
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

~~Jung So Min in Worst Friends~~

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Directed by:
- Nam Koon Sun.

- Jung So Min.
- Kim Soo Hyun.
- Bae  Hye Mi .

*Cr. as tagged.


  1. Hi Gfs!.
    Wahhh, MM looks really cute in this movie. She is really a good actress. She plays a sweet and naughty girl.
    Soo Hyun looks great (peace HJ! XD)

    1. I have to watch the videos later on my aptop GF Ela. I couldn't open the video on my Ipad. Thanks for posting them.

  2. you're right gf ela, minmin is a great actress.. even short roles in this movies. kim soo hyun is good acting also...love the name of minmin, " Mang "... sounds cute !!!!!

  3. lol, her name is funny XD Mang means 'ruined'. kekekekeke she's a great actress!!!

  4. woah!! i have to watch this!! thanks for posting^^ is this new? 2012 movie or 2013 movie? tnx :D

  5. hElo Gf's i have read this short/mini movie in simplysomin--i saw the pictures only so thank you for posting the videos here.. go ma woe--- now i learn korean words little by little hehehe .. i agree Mami looks very cute and palyful in this movie ... she is really great..

    I hope you are having a great day GFs

  6. goodeve! gudmorning! gudaftie! i dont want to interrupt anyone cause this is not related to this post... but have you seen the news that Uee said that his ideal type now is KIM HYUN JOONG when they started "barefoot friends" .. im just wondering if everybody knew it cause im really shocked or angry or something.. >:(

    1. Hola Mery Rose!!

      In that episode of BFF, everybody was trying to give a compliment to HJ, because they wanted HJ share his money with them.
      UEE and the other guy said HJ's is their ideal type...hahaha. YSY said they took a shower together (With clothes on) and also said he sees HJ as a father. At the YSY was the winner.

      Don't need to get angry, it's just a show.

    2. Hahaha Yes we saw it. What can you do, UEE is just expressing what she felt for HJ. Maybe she saw in HJ what she's looking for a man. Can you blame her? Papi is a handsome and kindhearted guy. You can ask GF Cyni. When she saw HJ in person at his Peru fanmeet she forgot that she was married as soon as she saw HJ on stage. Hahahah
      Don't worry GF, we all know who is the lucky girl in Papi HJ's mind and heart.

    3. thanks for your positivity! now im at ease that there is only one lucky girl in papi"s heart... thanks a lot^^

  7. I do not know why all of the Gf's here are very positive towards Mami and Papi. SInce I've read almost all of your posts and comments here honestly somehow I've goon crazy. May be just like GF's I'm becoming Loca hehehe.. Anyway I've read in one of the comments here wherein someone commented that she has a teacher in Korea who came from Busan -- who said that Mami and Papi are living in the same building and that she has to message you privately since she can't disclose other information publicly. I've been thinking a lot before leaving a comment here GF's though I'm just a regular visitor here but I'm pleading especially to GF MHEL --a Filipina like me.. please share something to me. I know gfs you know things I do not know so please SPILL heheh.. am I demanding?? no I'm just pleading. begging for your favor.. Here is my email bation_rexa@yahoo.com.. HEHEHE thanks in advance GF's .. I'm hoping heheheh.. God bless and Take care everyone .. MIANHAE FOR My long post..

    1. Yoohooo GF Mhel, this is for you!!!! Hahaha

    2. Demanding Reader Alert!!! kekeke

      We know you know we know what we...know. Hahaha.

      Gf Mhel!!, where are you??

    3. hahahah i'm laughing right now GF emdzNY and Cyn OC while reading your comments hahaha.. yeah right sounds demanding but its okay if you will not grant my request at least I finally expressed what I want to ask for quite a long time. hehehe Honestly,its a brave step hehehe... I'm laughing cause somehow I feel ashame of what i have asked for hehehe .. but its better than never trying at all.. heheheh

    4. There's no harm in asking GF Rexa... You never know. You might get your answer from the GForce girls. I know these girls very well. When someone or a group pisses them off, they spill. Hahahaha watch out for those days GF.

    5. Hahaha



    6. Hahaha I miss this place so much!!! Do I know what you know I know Cyni???? Hahaha

    7. Hahaha.
      Hello Ress. I don't know if you know what I know, you know.

    8. Hola Snowita n Cyncita *squeeshy warm hugs*
      Cynita u know u better know what I know!! #Gosh hahaha

    9. Omg Im.special mention here...lol...im laughing so hard right now... Why me? Did i know something Gf Snowy? Gf Rexa i will check in my treasure box first if i have any...kekeke

    10. YES, a special shout out for you GF Mhel...hahahaha

    11. What happened here?, Did Gf Mhel find what gf Rexa was asking???

      That Treasure Box must be really big!!!

    12. Maybe the two are still chatting about what's inside the treasure box. Bwahahahaha

  8. hahahaha GFs now i'm really eager to know what you know hahaha spill it please GFs if you have spare time feel free to share hahhaha...

    1. Hahahaha....I think everyone knows what we know or what we think we know. Hahahaha...

    2. yup yup snowy is right! We think u already know what we think we know...! Lalalaaa

    3. Huh, is there still anything that i really bwed to spill, kekeke...you all know what i know or maybe you know better than me...hahaha

  9. hahahah. LOL i really had fun reading your comments! like rexa im really curious what you know that you think everybody knows(huh? does it make sense?) so please please SPILL it! publicly so that everybody will know what you know.. lol^^ the atmosphere here is really something.. positive and alive!!

    1. ahahahaha Mary Rose if only i knew what the GFs knew then i'll spill everything ahahah lol but sad to say i knew a little thats why i'm pleading to the mighty GFS to Spill the things that they knew.. hehehe anyways its still better if we hear it right from KJS's mouth hahahah my wishful thinking but after reading BAek Sun Jo''s dairy and watching again some of the episodes i'm missing PaMi even more.. ahahhahah i hope the revelation will come very soon hahahha.. Hyunmin forever!

    2. goodluck to us. lets keep convincing the mighty GFS especially gf mhel and the one who knows what she knows.. should we dance the fart leader dance in a fart king costume like oh ha ni did? or doing some "aegyo"? boing boing!.. lets just keep convincing the mighty GFS to SPILL. fighting!! hehehe^^

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I can not open 3 worst friends files, help me pls.
