
Monday, April 1, 2013

HyunMin GForce: Trivia Game Q#5

"The look of love"

Congratulations to Ress again for correctly answering trivia question #4!!! 

*** *** ***

RemindersAdmins, please no coaching!!!  

GForce blog admins are prohibited to play!

Rules of the game:  The answer must be precise or complete as some questions might have follow-up questions (for example:  In PK, where did the first stolen kiss happen and in which episode?)

Important noteYour answer must be in the comment section to be counted (must have google account in order to access the comment section.)  

The first person to answer correctly wins a prize. We move on to the next question tomorrow, if the  correct answer is not given.
Prizeplease refer to announcement #1 for the photos.  

 Good luck to all participants!!!

Question #5

The forest dream where the 'spirit of the forest' appeared was in episode 1, in which episode was Oh Hani reminded of the 'forest dream' and what caused her to be reminded of it?  

Happy Monday everyone!  

Credit as tagged. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. i am a wannabe #GOOOODGIRL...
    And thankyou agn GF YJJ... U know earlier u posted ur trivias somtim ealy morning or aftrnoon for ya... Whn i wud b fast asleep... Now u r doing it l8 night... Which makes me the loner roaming ard.... Lol!

  3. episode 12.. what remind her ? when the high school reunion day ,and she prepare the high school uniform ,in the pocket there is a leaf and she remember the dream ,so ,the leaf remind her that at that dream the leaf fall at seung jo's shoulder :)
    is it correct ?

    1. Happy Monday..
      Happy April Fool's Day..
      kkekkeke :D

    2. Yes, it's April Fool's Day today...be careful everyone.... I almost got fooled few minutes ago. Lol!!!!

    3. my fil did it... I got fooled! Lol

    4. Congratulation then...You got fooled..kekeke

    5. Congratulations Fly-Vhi, your answer is correct! Let us know which prize in announcement #1 you would like to get and where to mail it by sending us an email.

    6. Hi again Fly-Vhi, I was just informed that prizes #1, 3 and 4 are already taken so your choices are #2, 5, 6, 7 and 8.

    7. wohoo.. i got it correct ?? kkkeke :D

    8. my e-mail :: sominjung89@gmail.com :)

  4. i like the picture.. "The Look of Love" :D

  5. Yup epi 12 whn she draws out the leaf wrapped safely in plastic from the inside pocket of her school uniform jacket! *hugssss* FlyVhi :P

  6. Good morning/afternoon/evening GFs....

  7. "Look of Love"??... Look of I wanna do bad things to you!!!...hahaha.

    Hello Gfs!!!... it's Monday -_-.... wahhh need loco pills!!!!

    Good luck with the trivia!!

    1. Haha the look of.. I wanna do cheesy things to you..! Hahahaha

      oh god! We should take more loco pills this month!! Hahahaha

      Hola Sisstaaaa Chynitaaaa!!! :D

  8. Cyncitaaaa... didnt have ur dose for today yet?? So this is hangover??? Lol hahaha...

  9. Reminders: Admins, please no coaching!!! ---OUCH!! Hahahaha

    im just tooooo good for coaching the participants hahahaha soo.. Ehem!! GF Res.. Since you win two times because of the not-so-called-clue i give you.. So you.better give me half of the prizes! No wrappers pleeeeeeaaaaase!.hahahahahaha

    Hola GFs.. Good luck !!!!! Woohoo

    1. ya right... U get wrappers n empty bottles! Hahaha... Ill promptly send thm bk to ya... But serioualy if u hadnt emphasised the S... I would hav just been content with knowing wht the hairdo was... Lol.. So thanks...is all u get :P and the canS
