
Monday, January 14, 2013

Kim Hyun Joong & Ailee to Participate at '2K13FEELKOREA' in Brazil


Kim Hyun Joong & Ailee to Participate at 

'2K13FEELKOREA' in Brazil

The KOFICE (Korea Foundation for International Culture Exchange) announced an 

event in Brazil that will bring popular K-Pop artists

Credit: Kpopstarz.com

The KOFICE (Korea Foundation for International Culture Exchange) announced an event in Brazil that will bring popular K-Pop artists.
The event titled "2K13FEELKOREA" is to take place on February 23 and 24 in Sao Paolo, Brazil will feature different activities.
The first day K-Pop fans can attend a free K-Pop dance workshop as well as make-up lesson at the Cultural Center in Sao Paolo.
The concert featuring K-Pop artists such as Kim Hyun JoongAileeBaechigi, and Ongals will take place on the second day.
The registration of the free events will be announced later through KOFICE homepage. Tickets for the concert will be available on January 29 at Ticket Office and further details will be announced on January 22. The cost will be RS 50.00 per ticket.


Confirmación de presentación de HJ en Brazil

One of HJ's fans from Columbia made an inquiry about the upcoming  event and below is the reply from koffice.or.kr


  1. There's no official announcement from KE yet, however, if it is true, ..this is good news for HJ's fans in Brazil.

    1. HJ is really a big Hallyu star just like his sunbae BYJ.... this year a lot of KPop star going global ...i think it's all because of Oppa Gangnam Style.... even GD is doing his solo World Tour concerts soon...

  2. Yahh!!... KIM HYUN JOONG if you are going to Brazil... Could you please come to visit my country, Peru, is just next to Brazil!!!.... (I'm a very demanding fan...hahahaha)

    I'm happy for the fans in Brazil... :) you are so lucky!!


  3. Hyun Joong-ah you will be so close and yet so far... (aishhh...I need some LoCo pills to cheer me up)

    1. Time to save your money GF... what other latin countries close to Brazil? Maybe Mary and Liz are closer to Brazil.

    2. still got time Gf! yeah go for it! bribe mr hubby if you can...kekekeke

    3. Actually we all are close to Brazil.

      hahaha... I'm saving money but for my trip to USA... sorry HJ, I'll wait for you to come to my country... (pleading eyes)

  4. papiiii!!!! woohooo Brazil and my country, Brunei are not that~ far in terms of first letter (B), number of letters(6) and syllable:
    Bru-nei..... hahahah however.. in terms of distance.. yeah.. its very sad to say.. im unlucky! hahaha

    ohhh but i feel so happy for fans in Brazil! :D

    hola pretty GFs!!!
    Ehem, Miss Peru hahahah i think.... we should start saving moneyyyhh for PaMi's weddding instead of going somewhere else!! whoahaha

    1. Waahhh Kiddoo!!

      You are killing me Bra-zil... Bru-nei!!...hahahahaha... yes, they are not that far.

      Mis Brunei... I have a special piggy bank for the PaMi's wedding!!

    2. Miss Peru & Miss Brunei....Miss Malaysia here is saving & praying for GD makes Malaysia one of his stop in his World Tour kekekekeeke

    3. Mazzy...you are very funny... Hahahaha

    4. Ok if HJ goes to NY I'll stay in Miss New York's house ... hahaha

    5. Hahahaha... Ms New York's house will be packed with Hyunmins...hahahaha

    6. Miss New York better get ready then.....hahahaha

    7. Woohooo... and if you wanna come to Peru... you can stay in my house... pajama party!!!

    8. whoahahaha Miss Peru, i have special piggybank for Pami as well! but... its only cents in it! LOL anyone who wants to invest some money to me, youre welcome!!!!! whoahaha

      aigoo Miss Malaysia, The GD Lover! hahahah amin... i hope GD read your post and come to Malaysia right away! woohoo

      ehem! Miss NY, HyunMins are coming to your home! you better prepare the videos that youve suceessfully recorded during The Fly mission! hahahah

    9. Waaahhh... yes... Miss NY will show us all the special BTS videos she had... and I'm not talking about the BTS from PK... kekeke^^

    10. Waaaaaaahhhh... NY will never be the same....hahahaha

    11. Hahahahahaha... Poor GF Mazzy.... Well GF, make a wish and you might get it, who knows. Hahahahahah

    12. whohahah.. Miss NY, do you hear us? we want the BTS vids once we get there! fullstop. :p

      Miss Peru! definitely we will stay at your house and having a nonstop party!!!! hahahah

    13. Woohooo GForce reunion!!!!... We should do a tour too...hahahaha

    14. Hahahahhaa....uh-oh, did you hear that GF YJJ... Maybe we should ask MM to hang out with us then.

    15. Wohooo MM our special GForce member!!!... we will have a great time... just ladies!!!!

    16. ohmaigad! this is what happened when a word, LOCO in action, --late sleep! hahahah

      alright, Miss International, Miss Bru gotta off first to lalaland! hahaha good AM/PM! take care!

      here some of HyunMin-Wave!!!!!


      ♥♥♥   ♥♥♥
      ♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥


    17. Good night Miss Brunei!!... Happy Dreams...kekeke^^

      Woohoooo the HyunMin-Wave!!!!!


      ♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥
      ♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥


    18. Beautiful Hyunmin love wave from GF Mazzy who is on Loco Pills right now...

    19. Don't worry Papi, we will take good care of your little lady....hahaha

    20. Papi must be worried!!... hahahaha... yes we promise take good care of your Mami... ^^

    21. wink_wink.... hahahahha.... no worries Papi... There are no gorgeous men in NY

    22. wahahaahha... I don't know... but I don't believe you!!!....hahaha

    23. Hahaha...Papi might believe me....

    24. The gorgeous men are all in SK...Bwahahahaha

    25. hahahahaa... whatever you said Gf!!!... hahahahahaaaa

  5. Good morning/evening GFs:

    Who is Ailee? And who wrote to the organizer to confirm HJ's attendance -- was it you GF Cyn? hahaha

    1. Ailee is a South Korean singer... Never heard of her before. GF Liz forwarded the email to GF Cyni.

    2. Hola YJJita!!

      Not... It wasn't me... was another girl!!. We are still waiting for KE confimation.

    3. Are the SKoreans' even familiar with Ailee? :)

    4. hahahaa I don't Gf... I'll ask the Latin Force what they know about Ailee
