
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Beautiful Jung So Min (Fanvid)

                    To our ever beautiful girl MM, this fanvid
                    was created for you as  per request by
                    your loving and dedicated fan, Shirley Luna.

                                     by Carly Jepsen and Justin Bieber 

Fanvid  created   by: Snowy


  1. Good morning,,afternoon,,evening GFs!!!

  2. Wahhhh... beautiful video for our beutiful MM!!!.

    Thank you so much Snowita!!! ^^

    MM we love you!!!! ♥♡♥♡♥♡♥

  3. I'm amazed, MM looks so different and gorgeous in all the photos. She has a beautiful skin, lips, eyes... smile!!!. I'm in love kekeke.

    1. Hola GF Cyni...

      Hahaha... A girl crush on MM? I don't blame you GF. This girl is gifted with beauty and brains. I don't blame Papi is so.___ __ ____ with her. Lalalalalalalalalala

    2. Hahahaha

      Yeah...this is fill in the blanks or complete the sentence trivia. WAHAHAHA

    3. HJ should keep this video on his cell phone so he can watch every minute

  4. Hello GFs..

    Thanks GF Mhel.

    I agree 200% with you GF Cyni. This fanvid is a must in Papi's video playlist on his Iphone and Ipad.

    1. You know he prefers to use his cell phone more than Iphone or Ipad.

    2. Really? Hmmm..I wonder how you know that. Hahahaha....

      He likes to check on someone at anytime.

    3. lalalalala!!

      Can´t spill!, I wanna live!

    4. Hahaha... You wanna live to see your children and grand kids.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Snowy very cute fanvid)))

      and your right? C knows to much info.. Hahahahaha.

      How are all of the GFs?? I hope you are all happy, healthy and doing well.

    7. Thanks A...

      Yeah, GF Cyni should start spilling. hehehe...

    8. Hello Gf A!!

      Gf Snowy, I told you I can't spill, someone will get mad at me again. Huhuhu

    9. Spill, spill C spill. Hahahaha!

    10. C Im going to help you so you can stay alive.

      At soccer games and sometimes airports he uses a flip top white phone correct. Could it be that he is promoting it. Hehehe!

      In some cases such as some of the barefoot friends photos he used either and Iphone or a smart phone. In an old show he also mentioned a lady weighing herself on his ipad or notepad thinking it was a scale.

      Now again in older interviews he also mention hateing Smartphones. Lol!

      See C how easy it is to spill it. Hahahahaha!

      Keeping you alive. Hehehehehe!

    11. hahaha, what you wrote everybody knows it. What I know, it's classified...kekeke.

      Thanks for keeping me alive!!!!

    12. Waaaah, we need some classified Hyunmin information GF Cyni. Lol!

      A, do you think HJ owns and currently using an IPhone or smartphone and an old flip phone? Some people, they prefer using flip phone to avoid or not to become a victim of "butt calls." Maybe HJ had a bad experience with "butt calls" before. Lol

    13. Gssss C you keep getting yourself in trouble.
      I was trying to save you.

      But like Snowy said spill it sence is x-files material. You said it C. Hahahahah!!!!

      Snowy abt the "butt calls" maybe so haha lol!.

    14. hahaha

      Yah Snowita, I know you know what I know. But we keep saying we don't know what we know,you know!

    15. Well GFs: GF A is checking out again for a few days. Please have a good evening / Buenas tardes / Bonsoir. Or Good Morning.
      and most of all stay safe GFs.

      P.S. Dont want to know Classified Info./ X-Files. Wink wink. ;-) ;-) hehehe!

    16. Hahahahaha....hmmmm GF Cyn, I think you to update me of some more Hyunmin news.

    17. Okay A, stay safe. TTY in few days

  5. Good am/pm Dear Gf's, So Beautiful Video GF Snowy! I agree with you Gf's this video must be in Papi's playlist!

  6. its Papi fave video!

    anyway GF Mazzy send her regards to all gfs..she is currently in KL on family vacation... unfortunately my place is far from KL so i cant meet her...

    1. Hola GF Michy!!!

      Wacky Mazzy is on family vacay in KL? Nice? Too bad you couldn't see each other.

    2. yeah too bad...its okay maybe next time...who knows right?

  7. wow !!! gf snowy, it's a big surprise.. beautiful fanvids of minmin. thanks gf snowy, thats why i love you, " you're the best ". i'm too late to open my computer, 'cause may 13 is election day in the phil. and this day, i had to go to my doctor, so when i arrived i got to rest then its late to visit hyunmin blogs... i'm lucky gf snowy you made my day so happy. hi! to all gfs ladies, liz, mhel, michily and my love one gf cyn !!!

    1. My pleasure GF Shirley. It took awhile but I kept my promise to you. Glad that you like it and because I made you happy. Yay!!!!

    2. Hola lovely Gf Shirley!!!^^. You are so adorable!
