
Saturday, February 23, 2013

Photos of Kim Hyun Joong's Peruvian fans camping day and night outside Parque de la Expocision

                                       Scene outside Parque de la Expocision Lima, Peru


                                 Inside the Parque de la Expocision is the ongoing stage
                          constuction for KHJ's fanmeet/concert.

Photos by: Estanyela


  1. :O All the hardships u guys go thru to attend a concert.. i ill nvr undrstd.. being somwhere where concerts are unheard of.. sigh :(

  2. waaaoo y yo que pense que mañana empezarian acampar. creo que yo estaria en la ultima fila =( si estuviese en Perú
    Buena suerte!! Fighting Gf Cyn!! Fighting Gf Ela!!
    Who else is from Perú?/ Quien mas es de Perú?
    Take lots of pictures and videos/ Tomen bastantes fotos y videos porfis ^^

    Have a nice day Gfs!! ^^

    1. Hola Mary.... tomaremos la mayor cantidad de fotos que podamos.

  3. he arrived already.. No wonder u r missing- GFs Cyn Liz n Ela.. lolz

    1. Hello gf Ress. Actually he is in Brazil.

      Gf Liz should is coming to Perú. She must be getting ready for her trip.

      Gf Ela has a family lunch today and I... I'm cleaning...hahaha...

    2. Omg,.its overwhelming that fans really sleep outside while waiting for the big day.

      Good luck Gfs for the fanmeeting...hope you all could get a good seats...

  4. maybe hyun joong is in brazil for rehearsal,24 is the fm...then the next day at peru. nice view gf ela,some fans are stay over night waiting...good luck gfs,have a nice date with papi, we'll be waiting videos and news from you gfs cyn and ela...

  5. And I don't see any porta-toilets in the area. uhmmm... don't forget to bring a bottle of alcohol, sanitizing lotion and a perfume spray or deodorizer. hahahaha

    So it's an outdoors venue? What if it rains? aigooo...

    1. Rain is nothing Gf, what's important is they could see HJ...hahaha

    2. Rain!! Even better! HJ ill rip his shirt off! hehehe

    3. The Peruvians are the rain or shine type of fans. Nothing will stop them from watching HJ perform, live. I hope HJ will decide to shake the hands of the 4,000 fans.

  6. all the fans stay over night.. where they can take a bath.. brush their teeth and taking calling of the nature ? i'm just asking, hahaha.. maybe there's a place they can do all of those things, hello gfs...

  7. chicas por fis saquen muchas fotitos de HJ me acaban de decir que es precioso en persona, asi que por favor chicas no se vayan a desmayar cuando lo vean, que ganas de haber estado ahi con ustedes, pero no se pudo >,<, asi que disfrutenlo mucho y saquenle fotito a todo todito, sobre todo a HJ

  8. Hola gfs!

    Im amazed by this.. It was really amazing to see fans camping together waiting for the day to come.. :D really! This is my first time seeing this.. Could that be their houses are far away from her.. Thats why they have to go camping? Woohoo really i dont have any idea how unique they are! :D ohh i salute them!

    1. Exactly GF Mazze really unique fans HJ had earned foot himself...
