
Saturday, October 12, 2013

❤ "The Way You Look at Me Tonight" stares ❤

The what stare???  I call them "The Way You Look at Me Tonight" stares!  It started while filming PK...  

HJ's stare on MM while she was reviewing the script with one of the APs.

While discussing and practicing how to execute the groom carrying the bride scene.

And their stares at the 2010 MBC Award night.  (And if I may add, this was about 2 months after PK ended... looks like nothing changed, they're close as ever.)

And who can forget this scene from PK-FM in Osaka?  This was a little over 6 months after PK ended and again, HJ looked so *wink-wink* at MM as ever.  hehehe

Even the lady interpreter noticed HJ's stare at MM.  hehehe

Ehem-ehem...  HJ holding MM hands???  AND THE STARES!!!   ^-^

According to GF Bella Bee the Japanese caption above (last photo) is:  "Now also hugging (embrace)?"  hehehe

Credit as tagged.  


  1. Just an impromptu post. ;) Hope you all like it. kekeke

  2. Lucky guy was already knockdown by Sheismylife even before they met face to face!!!


    1. waaaaaaaahhhhh my assumption was right. He must've seen her somewhere before PK... maybe at party? a cf event? concert? where Ro??? spill, spill, spill. hahahaha

    2. Wahahaha, is Ms Ro is the new Ms. Spillberg?

    3. I know that he saw her before... when he was a SS501...kekeke.

      Hello girls

    4. Hi GF Cyn. It was since SS501... so, there's a possibility that he had a crush on MM for such a long time. hehehe

    5. Royal. That's the evil laugh Royal. LOL

    6. Really Royal? He saw MM in person or in pictures before he met MM? Waaaaah.... LG did not lie when he said....love her at every sight. Hahahaha

  3. Ok ok, this post is awesome! Hj cant take his eyes away from mm...lol

    1. Yes, just trying to prove the "annoying bug buzzing around" that his face is so wrong. hahaha Maybe totally going blind.

    2. YJJ thanks for posting this. Wow!!

  4. Thanks YJJ, those stares are the reason that make me GF. Ha ha ha
    Ms Ro, ahhhhh before they met face to face? Can you spill more? Please

    1. You're welcome, gf. Yes, I think he may have seen her in one of her CF and probably started having a crush on her. hehehe Totally swooned by her... that's our HJ -- a real man. ;)

  5. Oh thanks for the post Gf YJJ we need Part 2,3,4,6.....<3 hehehe. Ms. Ro you can spill please. Maybe is about SS501 Help Call in 2008?

    1. And I wanna kill Ela for not downloaded the video :`(

    2. yes, sadly Ela don't download the video...and was erased. :'(

    3. Hola Gf Cyn! Gf Liz!

      Qué video? :(

  6. All I have to say is someone around here gave me a splitting headache and it was not the lovely stares between HJ and MM. LOL!!

  7. Hello darling GFs. Sorry, for showing up late. Another busy day for me.

  8. Everytime he sees MM, he gives her the way you look at me tonight stares and for the ants...it's death glares!

  9. Waaaah...it's my first time to see a clear image of the bottom photo. HJ was really holding MM's hand ....
    Thanks Gf YJJ....

    1. Snowy. I just took a second look also. You are right!! Thanks for mention it. :)

  10. It's destiny ! HJ is truly smitten by MM, it is so nice seeing his infamous love stares again. Thank you for the screen caps GF YJJ!

  11. Replies
    1. Maybe it's the "profile picture" that has "you know who" in the secret blog >.^

    2. By the way!

      Holaaaa Gfs!!!

      Haahahahaaha ; P

    3. I know which one... the ____ event picture -- his profile pix in one of his old ______ acct. hahaha

      Hi Ro and Mary Latina.

    4. Yes. She was simply beautiful that evening so we know why he likes that picture. kekeke But I also believe with GF Ela that he might have seen her during his SS501 days -- she was already doing CFs. ;)

    5. Mmmm I need an official biography Hyunmin!

    6. HyunMin Biography? that would sell out fast. hahahah

    7. Lol

      luckyguy said he check her out in his ---- when he learned he is her costar!!!

      And that's how luckyguy found the life of his heart!!!

    8. Would pay anything to have their love story ♥ would be very cute ♡

      Besides all the Gfs would want a copyes! Hahaha ^. <

    9. Really! Interesting! Interesting!

    10. Ro - the one who keeps his heart beating. hehehe

      Mary Latina: that's a big task... lucky would be one to get interview them and write their biography. hahaha I'll ask you know who if she'd be willing to do it. hahahaha

    11. ^correction: lucky is the one to get to interview...

    12. hello gfs! first of all thank you gf YJJ for this post, loooovvvee it!!! good thing MM did not melt with those lovingly stares...I would love to see pics that he chose and for a bit of info. on our lovely couple but I know and understand that you can't post it here so I will just enjoy what I can see and read here in this wonderful blog... :D

    13. by the way gf YJJ if it's ok/allowed what pics of her that you mentioned "pics of her that evening" the one he likes?

    14. Its in soompi. I think i posted it there last year july or august.

    15. Chie - if you read all my hints post, you've already seen it. hehehe It's definitely in the blog. Email me in the blog, I'll tell you.

    16. thank you Ro and YJJ!!!...I'll check soompi, and how do I email you YJJ? sorry I'm technically challenge here...lol

    17. This comment has been removed by the author.

    18. I just email you YJJ, hope you got it

    19. I will but as you know the "pest" is online so I can't check the blog's email right now. I will respond as soon as I have someone to watch the blog. ;)

    20. Lololol
      i can imagine what will happen if baby sister do the interview....
      like cat n dog.... and might end talking about a different story... lolololol!!!!

    21. hahaha Anything is worth reading as long as it's about the HyunMin. hahahaha

      Chie: I'll check your email now.

    22. Chie: I didn't see it there. Try it again: gforce.hyunmin@gmail.com

    23. Hmmm...when I was looking for those pics it says the event MM attended was hold in August 2010. By that time they were shooting PK already, right?

    24. His fave pic was the pic he used for his old _____ acct?

    25. Likes that one!!! Use it in all their acct. Both of them use the acct. Both forgot pw!! Naughty

    26. Really. Hmmm, I wonder what's so special with the pic why it's his fave. Maybe the pic reminds him of their first kiss in PK; the kiss in the forest. Both uses that account? Hahaha Can you tell who is replying to your message?

    27. Good english its her or she is with him.

    28. Oh okay. Hahahahaha LG 'a reply is probably quicker when she's with him.

  12. the bottom photo hj seems can't help to hide what the real score between his love of his life...hahaha

  13. and the way his look to MM it's seems like he was sending msg. to her...hmmm,i wonder what those behind the stares..

    1. Hi ! GF Zyrene, You are right it's looks like he sending some messages to her. ha ha ha

    2. Actually, he was kind of upset that MM wanted to walk away or leave... he wanted her to stay with him but MM noticed the camera nearby. hehehe

    3. They were discussing what they would do when they came out the stage. Hj was telling her and Mm telling him to follow the script. Hj talks to her normally ..very touchy... MM reminds him there is camera.

  14. Good morning all Gf
    I open my eyes and happy see your post
    iam still believe HJ love so much with little lady kekeke wink wink wink

    1. Good morning GF Cepty ! we glad that you're happy with our post.
      wink wink !

  15. Thanks Gf YJJ, for your beautiful post ....
    I really love all the photos... specially the last one, HJ holding Minmins hand... very clear shot, which i didn't see on other post... the photo is dark in that fm in Japan...
