
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

GForce Categorical Contest #3: Best Hyunmin Fan Confession Entries

We received 2 entries for the Best Hyunmin Fan Confession:  one from GF Ress and the second one is from a silent reader, Bella Bee.  Welcome to the blog, Bella Bee.  Bella also included a short letter for the couple as well as for GForce which I've enclosed below. 

GFs/viewers:  please help us choose the winner (please cast your vote in the comment section).  Thanks! 

Entry #1 (Ress)

The Confessions of a Ship-a-holic!!
-its all about LOVE.
Once upon a time,
there set-forth a ship, disowning its rope,
across a river, so grime,
at its wheel, I was, full of hope.

In search of stories of love,
that would relive my fantasies but not lie,
and be it the sun or the moon, above,
I would look upon those stars, so high.

My dreams had them meet
and fall in love at first sight,
as characters off another's pen on sheet,
and later as themselves, in the lonely night.

Alas! It would all be over in a snap
as the bubble pops to drench
and I would move on to swap,
with another breeze, from scratch.

Years later, tired and dejected,
I took chance with the world of the beautiful men,
I had once rejected,
to find him from the outer space, the Alien.

Blonde, with his violin he mesmerised me
and for him I endured The Kiss.
But instead of hurt, I felt warm like under the fur
when she seemed for real, His!

Then I heard him whisper,
only to those who would listen,
Love is Love and Love is Her,
The One and Only One.

And from when her heart knew,
that this love was for life,
she has kept him alive, anew,
her place in his heart, his wife.

Now as he would sing to her,
smile for me and marry me, every night,
I would watch from afar,
falling in love with them, at every sight.
~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~
Entry #2 (Bella Bee)


Few years ago my close friend strongly recommended me to watch PK but I was hesitate to do so because K drama was no longer my cup of tea (too many stories of rich boy meets poor girl or tragic ending) besides I watched Taiwanese version already. I knew KHJ from BOF but like him more as a leader of SS501, for MM I never watch her drama before. Last August, out of tiredness and stress from business, I was seeking comfort by watching PK and the rest is history.

As soon as MM kicked the drink vending machine, she put PK in my heart. But it was because of Beak sung jo and Oh ha ni electrified chemistry, I couldn’t stop myself but went further for BTS clips ( I never be any shipper before). I was like O_O after watching them. They were so relax and comfortable with each other, umm may be a little too comfortable (like honeymoon’s massage BTS) but I love it. Despite many differences such as personality, interest and experience, they have one significant similarity. They both have the best smiles in the world, like they smile from their hearts. When they laughed at each other, I laughed with them. KHJ smile is stunning that can give a magic spell while MM smile is cheerfully bright and full of magical healing power. Since then I never feel tired at work because I always have their smiles to cheer me up all the time. 

Dear HyunMin
As much as I want you to be together, I respect your privacy. If you are real couple, I will be very happy (actually very very and very happy). If not, please continue being good friends. That will be enough to put smile on HyunMin shipper and PK lover like me ^^.

Dear GFs
Thanks for creating this blog and sharing our lovely couple stories. You doing a great job keep going girls.
Bella Bee

Then, her latest message:  Please say hi from Thailand to Snowy, Cyn, Row, Liz, Michy, Mhel ,Mazze, Estanyela.

Good Luck to both Ress & Bella!


  1. Hello HyunMins!!!...

    THanks to gf Ress for the beautiful poem/confession.

    Hola Bella Bee!!, welcome to the blog. We are very happy to have you here and also happy for your lovely confession...kekeke.

  2. Hello Gf's nice Poem gf Ress, Bella Bee Welcome to te blog, Good Job boths, my vote is for Bella.

  3. Hello Gf's , Bella Bee Welcome to te blog,my vote is for Ress.

  4. good day/ evening gfs, nice poem of gf ress. hi gf bella bee..your confession is actually happened to me, when i watched pk, i never thought for being die hard fan of hyunmin couple.. my day is incomplete with out seeing them everyday from my fb... they are my everything that gives me strength ....my vote is for Bella Bee !!!!!

    1. GF Shirley, when are you going no share with us your Hyunmin fan confession.... I want to read how you became an avid Hyunmin fan... What do you think girls? A fan confession from GF Shirley?

    2. Woohooo, yes a HyunMin confession from gf Shirley!!!!!

    3. Yes, yes, yes GF Shirley!!!!! Woohooo!!!!

    4. yes shirley.. Woot woot! Crazy Mazzy and Shirley two more to go...
      Aigoooo u girls... How can u be lazier than me..? Tsk tsk...

    5. Hahahahahah mine will be up during PK 3rd Ann hahahaha patience needed for you! Hahahaha

  5. Yes yes, im happy...got my new tablet now...i will read the fan confession later... im back,!

    1. Wooohooo gf Mhel is back!!!!!.

      GOod because viewers are asking about your oneshot... kekeke

    2. Oh oh assignment asap? Lol

  6. Both ,made a good confession and its not easy to choose...hehehe

  7. oh Ress sunbae it's really beautiful! *lora wipes tears*. and Bella bee's confession touched my heart...it's hard to choose! angelic potato where are you? please help your little dongsaeng here!

    1. Hello Lora!!

      Angelic potato aka, Kiddo Vampire Camilita Mazzy???


    2. Oh my Kiddo Crazy Mazzy is now the Angelic potato... mommy mhel didnt know that...

    3. yes she's a potato now. kekekekekeke ^^

    4. Aigoo... potato kiddo crazzy Camilita Vampire Mazzy!!!!!!!... too many names!!!!!

      I understand about the potato name but don't about the Angelic... hahaha... peace hnita Mazzy!!!

    5. ah why? she's like an angel for me :P she's glowing! kekekekekekkekeke

    6. hahaha...yes she an angel... a very weird angel...hahaha. Love U kiddo Mazzy!!!

    7. Be careful GFs!! Gf Lora has an incredible ability in giving us weird nickname! Aigoo haha i dont knoe why she called me Angelic Potato.. I just cant figure it why! Haha but it sounds better than "cupcake truck", and "bubble butt" those nicknames are for her aunt actually.. She called her aunt.. Cupcake truck! Aigoooo

      Gf lora.. I suggest you to make another weird nickname for each of the gfs.. Hahahaha let see what you got for us! Hahaha

      Haha yes mommy mhel im gf lora' angelic potato now.. Haha gf chyn.. It will be wasting time right if i wrote my name, GF Angelic Potato Crazzy Wacky Kiddo Vampire Mazzy on exam papers. Hahahahahaha. Loveeeee you too sista chynitaaa mwahhh

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. shoot. i guess i found a better name...gf Cyni since you're so cheesy i better call you cheesy toe.

  8. both are superb!

    to Bella Bee, welcome to this blog!

    woah, tough job to choose which to vote....can i passed this one gfs? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    1. You have to vote gf Michy!!!

    2. my vote goes to Bella....so where is Edward? ㅋㅋㅋ

  9. Thank you GFs Ress and Bella Bee for your fan confessions...

    GF Ress, is that a confession through poem?

    1. yup GF Snowy! I already told you my story didnt i? I dont rembr haha... So thought to not bore u all with a long one this time... Haha.

    2. You did your confession differently; unique. Is that how you confessed to your dear hubby? Lol!

    3. nope nope.. those were just 3 plain n simple words! ;))

  10. funny, when gf lora mentioned " angelic potato " of gf mazze, i remembered the k-drama " the greatest love ".. which minmin like, she wants to perform the role of angel [ gong hyo jin ]. the said drama is blockbuster here in the phil. mbc is the network gave " the greatest love ".. one thing i remembered potato.. potatoes is one ,important veges to the lead actor.. you know gfs while watching "the greatest love ", i told to myself the lead role are perfect for minmin and hyun joong.

    1. hey i thought so too! i've watched the drama ^^ it'll be a perfect role for them! ^^

  11. i have decided...my vote is for Bella. her fan confession is really lovely...

  12. Hola my lovely GFs!!!! Ottoke?? Who should i vote? Can i vote two???

    Gf Ress' is like a poem.. The meaning is so deep, real and original! Like KFC! Lol!!!

    While.. Bella Bee' is same like how i feel.. :D the BTS is HINT HINT HINT!! Which we can see the FACT! FACT! FACT of it!!!! Wohoooooo

    thanks GF RESS And GF BELLA BEE for sharing your wonderful confestions!

    But.. I have to choose one... I vote for Bella Bee.. Sorry gf Ress.. I dont vote you because you only give me a gift wrapper instead of the Victoria Secret Prize! Whoahaha and also.. The Scary GF YoonJJ punish me for giving you clue last time.. :'( Whoahahahahahahaha lalalalalalalalala peace gf ress and ate yoonjj!!!! Whoaahahahaha

    1. lol KFC! you make me hungry!

    2. lol haha.. i am srry abt that GF! n its ok ;))

    3. but wait a minute.. deep like KFC??? where did u get that frm..??? hahaha

    4. Dont be sad and sensitive gf ress.. Im just joking earlier.. Hehehehe actually i wonder how.did.you do that.. Did you write it on your own?i mean it was really wow! I cant even write confessions like yours.. I give you points for that gf :D

      hahhahs i get it from KFC.. "ORIGINAL or spicy.maam?" -- its when we order for.chicken or burger kfc.. Hahhahah

    5. haha.. not sensitive! just for fun :D and yup i wrote it myself but seriously i will say it again.. my poetic cells had nothing to do with this confession lol! and KFC lol i love KFC! <3

  13. Ok my vote also goes to Bella bee,,,, peace Gf Ress....hehehe

    ciao Bella Bee, welcome here in our blog..

    1. lol i guess i was just lazy and cut the long story short.. hence the poem! and ofcourse because poetry is one language i love to use. So no problems :D

  14. Great confessions from both GF Ress and GF Bella (welcome!).. My vote is for Bella..would have created a category for the Best Hyunmin Poem (if I could LOL!) To give just for GF Ress...

  15. Hello Beela Bee from Thailand. Aren't you glad that you let need to your friends? Now you are a big fan of the Hyunmin couple...Woohoooo , your life is now more exciting than before. Lol!!!

    1. Correction....glad that you listened to your friends?

  16. Thanks for all your votes Gfs and for very warm welcome.
    Can I vote for Gf Ress because her poem is so beautiful and touching.
    I was a silent reader who visit this blog very often, like many of you.
    To share my love for our couple and to support Gfs activity, I decided to write my confession. To tell you the truth, I have no confident at all (I never imagined I would do this ha ha)but after sending mail, I had recieved a warm welcome message form Gfs. They are very nice and friendly. So May I encourage all of you to join the activity or leave some comments ( a simple and short one would be fine). You will find many new friends who share love and support for Hyunmin^^ ****Bella Bee****

    1. Hola Bella Bee Welcome to the blog *big warm hugs* hope we ill see you more often :D n indeed your Confession was true to all of our feelings.. especially the BTS massage oooh... bits.. *wink wink* n lol GF.. thk u :))

    2. Hola Bella Bee, finally we see you here: WELCOME!!!... woohooo!!!!!!

      We are very happy to read your comment. Hope you will join our crazy chats more often.

      I heard you love YJJ's post, so you should ask her to make posts everyday... kekeke (YJJ is going to kill me)

    3. :bop: This is what you deserve Gf Cyn. aishh... :bop:

    4. Peace YJJitaaa bonita!!!!!

    5. Hi again Bella Bee, good to see you here and welcome...
