
Monday, October 28, 2013

GForce Calendar: November 2013

Credit: Snowy


  1. GF, you should have used a photo with a larger image of them. I want to enlarge the calendar and hang in my room. kekeke I really like tandem. Peace HJ! kekeke

    1. I want to see Mm with Lee Min Ho in a drama....hahaha

    2. GF - why is there a GForce on the 30th? what's so special about that day?

    3. That's the day before I go on vacation. Hahahaha... No, I just want to put GForce there.

    4. I like Lee Min Ho now. have you seen "The Heirs"? You should watch it.

    5. No, I haven't. You don't want me to get hook in dramas. You might not see me in the blog for weeks or months if that happens. hahaha

    6. It is shown twice a week. Wednesday and Thursday. I don't think it will take up a lot of your time.

    7. Hello Gfs!
      Gf Snowy, I want to see them too.
      I wish it's MM in Heirs kekeke

    8. Hi GF Row. That's why I have no interest in watching it... MM is not there.

    9. Hello GFs..it's true GF YJJ for me Korean drama if the female leading star not MM is not interesting

    10. Hi-5 GF Hani. Nothing against idol singers bur I prefer real talent when it comes to acting. Just stating my opinion.

    11. ^correction: I have nothing against idol singer but...

    12. Yes I Agree GF YJJ...Lets doing Hi-5 and big hug for you hahaha

  2. Good day, everyone.

    Wooow... very nice calendar... Thank you, Snowy.

  3. Nice snowy I love it ....how many days to come GF?its minmin day!!!!!

    1. Hi joydh -- yes, it's countdown. In Asia, just 5 days more, right?

  4. Hello GFs...
    Nice calender and nice picture kekeke....beware GF Snowy someone is angry and looking at you...hahaha...

    1. Good night GF Ha Ni. Talk to you tomorrow.

    2. Good Night GF YJJ have a nice dream and sleep well. :)

  5. Good day Gfs !!! same feeling with Gf YJJ .. i'm not interested in any k-drama without Minmin.
    I can only watch k-drama from my favorite channel who bring us * Heart of Asia *... Korean, Taiwanese, Japanese and Mexican drama translates in Tagalog... but k-drama only i'm watching among the rest..
    You know Gfs, i can't understand my feeling , if Minmin have a new drama, i'm very excited , but be sure the guy will be talented and handsome.
    When it comes to HJ, I'm not contented.. thanking CC not allowed to be shown... and here comes another drama for him... hmm.. so scared !!!... sorry Gfs for my stupid feeling, about HyunMins project..

  6. Why my comment not publish Gfs ???

    1. Gf, hi! Please be patient if there are delays posting the comments...as you all kmow that we change the settings that i know you know why. Admins are trying our best to publish all comments as much as possible but something we are busy with our works too...hope you understand Gf... ;-)

    2. Opps sorry, correction on "something", i mean sometimes.

  7. waiting 4 thz one.so excited....im a big hyunmin fan frm Sri Lanka...<3

    1. Hello Gf Kaushi GP, welcome to the blog. Im glad to see you here! Hope to see you commeting often and please feel free to join with us here.

    2. ya sure....defintly I wl join with u whn I hav free time... <3

    3. ya sure...defintly I wl join with u whn I hav free time... :-)

    4. Hi, Kaushi, Welcome to the blog!!!! :)

    5. Hola Kaushi!

      Welcome to the blog!!^^

    6. Tnxxxx all.......love 2 see u all....sooo excited to watch min min new drama....and also hoping to see a new drama, both kim hyung joon & jung so min act togthr.....lovely couple :-)

    7. Tnxxxx all.......love 2 see u all....sooo excited to watch min min new drama....and also hoping to see a new drama, both kim hyung joon & jung so min act togthr.....lovely couple :-)

  8. waiting 4 thz one.so excited....im a big hyunmin fan frm Sri Lanka...<3

    1. Hello Kaushi - welcome to the blog. Thanks for sharing your comment.

    2. tnnxx darling..... no need to say tnxxx Im a big fan f hyunmin :-)

  9. Hello and happy Tuesday my Lovely Gfs!!

  10. Hello GF Mhel happy Tuesday to you too.

  11. Sorry Gf Mhel, i thought my comment will not be publish. so i asked..
    Now i'll be patient to wait my comment to be posted...
    Thanks Gf Mhel... sorry again, * peace be with you * love you Gf Mhel !!!

  12. hello GFs. nice calendar. 5 more days. can't wait for MM comeback on the screen. so long i had not drop a comment but i do visit this site frequently.

  13. hello Gfs. nice calendar. 5 more days to go. can't wait for MM comeback on the small screen. it has been a long time i'm not drop a comment but i do visit this site frequently.

  14. How come it is alright for MM to have other leading men but not ok if HJ has other leading ladies?

    1. Hi, BellaLuna. The answer is obvious. HJ grabs the hearts of many lady fans and jealous fans react to that in a negative way sometimes. :)

    2. Thanks GF A. We are all hyunmins here but it is alright for most of us here that MM is paired with others but HJ can only be paired with MM.

    3. GF Bellaluna, we support both as actors as well. We are actually excited to see HJ in the new drama and HJ in the new drama has a different leading actress. We actually want the drama to succeed. I my self GF A supports both of them singly or together. But this is a hyunmin gforce blog!!!!! and I think they look good as a couple they match. ;)

    4. Good morning/evening, GFs - I think some fans are just more uncomfortable to see HJ paired with another. I think maybe it comes from insecurities?!? There's this notion that men are weaker than women when it comes to temptation.

    5. Hola BellaLuna!!.. Haven't see you in long time. How are you?

      We support both; but like gf YJJ said some ppl just get uncomfortable to see him paired with another. They should understand that he - and also MM- are actors and they will have to do romantic scenes with anothers. That's their job.

    6. And, if I may add that just because there's an intimate scene or HJ sitting with a co-star doesn't mean he's already with that girl. Just because he's a man doesn't mean that he doesn't use wise judgment when to comes to that - let's not stereotype. Like what GF Cyn said they're both doing their job and that's all there is to it. His story with MM was special - it wasn't just because there were intimate scenes in PK so don't think that it happened there, it might happen again.

    7. Hello BellaLuna...how are you GF?

      I am the guilty party. I support all HJ's projects but I don't like photos of him with his LL in this blog. Waaah
      Well, that's not the case now. You will be seeing photos of HJ with his LL in this blog. Not a lot, just a few...

    8. Well, well, well... I guess the shoe fits! The guilty party has spoken. kekeke just kidding GF.

    9. What a relief to know that the blog supports both together and individually thank you GFs.

  15. I would like to see minmin with that guy from heart strings the one with a band! But I am loyal to oppa hyun kekekeke ^^^^

    1. Ohhh the CNBlue guys... kekeke

      Hola Esing, Hola Royal!

    2. Are you talking about Jung Yong-hwa of CNBlue... You want him paired with his Noona SoMin ....
      Yeah, I think it's a good pairing. I would love to see them in a drama.

    3. I can't imagine home calling MM noona. Hahaha

    4. They are all taller n bigger than her...... and they sweetly call her noona!!!!!

    5. Hi Ro - so if they call her noona, do they call kuya 'hyung or sunbae'? hahahaha

    6. Definitely ... hyung/sunbae


    7. hahaha but in fairness, MM looks younger than those calling her noona including one of the GF. hahahaha.

    8. It would be great to see MM and CNBLUE members in a drama series. Min Hyuk is young looking. He could be MM's younger brother.

  16. Hi GF BellaLuna.. please forgive me...GFs
    It just my opinion but I will support both ( HyunMin couple ) Forever.

  17. Good morning and or Good evening to all GFs.

    P.S nice calendar Snowy. :)

  18. Replies
    1. Hi, BaekHN, oh! How I wish it was evening for me so I can go back to sleep. Hahaha!!!

      Good evening!!

  19. Hahaha.. I'm sorry GF A....Good Morning to you...
    May I asked...Where your home land ??

  20. Hello again to all my Gforce fellows. I can access the blog with my cellphone as normal. I have got the issue sorted. HAPPY*^O^*
