
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Kim Hyun Joong & Naoto Inti Raymi msg recorded at Makuhari on Sukkiri, NTV

Cr.mido rin


  1. HJ... I love to see you smiling like that... ear to ear!!!...

    I want to smile too... lalala!

  2. I want to know if Naoto's original name is Inti Raymi.

    Inti means SUN in Quechua (language spoken by the Inkas). Inti was a god for the Inkas.

    Inti Raymi (Festival of the Sun) was a religious ceremony celebrated by the Inkas in honor of his god Inti.

    That's why I'm curious about Naoto's name.

  3. What are they saying?? The caps look lik they are having fun... N are very happy... And HJssi u look damn cute bright n shiny with that smile... Smile often plz... Makes us smile...

  4. Beautiful smile!. I agree GFs, he should smile more...

  5. ok here is the Sukkiri trans:
    hyun joong joked Naoto saying “Nice to
    meet you“ (as we’ve known, they’re close
    Naoto answered “It’s not the 1st time we
    meet!“. “He (hyun joong) drinks a lot. i’m
    always beaten up (when they go to drink
    MC: Are you guys really close friends? (Do
    you really get along well?)
    HJ: We often play football together, meet and
    go to eat when (I’m) in JP. We have had a
    concert together. (hyun joong spoke in
    MC: Which language do you use (when you
    HJ: (it’s because of) football, (the
    communication is) pace. (spoke in Japanese)
    Naoto: pace
    MC: ah~, so word is…
    HJ: We don’t need words. (spoke in Jp)
    Naoto: yes, that’s right, we don’t need
    words, we communicate though a ball.
    For the last msg, hyun joong n Naoto said
    “we’re gonna come to play at the studio.“
    translated by OnlyKHJtimes
    via theartofkimhyunjoong@tumblr.com

  6. Holaa Gfs!!!

    Gracias/Thanks Gf Ress ^^
    Papi tan bello *.*
    Aways smile Papi
