
Monday, May 20, 2013

GForce Categorical Contest #4: Entry No. 3

Best HyunMin One-shot
Entry No. 3
Title:  Hourglass
Author:  Cielito


  1. Thanks for the story Cielito!

    Huhuhu, this story made me cry. Can we have part 2?, I mean HJ was dreaming right?. He needs to wake up and kiss his girl JSM.

  2. part 2! part 2!! their continuation on the other life.. wahaha

    1. hahahaha.

      We are waiting for the part 2 of your oneshot Ms. BS16!!

    2. what? no.. let's just wait for the part 2 of the other stories.. forget that you've ever read mine

    3. Your story is unforgetable!!

      *everybody with me!*
      Part 2!! Part 2!! Part 2!!!!!!
      Part 2!! Part 2!! Part 2!!!!!!
      Part 2!! Part 2!! Part 2!!!!!!
      Part 2!! Part 2!! Part 2!!!!!!

  3. I too was Geary after reading the story.

    Part 2... Hyun Joong meets the identical twin sister... Oh Hani..... Please Cielito, please make Hyun Joong happy.

  4. #4 entry #3

    * * * * * Stars

    although very sad it was good story.

  5. omg! I was expecting it... But it still came out without notice *teary eyed*

    I was thinking she was being selfish calling him boyfie at the last moments hugging him... But then i thought... She was alone all this while, n when she was about to go... She had a chance at happiness and love.. N she took it... It was not selfish... It was love... N he deserved to know her true feelings too.. No? Nice one. Like her I want him to find another girl n snowy has the perfect idea! Pls pls pls....

  6. sad but beautiful..*sniff*
    4 stars

  7. Hello Gfs....

    Sorry for the late reply....Thank you GFs for the good comment.I want to give all the credit to my 15 years old daughter,she is the one who wrote this.She use only my email address to sent her story on Gforce.

    Part 2....maybe....it depends.....but we have the idea how the story goes on part 2..:)

    Thank you again...

    1. Oh hi Gf, how nice...your daughter is amazing, her writing skills is really good. Keep it up and im looking forward for the part 2...

    2. Hola KJ25!!.

      Thanks for the one shot. Well thanks to your daughter. She is very talented.

      Part 2!!!! Part 2!!! Part 2!!!!!! We want Part 2!!!!

    3. @kimjung25.. is this who I think it is? TITA C?! wohoooo!!! long time no chat.. yes, tell your daughter, please.. part 2!!! part 2!!!!
