
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Beautiful Ballerina!!! ♡ ♥ ♡

Cyn OC, Liz A.


  1. Beautiful Ballerina MM we miss you a lot!!!!!!

  2. Vey nice GF Cyn..... Beautiful !!!!!

  3. Yah!! Very beautiful! Thank you Liz and Cyni

  4. so beautiful!! minmin-ah *sad face* where did you go????

  5. Our Ballerina MM looks like an angel!!!! aww! :D

    I love to see more of her dancings.. --ballet dancing, traditional dancing,ma boy dancing.... Ahhhhh i misss her so much..

    Ahhhh... MinMin... Where are you? We miss you... :'(

  6. i know why MM doesnt dance much anymore because she only dance for Papi now.... ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

  7. wishing minmin have a project as a ballet dancer and papi as a kpop singer.. perfect to their personality...

  8. Hello GFs Mazzy, Michy and Shirley...

    I like GF Shirley's wish..lol... But, I would rather have PK2 with them as the main lead actors.

  9. hi gf snowy , of course i like pk2.. but i love hyunmin couple have another kind of drama.. while we are waiting pk2. hoping group eight give us pk2. producer song byung yoon promise minmin to have a new project during their interview and wishing it will be pk2... love you gf snowy and all gfs.

    1. We love you too GF Shirley!!!

    2. Hi GFs! So Group 8 is going to give MM a project soon?! Lyd and I recently got our PK Producers cut version (Box2) and of course everything is in Japanese, and we were quite curious on what the interview with SM and Group 8 was all about.. I hope group 8 realizes what these two (hyunmin I mean) have proven during the PKYouTube edition... They brought Korean drama to the world... Wish we could see them both together again...

    3. Hello Gf Liz Pedernal,
      You have the new dvds!!... lucky you!. Please let us know if there's new scenes
      Don't forget to share it with us.

    4. II hope so too GF Li,..the magic of Hyunmin couple is unbelievable.

  10. We just got Box2 first (quite expensive P 8000 per box)..got 6 dvds (4 dvds for ep 9-16; 1 dvd for YT Eps 1-7 in 3 versions (1 dubbed in Japanese); 1 dvd for YT BTS..plus 3 1-inch thick PK Jap manga and of course 2 photobooks...basically nothing new except for that interview of SM and Group 8 which some say have already been shown..will make a copy first of the dvd then have the interview translated...then we'll share here in the blog..
