Saturday, February 16, 2013

[02-16-13] Kim Hyun Joong @ FC Avengers soccer match

Cr. images: As Tagged.


  1. GF Liz, can I ask you a question? Why is Hyun Joong so cute and good looking? I just love him every time I see him wear a beanie cap/hat. hehehehe

  2. HJ really loves to play soccer... you can see he's happy...

    Btw HJ, have you seen the last game of Ronaldinho???... you have to watch it man!!

  3. Hi Gf Snowy and Jefecita Cyni... I wonder the same thing, Jefecita, yes Papi likes play soccer!!! but about the uniform I like more the uniform with the number 2, My Choice 2....The number 2....The HyunMin Love Month!!

  4. Why does this man looks so handsome...very very handsome!

    Thanks Gf Liz for posting!

  5. Hi Gfs!!
    Hi Snowy, Hola Cyn, Hola Liz

    He always looks good with everything he wear... Papi is super cute.
    a question ... HJB is officially a member of FC men??

    I prefer the uniform Papi used last year ... t-shirt # 9 and pants # 8 .. was the best<3

    1. Hello, everyone! Hi mary, this team is FC AVENGERS where i am guessing HJ is aguest player. FC MEN team is where HJ plays as no. 9. Another FC men member who is from the group Beast is alo playing in FC AVENGERS. He may have invited HJ to play with FC AVENGERS.

    2. ups! sorry I didn't realize that said FC AVENGERS
      Thanks BellaLuna for the clarification ^^
