
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

JSM: Alice and Twenty casting-in-a-rows for Movie Debut

정소민, ‘앨리스’-‘스물’ 연달아 캐스팅…생애 첫 스크린 데뷔

Photo credit:  SM C&C

Source and credit:  http://m.news.naver.com/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=106&oid=144&aid=0000265802


  1. Congratulations MM. Can't wait for your movies to premier. wooohooo... 2 movies to look forward to.

  2. Hooray! May you be blessed with more projects coz you are a very talented actress Minmin. :) Looking forward to watching your two movies.:)

  3. We all see the acting skills of MM^^
    Hope more and more people see it as we do and recognize.
    Thanks GF YJJ for the post.^^

  4. You're so lucky my dear Minmin.... you're such talented actress... I'm happy for you and i'm so excited on your movies..
    Thanks Gf YJJ for the post

  5. Yes good indeed that your carrer are bomming our beautiful princess ,may the Lord bless you always,we love you minmin !!!!

  6. MM...we love you, you are the best ♡♡♡.
    Thanks idol YJJ for the post.

  7. So proud of you MM! Wish we can be there to attend your movie premiers... GFs are you all sending something for MM? Please count me in... and oh please do share the juicy news about our favorite couple...

  8. congratulation mm....we are so proud of you and we love you.....goodluck
    Thanks gf Yjj for the post
