
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Did you give the fans another hint???

                                                  HJ:  MaMi, where's my Ipad?
                                                  MM:  I'm using it.


                                   MM:  I'm lurking in the GForce's blog!!!
                                   HJ:  Aishh... Turn off the ipad and give me some
                                            attention instead!!...please,please???

                                  MM:  Wait, it seems like you don't want me  
                                             to check the GForce blog. Why???
                                   HJ:  (blushing) Ah-ani... 

                                                           MM:  Hmm, I smell something fishy...What 
                                                          did you do?
                                               HJ: Me?, nothing!!! kekeke

                                              MM:  I have a feeling you gave the fans
                                                         another hint. Am I right? Spill or else...
                                              HJ: Did I??? Ops!!!...lalalalalalalala


                               MM:  Deny that you're guilty of giving out hints and 
                                          I'll kick you to the goalie. 
                               HJ:   Tsk-tsk-tsk, this is what I get for teaching  you to
                                         play soccer?!?

GIFs by  Hyunmin Tieba Baidu

Cyn OC; YJJ; Snowy


  1. Hello HyunMins!!!.

    Thanks to the girl from Baidu who made the gifs.^^

    Hyun Joong ah!!, we are waiting for more hints from you!!!

  2. Hahahaha.... Don't deny iy it HJ... you are busted!!!!!!!! Again!!!!!

  3. Yeah HJ.... we love all your hints, so don't stop, keep them coming!!!!!!!!

    1. Hahaha... this boy will be the new Mr. Spillberg!!!.

      Thank you HJ!!!!

    2. He is the official Mr. Spillberg!!!!... kekekke...Peace HJ Spillberg.

  4. Replies
    1. Hola Gf Peony!!!.

      Cute HyunMin gifs

    2. I think Mami had some kickboxing lessons. Hehehehe

  5. Whoaaaa its that our Mam i Mm? Thats a super kick! I like that hahahahahaha pity papi... Hahahaha

    Papi.. The Spillberg.. For sure each of us will get... !!!!!!!!!!??!!!!!???!!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Hola Kiddo Vampire Mazzy!!!!

      MaMi is tacking KickBox lessons...hahaha. If I were HJ, I'll be scared.

      HJ is Mr. Alien Spillberg !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Replies
    1. Hello Elena Eileen, nice to see you again!

  7. So cute! I miss them so much!!

    1. Hola Hjsmfan!!.

      Can I ask where are you from?^^

    2. I'm Loveminjoong a.k.a Minji from AFF :) Been inactive posting comments but definitely reading through updates here everyday :-)

  8. Hello hjsmfan, Elena Eileen....

  9. Hahaha! Those are very funny! The pout! The throttle! The tickle! And the kick is ROFL! LOL H HAHAHA. AND aigoooo Papi don't stop with your hints petty please!!! Lol

  10. hahahah very funny thank you for making and posting it..
    Keep it up! this is such a nice blog .. I'm happy that aside from SimplySOMIn and Dongsaeng-Oppa Thread there is still another blog--this one-- that i could visit and express my love for this couple!

    Thank you admins.. Hyunmin Forever!

    1. Hello Rexa, thank you for dropping by and welcome in the blog. We are happy to see you here and hope you can visit more often :-)....

    2. Hola Rexa!!!, welcome to the blog!!!^^

      Enjoy your reading and join our chats!!!

      ♡ ♥

    3. Hello Cyn and Mhel thank you for your warm welcome! Don't cha worry I'm your frequent visitor starting from now.. hehehe.. I'm also naughty like you but I have to read up to the last page of this blog like what I did in SimplySomin blog and OppaDongsaeng Thread hehehehe.. guess i'm crazy right?Indeed I am especially when I am reading your post here.. hehehe I sleep late at night just to catch and read all your post so next time I could join your naughty conversations..
      Sorry for the long post by the way I'm from Philippines ehehe 23 yrs of age.. Hope find friends here as well.

      Aja! keep the love flowing ... Thank you GFs

    4. Long or short post is very much welcome here, so dont worry about that. We do love reading long posts...lol

      Glad to hear that you like our blogs and it keeps on entertaining the readers. Just keep on reading Gf, i just hope you wont get a stomach pain from laughing while reading the posts....

  11. hahahahah....i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it..thanx so muchh guys!
