
Saturday, October 5, 2013

❁ (정소민) Jung So Min in KBS Drama Special ❁

                                           Kim Ji Suk                                                                          Jung So Min

배우 김지석과 정소민이 KBS 단막극에 남녀 주인공으로 캐스팅 됐다.

5일 오전 복수 방송관계자에 따르면 김지석과 정소민은 KBS 2TV 드라마스페셜 2013 '나에게로 와서 별이 되었다'(극본 김민정 연출 황인혁)에 남녀 주인공으로 발탁됐다.

'나에게로 와서 별이 되었다'는 고시원에 살고 있는 남녀의 이야기다. 요즘 젊은이들의 이야기를 그린 작품으로 직장인의 애환과 사랑을 그렸다.

김지석은 극중 학원 강사 강석 역을 맡았다. 정소민은 장난감회사 직원 하진 역으로 출연한다. 강석과 하진은 고시원에서 달달하지만 현실의 벽에 부딪히며 어려움을 겪는 멜로를 펼친다.

김지석은 '나에게로 와서 별이 되었다'로 지난 9월 22일 종영한 SBS 주말드라마 '원더풀 마마' 이후 약 한 달 만에 단막극으로 시청자들과 재회한다. 정소민은 지난 1월 1일 종영한 종합편성채널 JTBC 드라마 '우리가 결혼할 수 있을까' 이후 첫 드라마 복귀다.

관계자는 "김지석과 정소민이 만들어 낼 현실 멜로가 시청자들에게 공감대를 만들어 낼 것"이라고 전했다.

이어 "요즘 시대를 살아가는 젊은이들의 이야기이자 자화상이 될 것"이라며 시청자들의 기대를 당부했다.

한편 '나에게로 와서 별이 되었다'는 오는 11월 초 방송될 예정이다.

Source: http://news.nate.com/view/20131005n04942

This drama is a part of "KBS Drama special" It's a kind of mini series and will be shown in November on weekday mornings - Monday to Friday. This is a reality drama.

Jung So Min and co-star Kim Ji Suk have met before in Strong Heart program. 

 - Bella Bee

English Translation:

Jisuk Kim - Somin Jung, KBS one-act play main characters 'melodrama'.
 Actor Jisuk Kim and actress Somin Jung casts as main characters of KBS one-act play.
 In the morning of Oct 5th, according to the director, Jisuk Kim and Somin Jung were chosen as main characters of KBS-2 TV drama-special 2013, "You Came To Me and Became a Star" (written by Minjung Kim, directed by Inhuk Hwaing).
 "You Came To Me and Became a Star" is about man and woman living in house for examination.  It's a work of recent young generations, and workman's joys, sorrows, and loves.
Jisuk Kim is acting of Kangsuk, teacher of an institution.  Somin Jung is casted for Hajin, a worker at a toy company.  Kangsuk and Hajin act a sweet melodrama, which is crashed by reality.
 Jisuk Kim will reconnect with the viewers in about a month, through "You Came To Me and Became a Star", after SBS weekend drama 'Wonderful Mama' that ended on Sept. 22th.  Somin Jung last drama was JTBC drama 'Can We Get Married' that ended on Jan. 1st.
 Director said "Reality mellow by Jisuk Kim and Somin Jung, will make a bond of sympathy."
 And he also wished viewer's expectations, saying "it'll be a portrayal of young generations".
 By the way, "You Came To Me and Became a Star" will air on early November.
 - Article translated by Hana c/o GF Row



  1. Wooohoooo!!!... Can't wait to see MM in this new drama!!. I'm excited!!!


  2. We will publish the translation of the article soon... be patient!

  3. MM, we are excited to see your beautiful face on TV screen again!!!!!

  4. YEY! MM cant wait to see it. November is to far away!!! woohoooo!!!!

  5. Wow !!! at last we will be seeing Minmin in a new drama... i'm so excited too Gf Cyn..
    Kim Ji Suk is also handsome... hey Gf Cyn can't you image.... Kim Ji Suk is the forth * Kim * will be pairing with Minmin .The first one is Kim Soo Hyun in * Worst Friend. *.... second Kim Nam Gil in * Bad Guy *... third Kim Hyun Joong * Playful Kiss *... and now Kim Ji Suk ( if they will be pairing on that drama ).
    Minmin * Sweetheart of Kims *... beautiful leading lady... whose surname are Kim... what a coincidence !!!
    Yes, Gfs i saw Kim Ji Suk on Strong Heart... as a guest,with Minmin... episode 125 of SH.. April 2012 before airing Standby...

  6. Wow, congratulations in advance dear MM - I know you would do well. I'm very excited to hear about this. woooohooo, at long last, our wait is over. Can't wait for November.

    U.S. based fans can check for KBS schedule here: http://www.kbs-america.com/schedule/schedule_channel.aspx

  7. Hope that mini drama is a good starting point for Min Min in her new agency. We are looking forward for more new projects for our lovely lady.

  8. This is really a great news. After a long time of waiting, finally a new project for mm.

  9. Just a little trivia: Kim Ji Suk was in drama, Chuno. Chuno is the drama HJ mentioned in Goodbye BSJ Event when some fans reacted negatively when he mentioned that he has a 'close' relationship with MM. ;)

  10. aaah ...... glad to see Jung So Min again, thank you friends :)

  11. Congratulation MM! Hope that it's a lucky and good start for you in the new agency..
    Time for HyunMin dramas ..and energetic HyunMin in this coming November.... (am I too excited?! haha)..HyunMin Fighting^^.......

  12. Hello Dear Gf´s I am so happy for her! so excited, i can't wait! Congratulations Dear MM! all the best wishes for you!

  13. Kim Ji Suk is also in Cheongdamdong Alice.

    1. Is that the new drama you're watching?

    2. Hahahaha.... I watched this drama in April GF. Again, another drama which for me, MM should have been the lead actress.

    3. I agree, GF. I, myself, could name several dramas that I think MM could've done a better job than those of the lead actress in them.

  14. Congratulations MM, I glad that the drama will be aired on KBS2 so your oversea fans can watch it.

    1. Correct, GF. We get to see MM on weekdays even for just a brief moment on TV. wooohooo!!!

  15. Let me sing this song GFs I'm so excited...I just can't hide it. He is a good actor I've seen few of his drama. Hope this drama will unleash more Mm acting skills. If it is a daily drama it takes a while before Eng sub come out. Subbers pls be ready. Anyway, I'm looking forward to its airing.

  16. Woooooooooo what a biggggg surprise fo us!!!! Yeheee!! im happy our lovely MM will be in a drama!!!!!! Its a gpod start for her in this new agency waaaaaaaaaaa cant wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. AAAHH I seriously can't wait!!!!!! *squeal*

  18. So, the plot is they're living-in together as trial for their relationship. waaaahhhh Could this mean MM would have many kisses with this good looking guy?!? gulp! waaaaaahhhh hahahaha

    1. Woohooo!!...hahahaha... Gf Snowy, you hear that??

    2. hahahaha she's gonna have a heart attack. kekeke

    3. I'm only kidding about the kissing scenes. As far as I know, daytime dramas in KBS doesn't have such scenes because of its family-oriented theme. Maybe suggestive or peck on the lips only... unless they're changing with the times which I doubt.

    4. Oh my information may not be 100% correct so better to prepare yourself for it GFs. ha ha ha

    5. Oh? What information do you have? If it's confidential, you know my email address. hahaha

    6. Hello Bescaca - sorry I deleted your comment because it has your email address. You don't want the mindless troll to email you, right? I copied your email and shared it with GF Bella Bee. :)

    7. Sorry for confusing you GF Bescaca, what I mean is the drama may not be a morning drama ( I translated from Japanese tranlated version again so some errors may occured ) so I asked all GFs to be prepared if they may have a kissing scene. ^^

  19. congrats MM...i'm so excited to your new drama...Will i ever see the death glare of Big bro again?hahaha

  20. Mm has a new project..yipee! :) thanks for the update. :) Congratulations MM! We are all supporting you all the way. Good luck on your new drama! :)
