
Sunday, April 14, 2013

GForce Contest: Best HyunMin Fanart Entry #1 (by Lovelora Kim)

Dear HyunMin fans/viewers:  We urge you to help us decide The Best HyunMin Fanart in this contest -- simply leave your vote in the comment section
Please be sure to mention whose fanart you're voting for as each entries are posted separatelyThank you!

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Below are fanart entries by LoveLora Kim.  

Bike Couple

Happy Little Family


I Got You





Thank you LoveLora for the wonderful fanarts -- good luck! 


  1. Oh my god!! This one is really.nice i love this!!!! I will rell you which one i vote later gf.. Need to check out the other fanarts... But really.. You did a very good job Lovelora Kim :D mwaaah

  2. Cast my vote for Lovelora Kim..besides all the wonderful quotes, have always admired those who can put different pictures together and make it look like a new picture all together...

  3. good job Lovelora Kim for the beautiful fanarts... especially bike couple & us.

  4. Nice job lovelora... I donoo which one love most haha.... And now i think i shud droop the idea of a last minute fanart... U guys did a wow job! :D

    1. hahaha... West coast time was newzealand time... Foolish me shud hav googled earlier.... Aah its ok... I was grounded anyway... It wudhav been tiuf to sneekout... Ill make it som othr tim l8r... Be sure to have a contest aftr my xms... Ok GFs? Haha...
      Omo forgot.... Since i didnt participate... Wohooo... My vote is for LoveLora Kim :D u really did a very good job with em... N i still cant decide the favourite... Shud i?

    2. thank you for your vote sunbae!

  5. Hola again GFs.. I vote for Lovelora Kim's fanarts!! This is because of the the very creative fanarts.. Me.. As an editor as well always wanted a fanart that looks real like this... From the first pic till the end.. But what i love the most is the 'got you' pic .why? Becaus its a pic that i couldnt find a pic of HJ to match with Mami pose.. Hrhehehe so well done! A very good job!

    Once again.. I vote this! :D

    1. very well said Mazzee.. cent percent agree with ya... LoveLora i ill call Sunbae now :D

    2. Mazzy unnie thank you very much! @mi7chimes; but you are my sunbae! *pout*

  6. great job!these are my favorites esp. the bike couple!nice!

  7. nice fanarts lovelora kim, specialy " i got you " pix... minmin image is innocent, from standby sitcom. i vote for lovelora kim fanarts !!!

  8. Waoo really amazing!!

    I loved all.... but one caught my attention enough. buajajaja ... I want that to be true >.^

  9. Ciao Gfs....

    I also vote lovelora's fanart specially the "i got you"....

  10. Great job GF Lovelora. I love all the quotes.

  11. Hola LoveLora!!!. Thank you so much for your fanarts!!!, all are are beautiful, but my favorite is the first one.


  12. oh no! i haven't vote yet!
    woah Lovelora Kim...i love your fan arts! fantastic baby! my vote goes to you girl!

  13. Helloooooooo GFs I'm back! I miss GFORCE and I love HYUNMIN as well!

    OMG! I love the entry of Ms. Lovelora Kim, you're fanarts are all great especially the fanarts #4 I got you! Hyunmin are so sweet! yayy! My vote goes to Ms. Lovelora Kim! Great job! Keep it up! :)

    1. Hola GF Jell....how are you. I'm glad that you are back. We missed you. I ope you are back or good GF.

    2. Yes of course I'm back Unnie Snowy i miss GFORCE and HYUNMIN too!

    3. Woah Bazooka Jell is in the house...welcome back, Bunso!

    4. Yes I'm back ate Mhel! After a long toxic days I need Hyunmin in my body system!

    5. Gf Jelly!!!... it's really you???... someone pinch me!!!!... are you back, to stay????. We miss you a lot!!!!! and also your bazooka...kekeke.

      KSH is keeping you busy. Break up with him...hahahaha.

    6. She cant break up with him Gf Cyni, he just gave her a big birthday blast yesterday ( lol,in Gf Jell's dreamland).....

    7. Hola Gf Mhel!!!!

      Aigoo!!!... hahaha. Ok Gf Jell, don't break up with him, plus, we need him to get more close to the HyunMin couple. We will use him...hahaha.

      Peace KSH!!
