
Saturday, November 17, 2012

Let's Get Married Part 2

From previous post...

Hyun Joong's letter to Somin 

"What should I do? He is refusing to talk to me. I've been trying to speak with him but he is not answering my calls, or returning my text messages. Why is he doing this to me?"

It's noon time, the day of the wedding; the wedding that Hyun Joong planned without her consent. Somin still can't make up her mind: to run away or be at Hyun Joong's side at 3 PM.

"If I don't show up at the altar, does it mean I will lose him forever? What is going to happen to me? Will I be happy in this world without him in my life?"

Hyun Joong on the other hand, has been anxious and nervous since he sent the letter to Somin.  He purposely did not answer her calls because he did not want her to change his mind. 

"Sorry baby if I have to do this to you. Like I said, I waited long enough, and I can no longer wait for another day. I want you to be my wife, the woman I want to be with for the rest of my life."

Time: 3 PM

Hyun Joong at the altar, smiling... waiting for "The Love of His Life" to show up.

Is the "Lucky Girl" going to show up? Will she give up the freedom that she loves so much for Hyun Joong? 

This picture is playing in Hyun Joong's mind while standing  at the altar.

 Tic-tac tic-tac tic-tac tic-tac

                                             To be continued....

Chris Brown Feat. Justin Beiber


A product of my wild imagination. A pure fantasy of mine - Mhel

credit as tagged
Photos and caption by Mhel & Snowy


  1. GF Mhel....hello!

    I love the Shotgun Wedding, KHJ style! hahahahha

    Can't wait for the Part 3. Love the picture of Hyun Joong smiling, anticipating the arrival of his bride to be... Woohoooo...

    Somin, please don't disappoint him! I want that beautiful smile plastered on his face forever!

    1. Hello GF Snowy, the opposite will happen here GF? HJ will do the shotgun wedding to Somin.

  2. Beautiful Post Gf Mhel =)
    Curiosity kills me!!!
    Mami hurry!!! the love of your life is waiting you!!!!!!!

    1. Hi Mary-

      I find this very funny! Hahahha....

      Don't be late Somin...the "love of your life" might be gone forever if you are late! ahahaha

    2. You know what Mary... Let's all go to the church...maybe if Somin fails to show up... Papi will marry one of us.... BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

      Peace Somin!

    3. Gf MAry, Ciao!

      What do you think? Is Somin will show up or not?

      Gf MAry and GF Snowy, for sure its a riot once Gforce will show up in the church instead of Somin...

    4. Hahahhaha... poor HJ, he will have a nightmare!

    5. Ciao Gf Mhel

      Mami loves Papi very much
      My aswer = Yes

    6. Who does not want to marry Papi ???? ...But the only lucky girl is Mami >.^
      HyunMin Love Forever

  3. Wahhh SM you better hurry or else I'll be the one who will marry him... wait. .. I'm already married... wth!! I'll marry twice!...hahaha..


    1. Hahahha... you don't care if you have to go to jail right GF? hahahahah

    2. I don't care Gf...hahaha... handsome Papi wants to get marry and he needs a bride...

    3. Hahahhah... that's what I just said to Mary.... let's show up at the alter.... He can choose one of us if Somin. He seems very desperate. hahahahahah OMG... I am dying laughing here. ahahahahahaha... Let me get my bright pink 6" heels shoes ready. hahahahhaa

    4. Jajajajaja
      I join
      It's more ... Do not worry girls.
      Some already have commitments.
      So I "sacrifice myself" for you Gf
      I'm single solterita
      Wajajajajaja XD

    5. Mary la Solterita'. Hola!

      We are wasting our time here. He only wants SM as his bride...

      Wait, maybe Papachito, his twin wants to marry you... hahaha

    6. Hahahha... It looks like GF Cyni doesan't agree with you. It seems like she wants Papi for herself...hahahah..nice excuse GF Cyni.... You brought back Papachitip for GF Mary so you can have Papi for yourself hahaha

    7. GF Mary.... Sacrifice yourself? NICE LINE! Hahahahhahahha... You will never be sorry. hahahaha

    8. Hahaha... I'm telling the true... he only wants Mami!!!

    9. That's right.
      His heart belongs to her And I'm happy about that. Only she can marry with Papi. Only MAMI jajajaja

    10. That is so true Mary... his heart is only for Mami...

      Woohoooo PAMI couple.

    11. Poor hubby as his wife wants to marry twice and the second one is the super handsome HJ? would you think MM will allow you Gf Cyni? LOL

  4. whoaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!! Hahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaah Mommy Mhel!!!!!!!!!!! you know your kiddo here is demanding right? Whenn she is demanding much, she wont make an essay comment, the only thing she will state is this, "you know how desperate i am right? Better update soon!! Now!" hahahhahaahha

    am i describing ma self? Lalala
    Good Morning GFs! Need to go somewhere hehe, see ya later!

    1. Kiddo, I miss you! How are you?, Better help me on my next update then, hahahaha....

  5. Tick tock... If you're late Min, i am the ONE that will replace you lalalala

    1. Hahahhaha...

      Hello Gf Mich, Mazzy!!!!

      We all are going to have a contest, trying to get Papi's attention.... hahahahaha Should we pray for Mami not to show up? hahahahah......JUST KIDDING!... Waaaahhh, I just avoided a huge red tomatoe hitting my head. PEACE Hyunmins, don't beat me up. hahahah

    2. Hahaha... Gf Snowy... you know no matter how many brides will appear, he only wants one and that bride is SM, the Lucky girl, his everything.

    3. Hey... there's no harm in trying GF.... You never know. hahahha.......OKAY GF SOMIN, you better show up... don't think too long, arasso GF Somin?

    4. Gf Somin will show up... I saw her awhile a go wearing a beautiful wedding dress... Lalala

    5. Hahahahhaha... let's see who gets to the altar first. hahahahhaha.... Mary and I will kidnap Papi. hahahahaha

    6. Papachito, you better be at the altar... Mary will marry you if Mami will show up. hahahaha

  6. Hey Papi your BFFs are attending the wedding right? Well if Mami appear then can i wed one of your BFFs?
    Substitute girl! I always prepared hahahaha

    1. Okay, GGF Mich... who among HJ's close friends you are targeting?

    2. hmm...let me see...we have TOP, Micky & Jae.....
      i might go for TOP....lalalala....Boom Shakalaka....wow! Fantastic Baby!

    3. Hahahahaha.... woohoooo.... Boom Shakalaka.

  7. HEllo GFs, happy Sunday! Hope everyone is doing well....Me, Im so tired, i just came home from work and its 4 am here in Rome...Gonna sleep now GFs... thanks for liking the posts, GFs!

    1. Hi GF!!! Love your "story" mhel...feel like I'm reading a short fanfiction...LOL...will wait for the continuation...

    2. Hello GF Lissie-

      This is GF Mhel's, AFF One Shot Hyunmin story for the blog. hahahaha

    3. HEllo Ate Liz, good to see you here again and thank you for liking our post....

      Gf Snowy, one shot Hyunmin Story? LOL, thanks to you too! Mwahhhhh

    4. You're welcome GF Mhel... hahahaha

    5. And speaking of stories, you have not updated your AFF story, GFs Snowy and Cyn...

    6. Hahahhaha....sorry about that GF Lissie...GF Cyni has the last say when to publish the update. It's actually ready...I think GF Cyni is delaying the update because both she and I doesn't to get to the MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMssssssss chapters.... We don't know how to write them......hahahahahahahahahaha...

    7. GF Cyni...what's your excuse? hahahaha

    8. hahaha, Gf Cyni and GF Snowy, you really owe an explanation for the delay to Ate Liz... But I agree with Ate Liz, its been a long time since the last time that you update the story....

    9. even the GForce members no longer commenting in AFF.....

    10. The updates in AFF are few and far inbetween, except for GF Serene's Fire and Ice...so I guess you guys have really nothing to comment on if the other writers don't update often...

    11. Among the GForce, I am the one who hasn't commented for the longest time. It's not because I lost interest in AFF, it's just I have no time to read the updates... I am a sad reader...tsk..tsk..

      I really admire GF Serene's energy. Updating is not an easy thing to do everyday.

  8. Good morning/afternoon/evening Hyunmins...

    Hello GFs.

  9. Wait, am I in AFF? hahahaha Thanks for the update, author Mhel... update again soon please? hahahaha
