...hate exist in troll world that's why...she/he/it try to spread the virus here. What troll don't know is we're immune, hyunmin couple themselves inject the immunity for haters and bashers to all GFs who love them.

    1. Yes, as much as possible we don't want one tiny negative virus in the blog. hahaha The house of the HyunMin is all about love. ;)

  32. Very beautiful inside and out minmin! Have a lovely life with mr. Kim <3

    1. I'm not sure if I've already greeted you before but welcome to the blog Esing. And, thanks for supporting the couple.

    2. Welcome to the blog Esing!^^

  33. Minmin sure looks sexy with that cute face and oooooo.....those lips sure very kissable.

  34. I missed u all gffs and ve read all comment when i got time. I realised a troll visit the blog leaving nasty comment but you all did justice to her.

  35. Thanks for visiting our blog. Yes, our MM is so cute and sexy at the same time. Please visit us and give some comments again.^^

  36. "When the 'simple' things sent heat"

    Hi girl.. actually I dont know who u re. We are never known each other in personal. But let me say something to u... I am a girl who loves to live in peace.

    Am not a big fan of Korean. If Hyunmin Couple is nothing, I never be a part of K-Lover...It means that Hyunnin is the reason why do I being a K-Lover... I admit that HJ is handsome and cool man. He is a nice n funny, but I never being obsess of him!!! You re so silly to interfere the other's personal life. It's not ur business who will he choose to be his gf or his to-be-wife in the future. WE ARE FREE TO CHOSE. YOUR LIFE IS ONLY YOURS !!!
    Who will be our friend, who will be our gf/bf, who will be ur idol... We do not force u to belive the FACT. It depends on u...

    The matter of fact that Jung So Min, is a beutiful girl, cute, smart and humble (If u are a real fan of HJ, I guess that u know already 8 charms of MM spoke out from Hj, right?

    On my perspective NONE IS UGLY. We are the creatures of the Perfect God. Do not judge people before u see urself first.

    I think the admin here has already posted the message of HJ sent to one of our secret agents on her b'day! Too much explanation that I would like to give u, but I think still it'll be useless for u 'cause u have no eyes to see, u have no faith to believe.
    Bfore I get the fact, I already believe that they re together cause the BTS of PK told the TRUTH!

    Let's live in peace, dear. Let them be blessing and u'll be too :)

    Ur comments show your real personality. Think twice bfore u put it down. So anyone here would think and know that u re an educated person. :) :) :)

    1. Very well said Merry Christmas!!! <3 saranghae!

    2. Well said Gf,Merianda... we are all civilized and educated but the troll is obviously not…… don't know why that troll not create her own blog to spread or share what she believes…… Stop come to us, troll, u are not welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  37. Gfs, DO YOU ALL KNOW "THINKERS ARE DOERS" ? i believe we all know about that. Aigoo...

    I really want to say this, i can be naughty today Gfs please allow me...kekeke



  38. Big beautiful eyes??????? Wahahaha ???? So funny... Pity on you, your so pathetic! Praising youself by throwing bad to others. What is the use of having a beautiful eyes if your character is bad. tsk tsk tsk

  39. Mommy Mhel, may I have one??? If u have some, just give me one of it:) :) :)

    My eyes is big and beautiful also :-D :-D
    Mommy Mhel also has a couple of beautiful big eyes. We are here have it. It gives by Him, our Lord, that's why I respect the others cause I respect the creator first. We are created from the same Creator, how abt u???
    Do u think we are from the different creator?? so why did u say the others ugly???

  40. Huuuiiii
    The terrible English as always :p

  41. WHOAHAHAHAHAHA! Excusseeeeee me! You said you have beautiful eyes? Hahahahaha you are a model magazine? Whats so good about that???? Hahaha

    If you meet us gforce and minmin in personal you are nothing compare to us, because we have beauty in HEART! we learn that from someone who is so perfect for us, MM. This kind of thing, by looking at your attitude, it seems that you will never have this if you keep on being a troll, an ugly 'tenglor' creature!
    its your attitde makes your physical appearance looks ugly dear troll ;)
    and may i add one more thing! Whats the use of having beautiful eyes, the fact that youre tooooo blind to recognize a kindhearted MM.

    I pity you for being like this. So sad hahahahahaha

    1. Kiddo Mazzyyyyyyy, Eomma misses you!

      Seems that my adopted daughter are here..kekeke

    2. Hello GF Mazzy ... We miss you GF....

  42. Good morning, afternoon, evening darling HyunMin GFs !!!!!

    Woohooo! HyunMin is alive!!!!!

  43. Good Evening Gf Snowy
    HyunMin love like Romeo and Juliet love into the dead.
    HyunMin is Real and Forever... BANZAIIIIIIIIIII............... ^O^

    1. Hello GF Hani Baek..... Yes.... HyunMin is real and forever!!!!!

  44. Good morning and or Good evening GFs.

  45. Hey Troll!!
    Your level of education must not be very high.

    You need to go back and do extra research on KHJ.

    Before you comment on a blog!!

    Sometimes is best to keep your mouth shut. That way you don't look like a complete moron.

    P.S. Troll let me tell you why you need to stay quite.
    Troll is the correct term used for what you are doing in this blog!

  46. I admire So Min because she is "sweet, intelligent, the best of kind, friendly humble" really appreciates his fans do it for her...in addition she is really beautiful on the outside.. there are many beautiful people in this world but only the humble and kind, are the really beauty... the most of them are only bad apples; That when people bite, immediately spits the piece -> A good example is the troll who thinks she is beautiful because people say, this is from poor in mind and spirit people. The outside beauty is temporary, and the comments that you really appreciate in your life and last forever are those who appreciate you for who you are inside. Members of this blog love MM why she is beautiful inside and out. Do not let a troll that is one bad apple spoil the harmony of this blog.

  47. thank u Mhel for the welcome went for a course and was really busy......thanks to u gfs i read some comments when free....see the troll still visit she knows hyunmin is real but just cant accept the truth just let her be when she is tired she will leave. Troll did the same at simmplysomin.blog leaving nasty comment there and when no one replied her she just left.......so ma dear gforce dont waste your precious time and energy on a troll......let give all time to our lovely couple....KIM HYUN JOONG and JUNG SO MIN.....and they are all see and love......

    1. That's true when the troll's comments being deleted and nobody feedback her, she will leave, hopefully.

    2. Thanks GFs Rienhild and Bescaca .... From today, we will officially retire the troll's presence in our blog. I hope she reads every word of all the messages directed to her so she could stay is warble all her/his life.

      Thanks for your support GFs.

    3. Yep! We will not acknowledged the Troll from today or after this. I'm not wasting anymore time on the Troll.

  48. Hahaha!! Its funny. How the Troll is using UEE as an excuse. The Troll is obsiss with KHJ. Hahahaha!!

    Troll you say you are a model for a magazine.

    Get in line by the way. Yikes!! HJ has a lot of models and girls waiting in line. Hahahahaha!! Good luck making it to the last zeroooo!! Hahahaha!! Funny!! I'm laughing so hard right now. Wahahahahaha!!

    1. Hahahahahaha.. A model for horror magazine... Freddie's girlfriend of the movie Friday the 13. Hahahaha

    2. Is a Halloween Magazine Special cover hehehehe!!!

  49. Hahaha be carefull Gf A you can get stomachache because your laugh... Yes the troll is model from ghost magazine...huahahahahaha

    1. Gf Baek Ha ni, I will with stand the stomach pain. Just to laugh at the Troll. Wahahahahaha!!!

  50. Hahaha be carefull Gf A you can get stomachache because your laugh... Yes the troll is model from ghost magazine...huahahahahaha

  51. לאה אימהרן@,,,,,hahhahahahahaahahhaa,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,HOAXXXXXXXXXXXXX ,,,!! you are real TROLL,,sick n bad person in the world....!!!

    1. Kim Hyun Joong not only told us that Mm is very pretty....he told us more that that. Hahahaha you don't know what we know. Hahahaha...... You really don't know anything do you stinky troll.

  52. Trolleando a la Troll ~ Parte I ~ (¿esto será tan largo como los cuentos de la cripta?...jajaja)

    1. hahahah la troll es muy chistosa sus conocimientos se derivan de google, solo busca lo que le conviene si busca novia de HJ la mayoría de los links conducen a cosas con So Min pero lo chistoso es que según google, el tiene muchas novias...hay troll buscate mejores fuentes, tal vez unas de carne y hueso, de preferencia cercanas a HJ jajajaj o el mismo HJ

    2. Pobre troll necesita asistencia psicológica urgente jajajaja

    3. Cyni y Liz lo peor es que en ningún manicomio la aceptaria....pobre troll es un caso perdido jajajaja

    4. Jajaja... lo peor va a venir después, cuando Michelín se entere de lo que está haciendo, insultando a su bebé.

      No quiero estar ahí para ver eso... bueno, estaré ahí comiendo palomitas de maíz...jejeje

    5. Rafa-Michelin se convertira en hull y la hara papillajajaja
      Yo quiero ver papilla de troll part1,2,3........infinito jajajaja

    6. Cyni, Gracias por la idea de las palomitas. Popcorn!! Eso es lo que necesitaba. Porq esta haci do la mejor historia que yo e leido. Y ya estoy addicta tanto que espero ver que pasa en el proximo commentario. :)

    7. Aishhh troll como molestas. Sabes cual es tu problema, es que la envidia te corroe porque mi princesa pudo conquistar el corazón de LG y a ti ni en tus sueños te hara caso jajajaja...Sufre troll Sufre!!! jajaja

    8. Jajajaja a la troll le gusta sufrir.

  53. yes,indeed in the public radio interview HJ admit (said) she (MM) is pretty and cute, but looking for yourself hahahaha with your reliable source "Google" you need loooking for a real source not fans rumors...

    1. Hahaha... her english is pretty bad. Look at us saying that, when we didn't study english.

      Hello Troll!... are you getting ready for Halloween??? (hahaha, j/k... don't take it personal... kekeke)

      We don't lie troll. If you don't believe us that's your problem, not ours. We are not here for you, we are here for Kim Hyun Joong and Jung So Min and that's it.

      If you have some kind a mental problem, please search for help, because it looks like you can't understand anything that we say.

      Search for your own peace of mind. Live happily like we the HyunMin Gfs do.

  54. Yes, Gf Liz he said that and also in one of the BTS videos of YT PK special, HJ was the one who mentioned that MM is the smartest girl at her university. He had that smug look in his face when he said that. He is very proud of his pretty little lady.....

    To the jealous troll, why don't you watch PK and all the BTS videos and interviews related to PK. You have to wear your eyeglasses and hearing aid though so you can really see, hear and understand everything. You got that?

  55. Hello GFs - allow me to say my last piece with the freak, delusional and demented TROLL.

    You call us liars? you who claim to be a HyunMin fan and pretented to be sad about the couple being together. Right there you showed what a Faker, Pretentious and Liar you are. A true HyunMin knows when HJ said MM is pretty, cute, 8 charms but you don't know that because you are fake and can't read or understand.

    Feel free to hang around here because obviously you like what you see here more so than your idol. A pageview from you is still a pageview but you don't understand that. Oh well, you big Oger and Moron have a dysfinctional hatefil life forever.

    1. She is calling us liars because she could not accept the truth.... Waaaah..
      The stinky troll is in denial...she is getting upset....woohooooo. Love it...... We know the truth and you don't know anything troll... Wahahaha. You are pathetic!!!'m

  56. Gfs,this person sees nothing,hear nothing,feel nothing and do not understand anything. All the hurtful words have been said but still she is nonstop. I think all this time we are dealing with a robot not to a person. As i simply want to ignore it character assasination to minmin is too much. Bullying us is her satisfaction. but thanks to her unknowingly, she strengthen our loyalty and love to hyunmin which is unbreakable.

  57. Good am/pm to all beautiful and very supportive GFs in the entire universe..hahaha
    This is what I love about being Hyunmin lovers everybody unite in one purposed to protect and fight for our couples.

    Troll....slimy head you can't win in our own house, we GFs are very supportive coz' we knew that HJ and MM is destined to each other and a match that made in heaven, we're their angels....without wings except GF snowy....hahaha.

  58. Can't even spell. hahaha what is a lair? hahaha

    GFs - HJ said MM is pretty during BTS interview - PK wedding.

    1. Yes, I remember that BTS^^

      I like more when he said about the best kiss of his life!!!!!

    2. Liar....liar....liar...hahaha simple word you can't spell where the heck you came from....Oh I know from Hell.

  59. I have a trivia for the ugly stinky troll..... If you know Jim so much, you would know the answer to this.... When Kim Hyun Joong is mad at MM, what does he call her.... I am pretty sure you don't know that.

    1. Hyunmin lovers know....but I won't spill it for the benefit of her/his/it "skangky Hoe"....lalala:)

    2. Ugly Teoll... How do you know he doesn't call her anymore. Why does he have to call her when they are together all the time? Hahahahaha you are making me spill here. Hahahaha

    3. Snowy. If you spill I'm going to get pissed off the Troll does not need any explanations.

      Hey Troll you ain't getting any info from me. Got that!!

    4. Okay, I'll behave.... Snowy Spillberg is going to superglue her mouth. Hahaha

  60. Yes Gf YJJ that's true MM very pretty in PK wedding.
    By the way i miss your special post BTS PK...hahaha

    1. Hello Gf Ha Ni - I will resume posting them - just too busy at work lately. I'll also resume.posting PK-FM in Osaka and Tokyo.

  61. Well Thanks to Cyni. I am eating popcorn please continue the story. Its good!! I just can't stop reading it. I even have my glasses on so I won't miss any part of it. :D :D :D

  62. Yes Gf YJJ that's true MM very pretty in PK wedding.
    By the way i miss your special post BTS PK...hahaha

  63. indeed the troll admit HJ answered yes, about MM is cute and pretty. troll you did admit the truth in his own words!! You are so funny! I really don't care what you think... The true will be revealed in the right time, I don't need you believe me.

    1. The ugly troll is stupidly "obsiss" with MM... Hahahaha MM is pretty, smart and very rich!!!!! Lucky Hyun Joong. He knows how to pick the right girl for him.

    2. cute:

      definition 1: attractive or charming in a sweet or heartwarming way; darling.

      part of speech: adjective
      inflections: cuter, cutest
      definition 1: attractive or charming in a sweet or heartwarming way; darling.

      similar words:
      adorable, darling
      definition 2: (informal) good-looking; attractive.

      similar words: precious

      source: Advanced Dictionary.

      I don't really care, what you think about me...enjoy your spill your poison if you need to live!

    3. English lessons for Trolly!

      Hahaha, I think we are wasting our time... she is helpless!.
