
Monday, January 13, 2014

♥ ♥ HyunMin Fanart ♥ ♥

Cr. to Rani Daryani


  1. Thanks to Rani for sending us this fanart.

    Hello Gfs. Good a.m./p.m.

  2. great fanart rani daryani......

    remembering the love shared by two people bringing together people from different nations with different language and culture to a common destination:HYUNMIN FAMILY with a common goal:HYUNMIN LOVE....

    Thank you KIM HYUNMIN JOUNG and JUNG SO MIN for your friendship which developed to love making people us happy.....

    This blog is more than a blog....
    This blog is a second family and home to me and when am visiting am all with joy......

    Thank you admins for establishing this home and family and making it all welcoming to all.....
    Thank you for the post gf cyn...miss u all

    and thank you Hyunmin for your love......

    1. Hola Reinhild!

      Thank you for your sweet words. It means a lot to us.

      We are happy that you feel this blog and Gfs are like a second family. We are united because of HyunMin; we are here to share and spread their love and to make everybody happy.


    2. Thanks Gf Reinhild for always supporting this blog. I am glad that you consider this blog as a second home and consider your HyunMin GFs as a second family. I feel that we have achieved one of our goals...which is to provide a friendly and a happy home for the HyunMin believers.

    3. Yooohooo......we are happy Hyunmins Family.....keep smiles GFs...hahaha

    4. Yooohooo......we are happy Hyunmins Family.....keep smiles GFs...hahaha

    5. GF Rein! Wow! Thank You!
      :) :) :)

    6. Awww, Gf Reinhild, you're soooo sweet...glad that Gforce blog makes you happy. Thank you for the love and support.

  3. hola Cyn OC.....

    glad to be part of hyunmin family

  4. Hi GFs ...

    Good job with the fanart GF Rani... Thanks for sharing!

    1. Hi Queen GFNA...hehehe

      Thanks GF Rani for beautiful fanart when I saw it I feel HyunMin couple doing phonecell CF...hahaha

  5. Mice FA, Rani..thank you for sharing it with us.

  6. Replies
    1. Yep! GF Mhel that happens a lot around here.

    2. Hehehe, yes true Gf A, specially that im using a mobile...

    3. Me too GF I use the mobile all the time. I screw up too believe me. now I say oh well they'll figure it out. Hahaha!!

    4. Lol, Gf im very dependent on my phone that even im home im too lazy to open my netbook.

  7. hai...GFS..how are you today....

  8. hope you are hyunmin family always be happy like our couple always be happy...ke..ke...

  9. I'm fine to..Gf A40santos39...he...he...today l go on holiday with my friends...but l don't know why l always miss this block...really l miss this block and miss watch mv hyunmin couple..ke..ke....love you all hyunmin family......
