
Friday, October 26, 2012

My Lovely Goddess

She's my lovely Goddess...

Her laugh makes my heart burst with joy...

Her yummy lips are sweet as honey and forever MINE!!

She is my Everything!!!

Lucky Guy

Cyn OC, Naughty Snowy


  1. Hola GF Cynita: Wow, I like your fanarts. I feel like it's Valentine's day already. hahaha So much love, love, love...

    1. Hello YJJ.... everyone's busy today huh?

      An early valentine's day present... his heart? Rain of hearts!!! Explosive love!

  2. Hola Gf Yoonjita.... ^_^

    I'm having almuerzo... kekeke... I'll back in 40 Mins.

    Gf Snowy is gif expert also!!!

    1. Ok, Cynita... enjoy your almuerzo. kekeke Uh-ohhhh, GF Snowy? expert in GIF? Uh-ohhhhh! I hope she uses that skill to good use. hahaha

    2. She's working on the "Kiss" gif

    3. That's what I'm afraid of... but I know she's only sharing it in email, AFF or FB. aigooo... she'll go crazy making GIFs. I hope they're for my topics though. hahaha

    4. Tsk... I'm busy doing real work GFs... hahahaa...

      I wish I could work on marathon kiss gifs...and be able to show it here hahaha .... I promised GF YJJ I'll behave.

  3. HOLAAA!!! ^^
    how have you been Gfs?
    I kinda busy
    I've seen the spectacular photos of mami
    waaao I was open-mouthed *.*
    What change!!! of sweet and cute girl in PK to a woman sexi in WCGM

    aah you sent her an arrangement of orchids
    how nice of you HyunminGforce<3
    by chance on the card added the link of the blog?
    you imagine if she visits us and see all the topics we've talked about here
    I'm dying hahahaha

    1. Hola Mary -- yes, we included the link of the blog and the blog's twitter acct. -- it would be nice if she would drop-by but she must be really busy with her new drama so it may not happen anytime soon.

    2. Hello Mary -

      Or may not happen at all. But it's ok as long as she got it.

    3. What changed Mary?... Our Somin grew up! She's now a woman.

    4. Yes, we're not expecting anything in return... it's just one of our little gestures in showing our love and support to our couple.

    5. Hola YoonJi y Snowy
      yeah Mami has grown. She's a woman now
      (ready to get married?)
      (not yet) Lol

    6. Yes, she is... as much as we wanted to keep her image as OHN, there's no way right? Everyone matures. If she's ready to get married? I hope so. hahaha Wouldn't be nice to see them with children soon? hahaha Ok, I guess I'm rushing them a bit... I'll give them another 4-5 yrs. hehehe

    7. I hope they won't be too busy with their careers and put their marriage aside. They are still young. They might want to enjoy life first before thinking of settling down.

    8. 4 -5 years? Waaaaahhhh...I thought HJ wants to have 4 kids? hahahaha Aissshhh... we better behave. Peace HJ/MM....

    9. Well, you have to set aside 2 yrs of military service for HJ so let's he decides to join in next year or so, they can decide to get married when he returns and he'll be 30 by then. I think that's just about right age to settle down right?

    10. For HJ? yes, 30 is the right age for him to get married.

    11. I prefer them to marry after papi do his military service
      and enjoy their life together and then have children
      and maybe write a biography, how they fell in love.
      For us the Hyunmin
      yeah I'm crazy XP jajaja

    12. Hola Mary!!

      4-5 years? ... that's too long!!... maybe I will not be able to attend the wedding... hahaha

    13. Yeah Mary... A gift for the Hyunmins. A book about their love story...

    14. A want a book and The HyunMin Movie!!!

    15. Playful Kiss 2 - The Movie....

    16. HOLA Cyn!!
      I would do anything to have the book about their love story and also a film about them *.*

    17. I want HOT Kiss - The Movie.... hahahaha

    18. Bueno sus besos fueron de verdad, veces de recién enamorados, pero esta vez quiero ver besos de acción!!!... jajaja

  4. GFs: If you have the time please visit Couch Kimchi and share your comments. She has good reviews about the drama and MM's acting.


  5. Gfs, sorry but i cant join you all this time...talk to you later.

  6. Hello GF Mich, good morning to you!

    1. hi GF Snowy! yeah morning for and evening for you

    2. It's Friday night for me.....

      Are you enjoying your weekend with parents?

    3. Good for you GF... Did you have a chance to eat your favorite dishes?

    4. yes i have! and more today i hope. ah foods and me inseparable...lalalala

    5. Lucky you, you can eat anything and won't gain a pound. You are tiny!

    6. me tiny? i dont think so....hahaha

    7. Really? You look tiny in your FB profile photo.

    8. ahhh..
      photo can be deceiving...hahahaha

  7. olala! Good morning/evening/night lovely GFs! :D :D woohoo!

    Oh! I prefer HJ to marry next year before his military service.. Hahaha well, in our case, HJ MUST bring MM to the military too...*demanding much!* Lol... Bcos... I dont think the two lovebirds, MM and HJ can endure the two looooong years alone... Hahahah

    woohoo! I want a full movie of their love story, from the first time they met(pk) until the end of time!!!!!! Hahahahahah

  8. woohooo! hola mi hermosa hermana! :D :D i will get back to you guys later, i have a visit to my cousin's house later at 10am :D :D

  9. Hi GFs...i think we can only expect something big from Hj when he's 30..from his previous pronouncements, he wants to finish all his obligations before he goes into ms...AND together with that I think he will be ready to announce HYUNMIN...just my wishful thinking...
