
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Kim Hyun Joong ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzz "Barefoot Friends" GIFS


Joongie wake up!

HJ:  Whhhaatt? Aissh! Couldn't you have waited for another half-hour to wake me up??? I was having a nice dream about my baby, and I know you know who am i referring to.  Tsk, aisshhh!!!

Aishhh, I'm tired and sleepy.  I can't even take a long  nap without a camera continuously staring at me. Are we there yet???
Hmmm, let me sleep a little bit more. 

Okay people watch for my stinky feet!!! kekeke  Don't say I didn't warn you!!!  Kekeke

Joongie, are you dancing or you have ants in your pants???

  Ahhhhh!!!  What did I get into???  I signed up for "Barefoot Friends" thinking all I have to do is smile, wave, wink and dance for the fans. (Do you need help there HJ?  You look like you're dying.  kekeke)

This is my favorite part... Guys, let me show you how to stay cute and handsome in this hot and humid weather.

Finally, it's over and I am back to my air-conditioned van. Tsk! aissshhh...  this camera is on me again. Well, there's nothing I can  do since I'm the only good looking guy in the group.  kekeke... Peace, Ho Dong!
Oops, sleep is calling me again! ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Woohooo! Finally, I can go back to sleep and dream about my Modu again! Yo dude, don't wake me up early, arasso? 

GIFs credit: as tagged


  1. Hahahaha... gf Snowy this is for you;

    Stinky feet???????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Hahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HJ please call me! Hahahahaha

    2. HJ if you want Gf Snowy's digits or address, please call me to this number: i luv u mwah

  2. Don't kill me about the stinky feet cutie HJ. If you have a problem, call me in this number: I luv you TSUP

    I think that number is easy to remember right, HJ?

    1. What a perfect number to call...hj will bot forget your number Gf...

    2. TSUP?? hahaha he is going to forget those GFs... The only numbers he will remember are I - LOVE - You - Modu/MM/LuckyGirl/My Everything/JSM/KYJ.... Arassso?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hahaha

  3. Hj's favorite scene is sleeping....

    Stinky feet???? Its ok as long as its hj's feet...lol

    Thanks for the post Gf Snowy...

    1. Hola Gf Mhel!!

      Hahahaha... you are a true fan Gf...hahaha.

    2. As long as it's HJ's, they smell like a baby for GF Mhel. Hahahahaha

    3. Hey HJ, here's another number for you to call if you want to reach one of the GForce girls :
      Here's the number to call: I LUV YOU MODU

    4. Or the number: I LUV U MAMI

    5. Hahahaha....so many numbers to call and they are so easy to him to remember because we are pretty sure he uses those words everyday.

    6. Everyday at every minute

    7. hahaha.. U already got that GFs... I dinot see.... Hahaha... *great minds think alike* walaaaaaaa...

  4. ahahaha my tummy hurts...too much laughing..hahahaha thank you for the post, Snowy sunbae! ^^

  5. I agree with HJ, he is the most handsome guy in the group.

    1. Even the rest of the boys of BF agree with me.

    2. Of course, they have to. They don't want us to do a poll on who is the best looking guy in BFF in our blog right GF? Hahahaha

    3. nooooo!! Is there answer for u GF because they know who is going to win the poll be it here or in the whole wide universe! Hehe.... *puts kala tikka on Hjsssi - kahin nazar na lag jaaye*

      PS: i still cant forget how all them went in unison - Aishhhh! He is HANDSOME!!!! Hahaha

  6. hahaha nice one GF snowy for the post... poor Papi I guess Berefoot Friends is a tough Show.. see Papi's pics? hes very tired hahah poor Papi

    1. Thanks to GF Cyni and Ela for sending me the GIFs. All I did was add the lines.

    2. Hola gf Rexa!!! How are you???

    3. Hola too GF Cyn Oc heheh oh! how am I suppose to call you? hehehe .. I am a permanent visitor of this blog.. hahahah glad to see new updates here I hope to hear something new from Mami.. Thank you GFs I'm learning a little about the Spanish language now i'm inspired to learn more cause of you guys..! I hope you teach me some kekekek...

  7. papi dream of mami ㅋㅋㅋ

  8. HJ sleeping face, hahaha. I think he was disappointed because, he saw that MM was not at his side.

  9. Hi Dear Gf's I've been busy, I hope soon to return to my normal routine.
