
Monday, December 23, 2013

•○♡● Christmas Presents for the HyunMin Couple & Modu ●♡○•

Thank you for Christmas present♡

hu hu Just right before Christmas eve, get more happy.

Modu is happy happy.

Cr. JSM Facebook


  1. Good morning GFs - just want to clarify those are not all from me - majority are are from GForce. The automatic wine opener is for HJ, the iPad mini case is for MM, the pair of ahyunMin GForce travel mugs for the couple, the red thing is a HyunMin GForce tote bag and lastly, balls for Modu. :).

    Somebody else sent her the shirts not us.

  2. And thank you GF Cyn for posting. My Xmas gift for all HyunMin fans will be late because of tech problems with my laptop. Hahaha. But, at least, you have an idea what my gift is.

    Merry Christmas to everyone.

    1. You're welcome gf. I know you are having trouble with your laptop.

      MM has the GForce travel mugs^^

    2. Yes, GF Cyn... I sent one of each. kekeke Also, the HyunMin GForce tote bag (as if HJ would be using it). hahaha But who knows... I think anything that has HyunMin on it makes him happy. ^-^

  3. Merry Christmas to my dear Gforce fellows and the lovely couple, HyunMinO(∩_∩)O

    1. Merry Christmas gf Bescaca^^.

    2. Hi Gfs, u know what? When I saw this photo in facebook this afternoon, I guessed some of the gifts should gave been from gforces. Then, I noticed that there wad a wine opener. I told myself that wine opener was not quite suitable for Mn Min. It would be good for HJ. When I checked the blog just now, U girls revealed the truth…… ha ha…… U are all do sweet, girls.

    3. correction:so sweet, not do sweet... typo with my cellphone.

    4. Merry Christmas to you too, GF Bescaca. Correct... most of the gifts are from GForce -- the shirts are not. kekeke The automatic wine opener is from HJ. kekeke I'll update the post later for everyone's info.

    5. ^correction: wine opener is FOR HJ (not from).

    6. GF Bescaca!!
      Merry Christmas to you too!
      Thank You!!

  4. Hi Gfs, u know what? When I saw this photo in facebook this afternoon, I guessed some of the gifts should have been from gforces. Then, I noticed that there was a wine opener. I told myself that wine opener was not quite suitable for Mn Min. It would be better for HJ. When I checked the blog just now, U girls revealed the truth…… ha ha…… U are all so sweet, girls.

  5. Wow!! GFs MM got your gifts. How nice of her to take time to post it on facebook to let you know she received them. Thank You MM for letting the hyunmins know you got their gifts. :)

  6. Hello GFsss !!!!
    Hello MM.....how are you....we missing you so much....hope you always happy with your family and the only one you love *HJ* ..... yours happiness are we happiness too..... :)

  7. * correction : not we but our .......hehehe error type

  8. Awww!(*¯︶¯*)(*¯︶¯*)(*¯︶¯*)
    How sweet of her! Modu#2 is enjoying her gift as well! Aww how i wishh MM and HJ can post a pic of them together with a pose of drinkin- with the travels mug aww i can picture that in my head hehe♥♥♥
