
Saturday, January 11, 2014

Soompi News: KHJ Wants to Lose His ‘Flower Boy’ Image

“Age of Feeling” Kim Hyun Joong Wants to Lose His ‘Flower Boy’ Image

“Age of Feeling” Kim Hyun Joong Wants to Lose His ‘Flower Boy’ Image

Actor/singer Kim Hyun Joong recently revealed his determination to shed his ‘flower boy’ image.

On January 9, at a press conference for KBS’s upcoming drama “Age of Feeling,” Kim Hyun Joong said, “Previously, my ‘flower boy’ image really stood out, but in this drama, I really went for a more macho look. I feel like I’m learning about masculinity when I’m filming. I’m 29, and I think I’m becoming more mature.” 

Kim Hyun Joong plays the fierce fighter Shin Jung Tae, known for his exceptional speed and agility.

“Age of feeling” is a new romantic noir that tells the story of Korean, Chinese, and Japanese ‘romantic fists’ in the 1930s, shot on a grand scale with intricate action. The first episode will air on January 15, and will follow the end of “Beautiful Man,” which seems fitting!


  1. i miss the flower boy... but as Papi says he needs to shed it to venture into different roles... n mature as an actor as much as a human being.. we r always with u... all t best!! fighting!

  2. I don't understand! As a Flower Boy or as a tough guy he was still a man wasn't he? To me it takes what ever to make it in the acting business whether it is looking like a flower boy or looking tough. You do it and try your best to succeed. Just an opinion. ;) ;)

    1. What's wrong with being a flower boy? Can't he have a tough guy image and and at same time a flower boy?

    2. GF Snowy. Does are the same questions I have. I mean in reference to this article he doesn't want to have a flower boy image. Why? or Why not? Good questions GF Snowy.
