
Friday, June 7, 2013

HyunMin GForce: Category #4 Contest Result

First of all, apology to everyone as I wasn't able to publish the winner result last week as I initially said in the announcement. 

We'd like to thank the participants of the Categorical Contest #4, namingly:  Burningsoul16, Serene, Cielito, Mi7chimes and PrncMcKr.  All of you did an excellent job - thank you so much for making the time to share your talent in story writing with us. We want more if not Part 2 of your respective stories  (the other judges asked me to include that).  ^-^
Here are the vote tallies which consists of star rating, straight vote and views count:

Entry #1:  *rating-24.1/2; straight vote-5; views=480
Entry #2:  *rating-20; straight vote-0; views=321
Entry #3:  *rating-13; straight vote-0; views=142
Entry #4:  *rating-12; straight vote-0; views=185
Entry #5:  *rating-16.1/2; straight vote-0; views=194

As it can be seen above, Entry #1 dominated the contest. 

Congratulations to BurningSoul16!  
(Please let us know by email where to send the prizes.)  

Part 2 of Entry #1 story will be published this weekend.

*** ~~~ ***

Once again, a big thank you to all participants!!!

Next contest category will be announced this weekend so stay tuned.  ^-^ 



  1. Yay to BS16! Come get ur prize from the Ates b4 u run bk to school... Ok i am sure u wont run... Lol. Well earned... Trust yourself more n write more... so we can keep reading...
    Cant wait for part 2.. Its been forever... Lol
    Btw when are the other contestants meaning other than me... Putting up part2?? Congrats to u tooo... N thks for sharing ur stories... Enjooyed reading em all... :D

  2. part 2 was done a few days after the part 1 was posted.. the Ates bullied-- I mean CONVINCED me to do it.. tsk tsk tsk! please keep the part 2 to yourselves.. delete it from your laptops and emails.. T__T

    and thanks for making me participate in this.. wow!!! are you sure that's the entry who got the highest votes? tssssssssk!!! talent in story writing? O____O what is that? I don't have that O_________________________O

    1. Congrats BS16!!!

      No part 2???... Let's ask our viewrs if they want part 2 or not

    2. from the day u wrote it I have been say i want to read it... N i am sure now Cyni is gonna listen to me... :P

    3. Congratulations BS16. Part 2 will be posted soon?

      Who is bullying you? Ate Cyni and Ninang YJJ? Hahahha

    4. Yah burningsoul, we will delete our copy of Part 2 if you provide us another story to post. What says you? :) And we're willing to provide proof of the tally votes.

  3. congrats !!! burningsoul 16 for winning the first place... we 'll be waiting, part 2...

  4. anyeong...woah...i missed lots of news...so where I can see n read d'all part stories? ... hehehe ... gamsahamnida....^_^
