
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Where is everybody!



                                               The song is specially dedicated to GF Jell   

Credit to: xxDrJayxx 

Naughty Snowy


  1. Im here present Gf Snowy....

    Maybe others are busy taking a sunday off....hahaha...

    Yoohooo, Gfs show up....

  2. here i am GFs! such a lazy Sunday for me.....

    1. Yeah... you are lucky girl... just relaxing.. a busy day for me!!!

    2. but my weekend almost over...tomorrow is back to work....Monday blues...aaarrggghhhh

    3. Yeah... Sunday for me aside from church day also meant "BACK TO WORK TOMORROW"....whahahahah

  3. Gf Yoonji, Jell, Mazzy, Michy, Cyni.... Aigoo...i miss you...

    Gf Snowy, i miss you too and love you...mwahhh

  4. Hi...kind of a sad Sunday for me and the rest of the Henecians Phils (KHJ fanclub here in the Phils)....GF Mhel you know about us...we just got back from sending off one of members to her final resting place...she`s a HYUNMIN fan by the way and gave a hyunmin fan account when we came back from Korea last June..at least we know she`s in a better place and knowing how she loves our hyunmin couple, she`s probably stalking the two right now,...

    1. sad to hear that GF Liz....may God bless her soul....

    2. She is in a better place now GF Lissie, no more pain. May she rest in peace.

    3. Yes, i know about today Ate,.im.deeply saddened also about it...i knew the day she died from our friends too...im very sad wgen i heard about it as she even welcome me in a group just last month...i also send my condolences thru our friends...

      Im just oraying that she is happy wherever she is right now,.no.more pain.and sufferings...

    4. Sad to hear that a Hyunmin is no longer with us :(
      May her soul rest in peace

    5. My condolence to your loss, Liz. May you and her family find comfort in her memories. May she rest in peace.

  5. Replies
    1. hi ailee.... which ring are you talking about anyway?

    2. Hello Ailee.... woohooooo... Ailee eliya is in the house!!!! Beautiful name!

    3. Ciao,.Ailee good to see you here... Please visit us here more often anf hope you will enjoy and have fun.in our posts....

    4. Hello Ailee. Welcome to the blog. Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Doesn't it look similar to HJ's ring? :naughty: hahaha

    5. ahaha hello all :3
      hi michily, emdzNY, Mhel, yoon ji joong :))
      @Mhel, I'm actually visiting this blog everyday hahaha
      @Yoon ji joong, I think so. haha I just think the ring in the middle finger look similar to HJ's ring. but the golden ring, ehmmm I just think that the golden ring maybe represent to the engangement ring, hahaha. naughty me :D

    6. Hello ailee: We're glad that you visit the blog everyday! We hope that you like what we've been presenting so far. If you have anything you want to contribute (fanvids, fanarts) or suggestion, we'd be happy to accommodate you.

      Re: golden ring that MM is wearing the in the picture? I don't think so... MM's photo shoot was right after PK so I think there was a progression period before they became an really really really very close. nhahahaha

    7. Wow, you do Ailee? That's good to know. Thanks.

      There could be an engagement ring, we just don't know Ailee and no one wants to touch that topic... I don't know why.Hahahahha

    8. Hi Ailee,.good to kniw thatvyou are here everyday. Thank you for the support!

    9. I agree GF Snowy... no one wants to touch that subject? wahahahah And I've been dying to cover that topic... you know I have screencaps/pictures ready to go. wahahahahaha

    10. Hahahaha... IDK why... the LUCKY GUY, already gave the hints at SG fanmeet in May and then BAM ... woohooo... hahahahaha... We should post that here and let the Hyunmins decide GF... hahaha

    11. hahahaha So the tile would be Fact, Hint or Coincidence? hahahaha I say let's just title it THE TRUTH! nhahhahaha

    12. uwooo snowy hahaha no one wants to discuss it? whyyyyyy?? I'm really curious now mahahaha.
      btw guys, what hints did lucky guy gave in SG fanmeet and BAM? hehe seems like I missed that topic.
      ya, I agree with you yoon ji, THE TRUTH! hahaha

  6. Hello!!!!!!! Happy Sunday... Woohoooo

    Hi GF Mhel, Michy, Lissie and ailee eliya.......

    Welcome to the blog ailee, thanks for dropping by. Your presence made us happy.

    GF Lissie- please express our deepest condolences to her family. I am positive that she is enjoying herself as the new Hyunmin stalker.

  7. Hahahahah.... I like what GF Jell's patients... They are all Hyunmins! Wahahaha..... the Hyunmin GForce blog is counteracting the sleeping pills GF Jelly gave themm hahahaha

    Good luck GF Jell!!!

    1. yupe im feeling lazy today and keep repeating listening to Missing You by G-Dragon...those whistling is so damn soothing....

    2. You're not playing with your screwdrivers GF... Good song? by G-Dragon. I'll try to look it up and listen to it.

    3. for me its a good song once i know the meaning of the lyrics...hahahaha tomorrow ill be playing with my screwdriver...today is lazy day for me....

    4. Hahahha... you are listening to a song and you don't know the lyrics? hahaha
      Just like me, I listen to KHJ's song while driving and still enjoy all of them since it's him singing...as long as my husband is not in the car wjth me... hahahaha

    5. I haven't heared that song too, i will try it some other time....

    6. of course i already know the lyrics that is why i keep repeating it hahahaha....actually i posted it on my FB earlier today.... :)

    7. Oh, alright, I misunderstood you... hahahaha

  8. Hahahaha,.nice one Gf Snowy.... Jell have to show...she might get a heart attack one she will show up as sge fainted again in Cyni's post...and then here....oh lala

  9. Hahahha... I hope she is not pissed... The song is for her too....

    We love you GF Jelly and we miss you!!!

    1. The 4 lovely chicks, gf its very cute? Im wondering if who are they? That might be the 4 Gforce who are not here...they transformed into a chicks...lol

    2. The cute four chicks... are the crazy girls: Michy, Mhel, Snowy and Cyni...the other two Yoonji and Jelly are missing in action!!!

  10. Gf Cyni will kill youGf Snowy when she wakes up...hahaha...

    Im having a slow connection right now...

  11. Why would she be upset... bwahahahaha... it's true. she must have 3 bottles of STWPO... hahahha...

    1. Coreectio: have HAD 3 bottles

    2. you are truly Ms. Spillberg and a fly on the wall too....hahahaha

    3. I truly am... hahahahah It's great when you are a fly on the wall.. you can be at different palces in a zip.... hahahaha

    4. good to know i have a friend like you....hahahaha

    5. That's right Fantastic Baby.... I am a good friend to have..*wink wink... haahahha

    6. Yes! GFantastic Baby... wahahahaha

    7. Fantastic Baby is sleepy...night GFs....

  12. Waaaahhhh... I'm here!!!... reporting for duty!!

    Correction... I had IWFYOTF... that's why I'm tired... kekeke

    Good morning crazy GFs!!

    1. Good morning GF Cyni... waaahhahahaha

      I forgot what's IWFYOTF? email me. ahahahaha

    2. Morning Gf Cyni...hahaha, me too dont know what it means anymore...hahahaha

    3. "I wait for U __ ___ _____" fill the blank space

    4. hola GF Cyni...morning!

      hahahahahaha..i know where is Speedy Jelly gone...she is in Gf Serene Closer latest chapter with who else if not Soo Hyun....

    5. Good morning Michy... really? hahahaa... I've some stories to catch up... :P...

      Jell... at least she is with KSH and not kissing the floor

    6. Wahahahaha.. GF Jelly is a busy woman... wahahahahaah She and Soo Hyun are just the best lovebirds....

    7. she have to take some time off from romancing the floor....hahahaha

    8. Did you get it GF Mhel.... ahahahah

    9. I meant did you gety what GF Cyni was saying? ahahahaah

  13. Sorry, still dont know it...hahaha...

    Jell is with SH again? Hahaha...that girl, tsk tsk...

    1. hahahaha... we want to be GF jelly!!!! hahahahahaah

  14. her first appearance was in INYB then in OneShot (of Hyunmin) and other drinks! and now in my Closer and always with SH :)

    1. Hello GF seren. although she's been showing up in different fanfics at least GF Jelly is only with one guy, her ever dearesr KSH... hahahaha

  15. Hello GFs! Yes, I went to bed late again but not to do screencaps! hahaha Nice and funny one GF Snowy! Well good news... my team clinched the divisional championship so we're just waiting for the playoffs! woooohooooo!

    1. Wahahahahaha... finally you're up. I was about to add that you were up till 3am.

      Congratulations you team won.... !!!!

    2. It may seem I'm a later riser but actually it's just due to time zone difference. Defensive??? hahaha

      Yah, our teams might compete for the world series (fingers crossed) but you wouldn't know that. hahaha Your hubby must know.

  16. For me a boring sunday. I have to study :/
    Jajajaja Thanks for including me in the picture :)
    I read the FF (oneshot) is great. I love it . Eagerly awaiting the next (when you can)

    1. Ahhhh... thank god I don't have to do anymore studying...

      Thanks for dropping by although you're busy...

      One shot... thanks for reminding me and Cyni... it will be up soon!!!

  17. Assalamualaikum(Hello/peace upon you) GFs!!

    GF Mazzy is here for reporting!! Ive been absent for one whole day!! Oh my!!!!!

    GF Liz, sad to know it :'( lets pray for her peace wherever she is right now. Amin :')

    1. waalaikumusalam GF Mazzy...
      missed you here ok! like G-Dragon "Missing You" hahaha...i'm addicted to that song now....
