
Monday, June 24, 2013

HyunMin Love for Skulls

GForce bringing the latest update on the HyunMin’s Fashion trends.

Today’s topic: “SKULL

We all know Hyun Joong loves skulls (this is old news) but we like to talk about it:  most t-shirts, caps and jackets he wears have printed skulls.  Skull obsessed, maybe?

He also have several skull items at home as part of his home decor.

But, guess who else is into skull?  Yes, "The Little Lady" Jung So Min.

In 2011, MM uploaded this photo on her Cyworld account.  She wore a white tank top with a little black skull print.

She attended a movie premier event wearing a long top with a white skull print on it.

In twitter, she posted a photo wearing a blue sweater with a metallic skull print on it. 

Also in twitter, she posted a photo with a grey t-shirt and with a skull print.

Our final thought:
Has she always been into skulls or was she influenced by someone who love skulls??? 

Estanyela, Cyn OC, YJJ


  1. Good a.m./ p.m Gfs!!!

    How are you?

    I'm in a happy mode today...kekeke.

    Did MM start to love skulls just after PK?... *cough cough*.

    1. And why are you in a happy mode today, gf? spill, spill, spill... hahaha

      It's hard to say when she started liking skulls but I think a lot of Asians like skulls.

    2. I was wondering how long it was going to take you guys to put this one about the skulls together. Goodjob!! There's more you"ll see.

    3. Hahaha... can't spill!!! Lalalala!!!

      I like skulls too...have a couple of sweaters with skulls print it.

    4. You do? I'm too scaredy cat to own a skull... not even just a print on a shirt. hahaha

    5. Hello Gf A -- I was waiting a hint from you..kekeke.

      Gf YJJ, I'm kind like HJ, almost all my clothes are black. Black is my favorite color.

    6. Sorry C: I have seen more. But choose to super glue my mouth. Plus I dont have time to put pics and videos together. But I know just like you found this one there's more. Give you a clue: Is it his I phone she is using or is it hers. Barefoot friends one hand on the back of the sit compared to the old pic of her showing a watch on her wrist with green shirt guy behind. Hehehehehe!! Is it or is it not. Lol!! ooppss!! Super glue super glue!!

    7. Hahahaha...thank you Gf A. I'll check it!.

    8. T_T please unglue the mouth A. Please the hungry Hyunmins with what you know so far. Have no time to put videos and pics together? Well, you know we have an expert in the house who could help you. Her name is Ela... Hahaha..

    9. *please feed the hungry Hyunmins.

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    12. I will have to say: Fun and games ladies. The reason I say that. Is that I believe in having a personal life a private life. Sooo fun and games.


      Love the both of them KHJ and JSM!!! admire there work............

  2. Hi Dear Gfs <3 yes Mm start love the skulls after PK...and dark colors too. But She have influence over Him too, with his favorite color White...White cellphone...white bike...and more...maybe for other post Gfs La Presidenta y Jefecita. Skulls an crowns~ crowns an cruises . I see so many in this HyunMin couple.

    1. Hola Liz!!!!

      Ideas for new posts!!!. I thought MM's favorite color was blue.

      Where is ELa La Presidenta?

    2. She also likes white, gf.

    3. Yes, I know she likes white...she is our Snow White, kekeke. She looks so lovely in that color.

    4. I have mostly black also. hehehe

  3. Replies
    1. The GD Lover is here!!!!

      How was the concert?... we want to see the photos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. i was busy dancing and sing along no time to take photos! but one thing i can tell you his concert is superb awesome...im having post concert depression syndrome right now! hahahaha

    3. Yes GF Michita...this influencia is notorious in boths hahaha. We need your fan account please Gf.

  4. Good morning GFs! Its of course the influence of the love of her life!!!!

  5. Thanks Gf ELa for beautiful post of lovely fashionista Minmin !!!
    I admired Hyun Joong for being unique, in loving his fave skulls... some people scared of seeing skull..
    Barefoot friends went to the house of Hyun Joong... Yoon Shi Yoon was surprise to saw those skull as a decor in his home, YSY said to himself, he try one...
    Love to watch Minmin, in your post Gf Ela... she is very smart and elegant !!!

  6. I love your post GF Ela.... Wow, this is new for me. MM a skull print lover... I think it was HJ who inspired her to wear tops with skull prints or designs.

  7. For me.. urmm. I dont think she originally into skulls.. and i believe in majority, girls dont like that scary skulls.. right? hahahaha so.... what i can point out is that. That handsome ahjusshi has influenced our Mami heheheheheh

    On the sixth picture... i just noticed theres skull design on it! Hah aha i jist realized it today!!!!!! oh god!
