
Monday, October 7, 2013

Hint or Coincidence???

Check carefully the white cellphone in the next pics...

Credits from Hyun_Min of Baidu


  1. wahahaha Now,it makes sense why we heard 'ottoke' with her voice during the gwiyomi portion in HJ's apt. hahahaha

    1. By the way GF YJJ, can you pls tell us what 'ottoke' means? :)

    2. From Urban dictionary..."Ottoke" means..... What to do or how

    3. I heard MM's "Ottoke" too...kekeke...her sweet voice!!.

  2. Oh lala, another hints for us! Thabos Gf Ela.

  3. Wuaaah the amazing picture...the same cellphone??..,
    Aiiissh iam happy yeyeye kekeke.,
    GF YJJ....love her voice ottoke...wuaaah hyunmin real couple...

  4. I found that post in Baidu yesterday……umm……how to say…… Is that white cellphone that prominent enough to prove anything? my cellphone is white also…… i mean white iphone is very common nowadays.

  5. cannot deny that is good for reference……

  6. Sorry GF pls dont hate me for saying this. I just want to put things into perspective..a devil's advocate sometimes..hehehe

    Anybody can have a white iphone, could be anyone in the crew? But hell yeah..if that phone in two pictures bearing the same number..then BINGO!!! I love u guys!! Pls dont hate me..hahaha ❤️❤️❤️✌️✌️✌️

    1. agree with you Gf Jane. am also worried to be hated for what i said previously.

    2. Gf Jane and Gf Bescaca, hello to both of you... We appreciate your opinions, if you stated that it doesnt mean that we will get mad. We are happy that everyone share their own point of you about our posts as long as we dont bash anyone here. I know you know what i mean. Hehehe...

      So Gfs dont worru, we are happy about your opinions...

    3. I mean point of view...sorry for the error.

    4. Although am new here, I do enjoy being with all Gfs. Happy to know that all Gfs are kind and open-minded as our lovely couple. Love u all, Gfs.

    5. Glad to hear that Gf, we are happy that you are enjoying chatting with u here...Because of Hyunmin love we find more friend all over the world.

    6. Because our lovely couple, we make friends from all over the world, sharing the same interest and loving each other in this family.

    7. I have a white phone too. Is that phone a hint or a coincidence?... Hmmmm... One of our slogans in this blog is...We post, you observe and you decide" ...hahaha

      You can state your observation GFs with no worries. You are with friendly HyunMins.

  7. Thanks GF Mhel. This is what I like about this blog..us. We are not dillusional as others claim us to be. We based on circumstancial evidences..factual..can be proven by all things we see, hear, read etc. and we will always be like this...everything based on facts/hints...all else is based on hyunmin love ❤️❤️❤️😉😉😉😍😍😍

    1. You're welcome Gf and i agree with what you said...again dont hesitate to share what you think and what you have in mind. Hyunmin love always....

    2. Thanks GF Mhel. But going back to your the hint, if that phone bears the same #...then its a big LOVE for all of us... 😊😊😝❤️❤️❤️

    3. Hahaha im also hoping and wishing the same Gf.

  8. Ideal time to date is from 10pm-2am!

    evillaugh nyeheheheheheeeeee!!!

    1. is that some insider information GF Ro..i am dying to know...pls pls pls pls share :) lol

    2. SK celebs are known for dating in the car and off hours....

    3. oh man I am late again...good am/pm to all the gfs all over the world...it's am here at my location...oh gf Royal thank you for this and not too much to ask can you give more?!! hahaha j/k or maybe not hahaha

  9. I better shut up!!!!


    I know some people are dying to shut me up!!!!! I can hear their silent scream!!!! >•<

    1. hi gf ro!i really like the ideal time of date it's like a sneaky date..hahaha some people are running away because of your naughtiness...hehehe

    2. Since when "shut up" is in your vocabulary Ro? Hahahaha.... You are hearing the screams of the non HyunMin and the cheers and claps of the happy Hyunmins.....

  10. ha ha…… for your safety, Gf Ro, you may keep silent for a little while(^_-)

  11. it became curious on the phone hint so I rewatched and rewatched the full version of the gwiyomi. noticed that in the first few segments on the video, there was no white phone on the black table wherein HJ is sitting. But after the scene wherein HJ is singing and the giraffe came out, the white phone appears on the very same dark table HJ is using. It was very brief but enough to notice if you have keen eyes (like GFs). Very obvious on 1:46 - 1:48. Then again the mysterious phone appeared on white table between 2:27 - 2:30...and then after you can hear the sound of a voice of a lovely lady..i just don't know whether the white phone on the dark table & the white phone on the white table & MM's phone are all the same...what do you think GF's? :) :)

    1. Gf Jane, gonna check it later after work.

      Thank you for sharing your observation... You too have an eagle eyes...hahahaha brava Jane!

    2. Hi Gf, Gf Jane have reason, baidu also mentions the reflection in the wall, the upload so we can see it... Welcome to give your opinion...^_^

  12. Thanks to the girls from HyunMin Baidu for this hint!!

    Lots of hugs and kisses for you!!.. Mwahhh!!!!

  13. I know I have been commenting here for a long time and how stupid of me not knowing, can I ask what is baidu? I'm guessing it's a blog like hyunmin gforce blog

  14. Where is RoyalGreen??... I have cravings for more HyunMin info!!!!!

  15. good afternoon, good evening, good morning to all hyunmin lovers :)

  16. Hello GFs!!! Good morning or Good evening!! :)

  17. Hello Gfs !!! on my pov, the phone of HJ * remained on. *.. also Minmin phone.So that Minmin can catch all the action of HJ while singing gwiyomi and the reason we heard a lady voice saying * Ottoke *. !!!
    Am i right Gfs ? that's only my observation about the iphone you featured.

    1. No, Shirley... here's the implication in this post:

      MM was actually there when HJ was filming gwiyomi that's why her phone was on the table.

    2. And that's why we heard the voice of MM say 'ottoke'... it's not thru the phone... she was there in person.
